View Full Version : Hagerty Driver vs Trailer Queen

05-04-2021, 11:35 AM
As is often debated here and many places, the idea of driving a Viper or having it as a showpiece (1996 with 44 miles on Bat as I type) has always seemed to be two groups arguing past each other. Both have a passion for Viper for different reason. Instead of enjoying the other's passion, the tendency is to shoot the other's passion full of holes.

I have maintained the market for drivers and the market for collector pieces is separate and distinct. Rarely does a person who drives buy a collector Viper and vice versa.

Here is an interesting article discussing how some other vehicles have seen driver quality vehicles increase faster than collector quality.

Enjoy the read and let us all appreciate another's passion ;)


05-05-2021, 09:57 AM
I don't really see two sides, at least with equal intensity. I oftentimes see 'drive it' types bashing 'collect it' types, but rarely do I see real collectors bashing drivers.

I have a foot in both camps. I've made money on collector cars, enjoyed them while I had them. I've had some I drive and mod, as they aren't collector material.

I think the best answer is to just do what you think is right for you, spare others from your opinions of what they should do with theirs. Seriously, nobody cares.

Enjoy those Vipers! Now back to work, Mike M