View Full Version : EVENT: Capital Vipers Snake Pit At Solomon's Island - 2021-06-05

05-28-2021, 12:01 PM
Not sure what happened, the event description did not follow from Events. Here it is:

June 5th

Capital Viper members from all over the region will converge on Solomon's Island for a waterfront lunch at The Pier Restaurant.

The Solomon's Island Cruise and Lunch event is a multi cruise and Viper gathering (AKA snake pit). Each Area Director has organize a cruise from their respective areas to the meet in Solomon's Island.

Will plan to arrive in Solomons Island around 10:30ish.

Starting point and start time for each Area's cruise can be posted on the Facebook event's page.

RSVP on the Capital Vipers Facebook page or reply here on the Forum.

https://www.facebook.com/events/1197863347326594?acontext=%7B%22event_action_histo ry%22%3A[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22group%22%7D]%7D