View Full Version : How do these telemarketing scam warranty companies get your info?

03-24-2014, 05:08 PM
Just got one of these useless pieces of human garbage call my cell about my 2011 BMW - asking my milage

But, how on Earth did they #1 Know I have a 2011 BMW and #2 how did they get my cell phone number to go along with it?

I've bought no aftermarket parts for my BMW, so unsure where they would get that info.

The only people that would have it are:

Car insurance
Dealer I bought car from (Which I trust because I know them personally)
Dealer I service the car at

Who is leaking?

Sybil TF
03-24-2014, 09:41 PM

03-24-2014, 09:45 PM
I used to get calls from the same company all the time about my dental plan that I applied for being accepted. I told them not to call me and programmed the number into my phone the first couple of times. Then I realized I got the same call from a different number every time, which was usually twice per week.
I went and bought a small air horn (signal horn for a boat) and when I would answer and they started on the same damn thing, I asked them to hold just a sec, then blew the air horn into the phone. Scared the shit out of my dogs, but after doing this twice, I haven't gotten a call back from that company since. :)

03-25-2014, 07:35 AM
id bet the financing co sold that info

03-25-2014, 07:36 AM
DMV? Not sure if you use your cell as main contact number, but it would not surprise me that your information is being sold by the Department of Motor Vehicles. At least up here in Northeast, I put nothing past the current administration. Since they seem to be always looking for a hand out, data cashe like that would be a gold mine.

Bugman Jeff
03-25-2014, 10:27 AM
Last time I started getting calls like that was after I did some shopping around for a new insurance carrier. I'm sure one of the companies I contacted for quotes sold the info. All big name insurers too.