View Full Version : Pa/WV 1st Quarter Newsletter

03-17-2014, 07:43 AM
Attached is our 1st Newsletter for 2014 for the Pa/WV Region. We have plenty of events to do this year and all over our region. Thanks for all the members who have offered to help run events and regions. You guys are really helping to make the region an awesome club. We have plenty of joint events too with other VOA regions.

Enjoy the reading!!!!

03-17-2014, 08:05 AM
Nicely put together. I'll be attending Cool Cars, but will be leaving early, as a group of us attending from our West Chester Cars and Coffee group are doing a charity "chauffering" event in Wilmington for some sick kids at DuPont Children's Hospital later that afternoon.

Since I live in West Chester, I've obviously put the Black Walnut Winery and Yuengling Tours on my schedule, as these events are right where I live in Chester County.

03-17-2014, 09:28 AM
Great Newsletter, thanks everyone involved with the great work.

03-17-2014, 09:35 AM

03-17-2014, 03:56 PM
I will not post nor bother you people againin this section. Obviously, only $$ counts to participate.

03-17-2014, 04:52 PM
I will not post nor bother you people againin this section. Obviously, only $$ counts to participate.

Wow. I guess its fair for others to pay their club dues and not you? And then you cop an attitude about it. Good lord . Im gonna venture to guess you voted for Obama twice.

03-17-2014, 05:57 PM
Wow. I guess its fair for others to pay their club dues and not you? And then you cop an attitude about it. Good lord . Im gonna venture to guess you voted for Obama twice.

Obama? Hardly. Trust me, as a officer of a club myself, I understand where you're coming from. Except for drives on public roads, and to go to restaurants open to the public. However, Mike and I are touching base offline, and I hope to be able to join you guys officially soon. Just have to get a couple questions answered first


03-17-2014, 06:06 PM
Hope to see you soon as a member. You were one of the first to welcome me when I bought my Viper.

03-17-2014, 06:07 PM
Obama? Hardly. Trust me, as a officer of a club myself, I understand where you're coming from. Except for drives on public roads, and to go to restaurants open to the public. However, Mike and I are touching base offline, and I hope to be able to join you guys officially soon. Just have to get a couple questions answered first


Yeah i read those e-mails and your words "piss off " dont sit well with me.

03-17-2014, 06:44 PM
Yeah i read those e-mails and your words "piss off " dont sit well with me.

Understood, as I was kinda pissed myself, and I'm afraid I shot it off too soon. However, those emails were between Mike and myself. You have my number, you're welcome to call me as well, and I'll explain where I'm coming from. You're not helping the situation either with your attitude. We both need to cool it.

03-17-2014, 06:46 PM
Hope to see you soon as a member. You were one of the first to welcome me when I bought my Viper.

Thank you Mark.

03-17-2014, 06:53 PM
I will not post nor bother you people againin this section. Obviously, only $$ counts to participate.

I think you'll find that this statement couldn't be further from the truth. I joined the PA region at the end of last summer, and enjoyed many great events with both members and non-members. Just like any other club, we had member-only events. But we also had many events where anybody could participate. Most of these were organized by Mike. I've made a lot of new friends in a short period of time, some with Vipers, some without. Membership certainly has it's benefits, and I hope you'll consider joining to support a region with a lot of great people. But it certainly isn't all about the money for participation. Hope to see you this summer.

03-17-2014, 06:58 PM
Mike and WV/PA club AWESOME news letter and looking forward to driving down to hang with you guys this summer.

03-17-2014, 07:03 PM
I think you'll find that this statement couldn't be further from the truth. I joined the PA region at the end of last summer, and enjoyed many great events with both members and non-members. Just like any other club, we had member-only events. But we also had many events where anybody could participate. Most of these were organized by Mike. I've made a lot of new friends in a short period of time, some with Vipers, some without. Membership certainly has it's benefits, and I hope you'll considering joining to support a region with a lot of great people. But it certainly isn't all about the money for participation. Hope to see you this summer.

Thanks Kurt. I already know many of the PA members (and have participated in events with them) for the last 4 years now, through the old VCA. Also understood the need for paid membership. My issue is with drives on public roads and eating in public restaurants. As I said, I live and drive the roads here in Chester County quite a bit. Say I didn't know anything about the club event. Say I was just out driving, and happened to run into you (figuratively!!). Would you not allow me to continue on with you to get a bite to eat wherever you were meeting? See what I'm getting at?

Track days, hotel discounts, organized, private club events. Completely understand. But not a drive on public roads. Hell, my local C&C, we go out on public drives quite often, and sometimes hook up with others along the way.

03-17-2014, 07:41 PM
Where do you guys have the cars and coffee? Is that on 202 in west chester in the shopping center across from the dealers? Also I would interested in the DuPont event. Tell me more.

03-17-2014, 07:56 PM
Where do you guys have the cars and coffee? Is that on 202 in west chester in the shopping center across from the dealers? Also I would interested in the DuPont event. Tell me more.

Correct. at the Starbucks at Dilworthtown. You have a PM as well.

03-17-2014, 08:38 PM
Thanks Kurt. I already know many of the PA members (and have participated in events with them) for the last 4 years now, through the old VCA. Also understood the need for paid membership. My issue is with drives on public roads and eating in public restaurants. As I said, I live and drive the roads here in Chester County quite a bit. Say I didn't know anything about the club event. Say I was just out driving, and happened to run into you (figuratively!!). Would you not allow me to continue on with you to get a bite to eat wherever you were meeting? See what I'm getting at?

Track days, hotel discounts, organized, private club events. Completely understand. But not a drive on public roads. Hell, my local C&C, we go out on public drives quite often, and sometimes hook up with others along the way.

Scott, I understand what you're saying. At the same time, I don't know why you're under the impression that you wouldn't be allowed to continue on with a cruise with the group as a non (prospective) member. I certainly cannot see anyone making a point to prevent a potential member from becoming involved. Especially when we're out driving on public roads. I think in any club, there's a fine line between being inclusive and exclusive. It's important to offer the membership benefits, but it's also important to avoid taking that to the extent of being elitist. We would love to have every Viper owner in PA/WV join the club, but also realize that some are still upset (rightfully so) about past national transgressions. Regardless of your decision, we'll have to hook up for a cruise when the roads are clear.