View Full Version : 2000 Viper Master List

03-17-2014, 12:41 AM
2000 Vipers

Deleted for Shooter

Fatboy 18
03-17-2014, 02:24 AM
OK What exactly am I looking at here? You first state this is the 2000 master list then I scroll down and see a load of Gen 3 listings in there? According to the Viper Registry my car was one of 55 cars produced with PRN / Factory painted silver stripes, but according to your list there were only 3 GTS in that colour combo? Are your US State registry listings as to where the cars are now or where they were allocated to when first delivered?

Seeing as this section is for Gen 1 and II cars I respectfully ask that you post the Gen 3 stuff in the correct Forum.

03-17-2014, 07:23 AM
Not sure where this list comes from but I have a 2000 RT with a build date of Oct 12th 2000 at 10 AM and a VIN 06670

03-17-2014, 08:48 AM

Dammit I hate it when I screw up a query. My apologies

Edit: Yep.... dammit.. pulled data from two years, not what I wanted