View Full Version : Is nothing going to be done about the trolling?
03-22-2014, 09:58 AM
Nevermind, no one cares
03-22-2014, 10:13 AM
I would like to see behind the scenes that the troublemakers get a message that this is a thriving forum and there is no need for unnecccesary comments to be made that add no value to the thread or derail it.
Viper Girl
03-22-2014, 10:29 AM
It's not that no one cares...
Because of the past issues with Moderating on the other forum. We have to follow procedure, one mod can't act alone.
03-22-2014, 10:29 AM
Nevermind, no one cares
To say that no one cares is a VERY UNFAIR statement. The mods on this forum are VERY good at what they do. This is not like the VCA where threads would just dissappear because of a troll. Moderators here to talk to individuals when an issue arises. You know the old saying "Praise in public, punish in private." I cant imagine that the mods will publically shame someone so that it turns into a pile on. Not fair at all to any party involved. Trust that they are doing tbeir jobs and that trolls are being delt with.
03-22-2014, 10:46 AM
It's not that no one cares...
Because of the past issues with Moderating on the other forum. We have to follow procedure, one mod can't act alone.
03-22-2014, 10:52 AM
To say that no one cares is a VERY UNFAIR statement. The mods on this forum are VERY good at what they do. This is not like the VCA where threads would just dissappear because of a troll. Moderators here to talk to individuals when an issue arises. You know the old saying "Praise in public, punish in private." I cant imagine that the mods will publically shame someone so that it turns into a pile on. Not fair at all to any party involved. Trust that they are doing tbeir jobs and that trolls are being delt with.
When people are allowed to run rough shot over threads, derail them, talk about insane things that don't pertain to anything - I'll stick to what I said.
This isn't about disagreeing if the Gen V should have 750+ HP or not. It is what goes on. I disagree with plenty of people on what the car needs and have no issue with them.
Listen, us Gen V owners talk amongst ourselves. The forum has quickly devolved into how it was other places. Many will simply stop visiting if thats the case. Jack B has said so as well and he is contributing the most to the technical threads.
If that is what you want, people who are active owners, who are starting technical threads, who are posting up ownership experiences to leave so people don't get their feelings hurt by being moderated, then fine.
What do you all want? Do you want people talking about what hamburgers the eat in the Gen V forum or do you want people talking about ownership experiences?
03-22-2014, 10:54 AM
FLATOUTs thread is the PERFECT example.
He created a GREAT thread meant to foster what the forum needs and someone is allowed to post page after page of complete nonsense, making the thread useless.
That says it all to me and everyone else. Why even try to contribute positively when the threads turn into garbage after a few posts.
03-22-2014, 11:03 AM
relax and breathe.....
03-22-2014, 11:05 AM
ViperSmith, I think i can speak for most that we agree with you. but there is a fine balance of when it gets derailed and off topic which in the case of Flatout's thread it has. Our moderators have the toguhest job here and have had to learn from past experinces on when to step in. Give them a chance to perform thier thankless job as a group and I am sure this will get rectified.
03-22-2014, 11:17 AM
thread being closed. no more need to discuss on the forum. Please know it is being worked on.
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