View Full Version : Winter events/meetings
10-30-2013, 01:04 PM
With winter approaching us up here in snowronto, it leaves us no choice but to put our snakes in hibernation. With the kids in school and not much travel and weekend get aways to the cottage or what not, I think its a great time for the next 5 months to find some events/get togethers/meetings etc with the brotherhood and keep the snake awake until spring.
I'm sure out of 100+ members that we could all think up some ideas. One each and we should be good till May no? Lets all put our heads together and put some time aside every now and then this winter to get together and talk Vipers and cars. With everything that has been going on of as late, it would be nice to keep up with the flow with get togethers. Especially some of the directors which can keep us entertained/caught up with all the hoopla of Viper nation and the new club. Emails are great for mass information but, getting together over drinks is even better.
just my opinion.
the input would be great. Even if its just to tell me to S#$t the H@#L up.
Lets be a year round Club. I vote for no more year ends.
On that note...........I'm heading out for a spin.
10-30-2013, 02:05 PM
My Viper has been asleep for 3 weeks now. You may want to keep yours indoors tomorrow as we are supposed to get 30mm of rain with 60-70km/h winds
10-30-2013, 03:46 PM
My Vote goes to Tommy for Winter events ! :D :very_drunk:
With winter approaching us up here in snowronto, it leaves us no choice but to put our snakes in hibernation. With the kids in school and not much travel and weekend get aways to the cottage or what not, I think its a great time for the next 5 months to find some events/get togethers/meetings etc with the brotherhood and keep the snake awake until spring.
I'm sure out of 100+ members that we could all think up some ideas. One each and we should be good till May no? Lets all put our heads together and put some time aside every now and then this winter to get together and talk Vipers and cars. With everything that has been going on of as late, it would be nice to keep up with the flow with get togethers. Especially some of the directors which can keep us entertained/caught up with all the hoopla of Viper nation and the new club. Emails are great for mass information but, getting together over drinks is even better.
just my opinion.
the input would be great. Even if its just to tell me to S#$t the H@#L up.
Lets be a year round Club. I vote for no more year ends.
On that note...........I'm heading out for a spin.
10-30-2013, 05:41 PM
Jay's Quote " My Vote goes to Tommy for Winter events ! "
Funny. I'm just a single member trying to reach out to the rest and add some life for the next 5 months among us. I don't think I am so out of I?
10-30-2013, 08:02 PM
Jay's Quote " My Vote goes to Tommy for Winter events ! "
Funny. I'm just a single member trying to reach out to the rest and add some life for the next 5 months among us. I don't think I am so out of I?
I am game too. We tried having dinner events during the winter and the attendence was worst then the summer events. I think we need to do something fun that is not off the chart expensive.........
winter beater donuts in the parking lot anyone?
10-30-2013, 08:04 PM
Jay's Quote " My Vote goes to Tommy for Winter events ! "
Funny. I'm just a single member trying to reach out to the rest and add some life for the next 5 months among us. I don't think I am so out of I?
No you are not!! Put something together and let us know. I'm sure we can get some members out.
10-30-2013, 09:03 PM
I'm sure I could think of something. Hopefully everyone else can too.
10-30-2013, 09:05 PM
My Viper has been asleep for 3 weeks now. You may want to keep yours indoors tomorrow as we are supposed to get 30mm of rain with 60-70km/h winds
Just put on the rain slicks and let her have it.....ya mun
10-31-2013, 03:46 PM
Done :o Working on a Plant Tour for the first Quarter of 2014 , that should make any enthusiast Happy :witless: Details to follow . I'm also game if someone wants to do a get together . :cool:
I'm sure I could think of something. Hopefully everyone else can too.
10-31-2013, 04:43 PM
Your the best Jay !!
11-01-2013, 03:43 PM
Year End was really a mention to putting our cars away for the winter. In no way does that mean that we can not have get togethers. I am all for getting together with friends and members. Lets keep the communitcation going and lets keep using this site as a means to keep us all informed. Dont forget if you have a suggestion to not only use this site but to also send an email to myself or Mary so that we can include other members as well. As you know not all members are active on the forum.
Great suggestion as to the classic car auction this weekend Tommy. I personally am unavailable, but have been to it in the past.
Great to see you so passionate, maybe you need to come on board as a director Tommy?????
11-01-2013, 03:46 PM
Your the best Jay !!
Thanks Tommy for the kudos , I like to think of it as a collective effort . :):drive:
11-01-2013, 07:19 PM
I'd be up for a get together or two. Weather permitting. Im bummed out i didn't make it to any events this year.
11-01-2013, 09:16 PM
Year End was really a mention to putting our cars away for the winter. In no way does that mean that we can not have get togethers. I am all for getting together with friends and members. Lets keep the communitcation going and lets keep using this site as a means to keep us all informed. Dont forget if you have a suggestion to not only use this site but to also send an email to myself or Mary so that we can include other members as well. As you know not all members are active on the forum.
Great suggestion as to the classic car auction this weekend Tommy. I personally am unavailable, but have been to it in the past.
Great to see you so passionate, maybe you need to come on board as a director Tommy?????
Sorry If the mention seemed to fall under that idea. I just that with the gala being titled as our "year end" it may put the wrong idea on members minds. It did mine so I am quoting it as a personal reason. Can't speak for others and how they perceived it. I apologize.
On another note, I'm up for getting together for social and or active events throughout the winter months until the cars see the light once again. I have a few ideas for winter events and would love to pass them along to the directors and see what you all think and how they can be implemented.
Lastly, I want to thank you John (Mr President), for the countless amount of hours and effort you put aside during your life to make ours more enjoyable. That goes for all the directors and their time aside that they put during their active lives to fulfill the Clubs needs and wants. Thanks to you all. You know who you are. I would hate to start naming names and miss someone out.
Thanks Tommy for the kudos , I like to think of it as a collective effort . :):drive:
As for you Jay.....WHAT !!?? Definitely a collective effort. If you need any help with anything just let me know and I will be sure to let Garrett know that he is needed:smilielol:
I'd be up for a get together or two. Weather permitting. Im bummed out i didn't make it to any events this year.
Nice to hear from you again. Hope we can all get together again soon and catch up on this years summer events and the like.
11-03-2013, 06:38 AM
Ok, my fellow directors are going to roll their eyes because as usual, I have an opinion(s)/idea.....again lol.
1. Yes to Jay's plant tour. The February long weekend event was a hit
2. How about poker nights? Members can offer to host one in their home and everyone can pitch in a few bucks to order in pizza. If we dont' have poker players then we can do euchre tournaments. I say pizza and byob because if it storms on that night the host isn't going to be out of pocket as much if nobody shows up.
11-03-2013, 07:39 AM
Jay's Quote " My Vote goes to Tommy for Winter events ! "
Funny. I'm just a single member trying to reach out to the rest and add some life for the next 5 months among us. I don't think I am so out of I?
No suggestion is ever out of line and every one gets explored. Last year, I made notes on your email to me and shared them at our next directors meeting. Some of them would require a lot of time and some red tape while others were definitely considered. Keep in mind that suggestions are often made that have already been tried in the past without success. We have a lot of members who enjoy club membership for various reasons. (magazine, local news and happenings, tech advice etc). Location is an obstacle for attending events as well. We have members from Sudbury to Buffalo who would need to take extra time and allow for hotel expenses in order to attend. Many of our long time and regular attendees of many events have entered a new stage in their life. (kids older and moving on). Some have taken up traveling, some are caring for elderly parents and some are getting pets to ease the empty nest syndrome lol. All of this prevents them from attending as often as they did. We have a lot of events in Vaughan. This seems to be the area that gets most members out. Hwy 400, 427 and 407 seem to help get them there. Niagara is another hot region for events as is Muskoka. This year was not much of an example because it rained almost every weekend. In fairness to our members who live outside of these areas, we sent an email suggesting that they contact me and together, we can work on an event in their area. I got no replies. I made the same suggestion in a welcome letter to one of our new members three hours away. He replied that he will keep checking the calendar in hopes of finding an event he can attend with his work and family schedule. So this is how it is for many. They are happy being a non-participating member and might come out to an event if it works for them.
I put up a poll in our vco forum hoping it would give us an idea of what events and what locations the duration of and the type of event they preferred. Events were planned with those results in mind. Our weeknight events were on request of members who can't get away on weekends because of kids, pets, etc. Where were they? lol Members wanted more track days. Neil gave us Cayuga dates. Where were they? Hosting an exclusive track day is expensive and risky with the weather we had. If it rains, we are obligated to pay whether anyone shows up or not. That's a big expense to club funds if it rains.
As for reference to year end, we called it that only because that's around the same time we tuck our vipers in for the winter. It was also meant to be an encouragement for all members to come and celebrate another successful viper season with good food, drinks, games, music, auction and picture video of that years events. Was it too formal? Was it the location? Was it the price? Member feedback and suggestions, would certainly help us make it better year after year. You suggested changing the name. That type of feedback is appreciated and helpful. Someone (maybe it was you?) suggested putting rain dates on events. We did that when we could. Weather is our biggest obstacle in Canada and unfortunately, that's something we just can't change. :(
We've grown year after year and improved year after year. But like anything else, there's always room for improvement and member feedback is the key. We do listen :)
2014 will be a terrific year. We have a very productive board of directors, terrific members and gorgeous Vipers! We also have a new association that recognizes that Canadians own Vipers too lol
We've got everything it takes to continue being Ontario's most exciting car club!
Sorry this was so long but I hope the message was conveyed that just as you do often (slitehrv10), others will offer suggestions too. I'll also repeat something in a previous email "if you make a suggestion, we will work WITH you on it"
Let's keep the interaction strong because that's also a key to member participation! So far, red vipers are the most talkative lol...c'mon guys, get your colours in here! :car-smiley-003:
11-03-2013, 02:41 PM
Very well said Mary!!
A Euchre tournament is right up my alley. I could host one possibly mid Jan. I will know the exact date once I know when we are moving at work which is supposed to be early Jan.
11-03-2013, 06:35 PM
No suggestion is ever out of line and every one gets explored. Last year, I made notes on your email to me and shared them at our next directors meeting. Some of them would require a lot of time and some red tape while others were definitely considered. Keep in mind that suggestions are often made that have already been tried in the past without success. We have a lot of members who enjoy club membership for various reasons. (magazine, local news and happenings, tech advice etc). Location is an obstacle for attending events as well. We have members from Sudbury to Buffalo who would need to take extra time and allow for hotel expenses in order to attend. Many of our long time and regular attendees of many events have entered a new stage in their life. (kids older and moving on). Some have taken up traveling, some are caring for elderly parents and some are getting pets to ease the empty nest syndrome lol. All of this prevents them from attending as often as they did. We have a lot of events in Vaughan. This seems to be the area that gets most members out. Hwy 400, 427 and 407 seem to help get them there. Niagara is another hot region for events as is Muskoka. This year was not much of an example because it rained almost every weekend. In fairness to our members who live outside of these areas, we sent an email suggesting that they contact me and together, we can work on an event in their area. I got no replies. I made the same suggestion in a welcome letter to one of our new members three hours away. He replied that he will keep checking the calendar in hopes of finding an event he can attend with his work and family schedule. So this is how it is for many. They are happy being a non-participating member and might come out to an event if it works for them.
I put up a poll in our vco forum hoping it would give us an idea of what events and what locations the duration of and the type of event they preferred. Events were planned with those results in mind. Our weeknight events were on request of members who can't get away on weekends because of kids, pets, etc. Where were they? lol Members wanted more track days. Neil gave us Cayuga dates. Where were they? Hosting an exclusive track day is expensive and risky with the weather we had. If it rains, we are obligated to pay whether anyone shows up or not. That's a big expense to club funds if it rains.
As for reference to year end, we called it that only because that's around the same time we tuck our vipers in for the winter. It was also meant to be an encouragement for all members to come and celebrate another successful viper season with good food, drinks, games, music, auction and picture video of that years events. Was it too formal? Was it the location? Was it the price? Member feedback and suggestions, would certainly help us make it better year after year. You suggested changing the name. That type of feedback is appreciated and helpful. Someone (maybe it was you?) suggested putting rain dates on events. We did that when we could. Weather is our biggest obstacle in Canada and unfortunately, that's something we just can't change. :(
We've grown year after year and improved year after year. But like anything else, there's always room for improvement and member feedback is the key. We do listen :)
2014 will be a terrific year. We have a very productive board of directors, terrific members and gorgeous Vipers! We also have a new association that recognizes that Canadians own Vipers too lol
We've got everything it takes to continue being Ontario's most exciting car club!
Sorry this was so long but I hope the message was conveyed that just as you do often (slitehrv10), others will offer suggestions too. I'll also repeat something in a previous email "if you make a suggestion, we will work WITH you on it"
Let's keep the interaction strong because that's also a key to member participation! So far, red vipers are the most talkative lol...c'mon guys, get your colours in here! :car-smiley-003:
Whew !!! And I thought I write long responses. Well put. I am all for Poker nights or the like. Great suggestion!
I am wondering if there is going to be a meeting or a place where we can all add our input towards all these thoughts. Unfortunately some of us could not attend the "year end". I know I didn't because I just can't fathom the idea of putting this year to an end. I just cant do it !!:furious:
Anyway, on a serious note,
For some of us who do have suggestions ( I know I have some great Ideas of past and present that I would like to share with the directors), a meeting or more formal occasion is more acceptable than laying them out in the forums.
I definitely understand the frustration of participation among members and the reasoning behind that. Yes, everyone has a life and our Vipers revolve around it. I too have not attending many events that I would have love to because of all the reasons you have noted above. That's life. It's been an incredible year considering the weather conditions. Lots of new members and yes lots of new Vipers and all that is happening now just makes it that more difficult to polarize. I think we accomplished it though. I know I had an incredible time at the track with Jay, and Garretts events were great turnouts. I heard great things about the other outings and wish I could have attended. Claudio and Lucy's party was one of those that I would have loved to attend but had prior arrangements I could not cancel. I offer my apologize to them as they are great people and deserved every members attendance if it was at all possible.
I am definitely looking forward to the upcoming year and all it has to offer. With the New club, to new members and events, its going to be overwhelming.
Lets pull together once again Ontario, and make this one of the best clubs to be part of. A club that represents the new VOA and its regions with pride and honor.
We are after all VIPER OWNERS !!!
PS. Red Vipers :car-smiley-003: do talk the vipers though, :dancingman:walk the walk !!!:dude3:
11-04-2013, 05:36 AM
Okay, here's a red Viper that talks the talk and walks the walk too :t1567:
How about an overnight ski doo trip? Leave on a Saturday morning, return on Sunday. I can get info on resorts.. From past experience with ski doo trips, the most fun have been at resorts that have cabins with kitchens. (Party time) There's nothing better than a midnight "speducci bbq on a crisp winter night. I'll also find one that has a skating rink for anyone wishing to bring the family or for a viper ball hockey game. (if it becomes a two night stay).
I first need to know how many Viper owners ski-doo and would be interested.
11-04-2013, 04:34 PM
No Sled here , but I do have Down Hill Skiis
And am well versed in apres' Skiing ;)
11-04-2013, 05:37 PM
No Sled here , but I do have Down Hill Skiis
And am well versed in apres' Skiing ;)
Once again Jay....WHAT ??? is that ^^
11-04-2013, 09:36 PM
Next time you come out Tommy , we'll discuss the Art of Downhill Skiing and Traversing a fall line . :t1567: :very_drunk:
11-04-2013, 10:24 PM
Next time you come out Tommy , we'll discuss the Art of Downhill Skiing and Traversing a fall line . :t1567: :very_drunk:
HUH ? Traverse fall line?...ok..I got it...just like a pretzel. Not much of a downhill skier. Now uphill...that's a different story. Don't mess with me there Pal!
11-05-2013, 06:00 PM
I sold my mach Z (Ski-doo) when I bought the viper. I think skiing weekend would be awesome.
11-05-2013, 06:30 PM
I'll sit in a warm chalet having a cocktail while you folks ski.
11-05-2013, 06:46 PM
I'll sit in a warm chalet having a cocktail while you folks ski.
.....and after you have a few, we will put skis on you and see how you do :t0140:
11-05-2013, 06:51 PM
.....and after you have a few, we will put skis on you and see how you do :t0140:
Mopar Boy
11-05-2013, 07:33 PM
Oooh!!! Pick me!!! Pick me! I have an idea that will bridge several suggestions above.
6" PVC pipe. Load with some lighter fluid, little bit of gas, some diesel, then stuff in a bunch of tennis balls and some random unwanted things in. Cap end with a large cork. Drill small hole in other end. Hang sting out it. Strap it to downhill skis, and light em up! :)
This would be a great ski and skidoo trip!!!!
11-05-2013, 07:40 PM
Your Both covered ! Garrett and myself will carve the fall line , then we'll join John for the "Apres Skiing " ! :very_drunk: :t1567: :t1509:
I sold my mach Z (Ski-doo) when I bought the viper. I think skiing weekend would be awesome.
I'll sit in a warm chalet having a cocktail while you folks ski.
11-05-2013, 07:43 PM
This sounds like a script from the "Willie Coyote " ! ! :z:
Oooh!!! Pick me!!! Pick me! I have an idea that will bridge several suggestions above.
6" PVC pipe. Load with some lighter fluid, little bit of gas, some diesel, then stuff in a bunch of tennis balls and some random unwanted things in. Cap end with a large cork. Drill small hole in other end. Hang sting out it. Strap it to downhill skis, and light em up! :)
This would be a great ski and skidoo trip!!!!
11-05-2013, 10:51 PM
You guys are crazy :t0135:
Okay so I'm guessing that ski dooing is out and skiing is in. Blue mountain is always nice. The baby hill gives a great view of the 4 year olds flying down the big hills. Embarrassing yes but as long as they keep giving lessons, I'll keep taking them.
11-06-2013, 12:31 PM
Never been skiing myself. Seen them in sports stores and on TV though. Every time I think of doing it, It brings up terrible thoughts of broken bones and sprain this and bruise that.
I'm with Golfer. Chalet and a drink in one hand looking over the horizon at you all tumbling down the hills is somewhat of an entertaining thought.
Oh...and blue ski's rock !
11-06-2013, 06:49 PM
Never been skiing myself. Seen them in sports stores and on TV though. Every time I think of doing it, It brings up terrible thoughts of broken bones and sprain this and bruise that.
I'm with Golfer. Chalet and a drink in one hand looking over the horizon at you all tumbling down the hills is somewhat of an entertaining thought.
Oh...and blue ski's rock !
Now you finally got your head out of the clouds!!! WOW, first Mopar Boy, now you!! See GRAPHITE rules!!!
11-06-2013, 07:15 PM
Tommy I did Ski Patrol for 7 years and we used to say ,"if you don't fall down then your Not trying hard enough !" ! ;)
Never been skiing myself. Seen them in sports stores and on TV though. Every time I think of doing it, It brings up terrible thoughts of broken bones and sprain this and bruise that.
I'm with Golfer. Chalet and a drink in one hand looking over the horizon at you all tumbling down the hills is somewhat of an entertaining thought.
Oh...and blue ski's rock !
11-06-2013, 08:57 PM
Tommy I did Ski Patrol for 7 years and we used to say ,"if you don't fall down then your Not trying hard enough !" ! ;)0
That is something we all tell our children. When we grow up and realize the results , the payoff is usually not as rewarding as the accomplishment. I know I've fallen into those traps many a time.
I'll stick to the drink in one hand.
Mopar Boy
11-07-2013, 06:53 AM
Now you finally got your head out of the clouds!!! WOW, first Mopar Boy, now you!! See GRAPHITE rules!!!
Hey Tommy? We gonna take that? I say we do a car painting weekend. half yellow half blue. :D
11-07-2013, 07:01 AM
Hey Tommy? We gonna take that? I say we do a car painting weekend. half yellow half blue. :D
I totaly agree. I think dodge did the right thing and made that car a "FINAL' edition. I don't think many could take that look any longer. The madness had to stop somewhere. We all make mistakes. As long as we correct them, it's ok. Thanks Dodge.
11-09-2013, 04:59 AM
Hey Tommy? We gonna take that? I say we do a car painting weekend. half yellow half blue. :D
C'mon down. There's lots of beer in the fridge, bar is well stocked, I'll order some za, and watch you gents get excited touching a real fast car!!
11-09-2013, 05:02 AM
I totaly agree. I think dodge did the right thing and made that car a "FINAL' edition. I don't think many could take that look any longer. The madness had to stop somewhere. We all make mistakes. As long as we correct them, it's ok. Thanks Dodge.
After me they broke the mold!! They couldn't do it any better than they did!! When the 2013 was born, see how much better they had to do it!!!
Mopar Boy
11-10-2013, 01:36 PM
I'll order some za,
Yeah, ok, I'm not so sure I want to come over to your house. Not sure what "za" is but that sounds…..creepy/ ;)
- - - Updated - - -
After me they broke the mold!!
Well that is for DAMN sure!! LMAO :D
11-10-2013, 06:49 PM
Yeah, ok, I'm not so sure I want to come over to your house. Not sure what "za" is but that sounds…..creepy/ ;)
- - - Updated - - -
Well that is for DAMN sure!! LMAO :D
11-10-2013, 06:50 PM
And I'm not even going to acknowledge the "broke the mold" comment.
11-13-2013, 04:39 PM
I'm sure I could think of something. Hopefully everyone else can too.
Is Tommy's event planned yet?? Where do I sign up?
11-13-2013, 06:03 PM
Good point Garrett ! Where do I sign up Tommy ??? We are all looking forward to your event !!! :t1236:
Is Tommy's event planned yet?? Where do I sign up?
11-13-2013, 08:10 PM
C'mon Tommy, my butt is getting recliner ready(they do have recliners in the chalets right?), and I'm exercising both arms to hold those drinks (ya I plan on being in the chalet for a while).
11-13-2013, 08:19 PM
It's in Sault Ste. Marie. Menu for the evening will be caribou and beaver tail. Beaver tail is a little hard and flappy but so is the :lame:question
If you guys get there before me, look for an Inuit with a buffalo hat sitting on a snap on tools chair. He will set you guys up with the evening events. You can check in your Vipers at the Walrus stable and garage. they'll take good care of them. they love white and red !! the color of sammon and tuna
11-13-2013, 08:33 PM
OK, mark Jan 24th on your calendars for our first gathering of the 2014 year. permitting!! I think that statement is a staple in our "Viper Community". Carmela and I will be hosting a euchre party at our place. And if you don't play euchre (Carm doesn't) so what, come anyway, cause we can still party!!!
11-13-2013, 09:37 PM
Well done John ! OK Tommy we're counting on you ! :fpopcorn:
11-13-2013, 10:03 PM
Well done John ! OK Tommy we're counting on you ! :fpopcorn:
I'll be there as log as the blizzaks I ordered for the Viper get here in time and mounted.
11-14-2013, 07:50 PM
I'll be there as log as the blizzaks I ordered for the Viper get here in time and mounted.
Oh Great!! another viper owner who will not drive his car unless the weather is perfect.
11-14-2013, 09:05 PM
OK, mark Jan 24th on your calendars for our first gathering of the 2014 year. permitting!! I think that statement is a staple in our "Viper Community". Carmela and I will be hosting a euchre party at our place. And if you don't play euchre (Carm doesn't) so what, come anyway, cause we can still party!!!
Thanks for your offer of hosting a euchre party for the club. But for me in Pickering that is over a 1 1/2 hour drive assuming roads are clear (no guarantee of that in January) so we will probably be passing. Probably a Thursday night Pub night around the 400 Hwy 7 area would be a possibility???:confused:
11-14-2013, 09:28 PM
..... I'll order some za, ...... I didn't know what the heck za was either.
11-14-2013, 09:39 PM
OK, mark Jan 24th on your calendars for our first gathering of the 2014 year. permitting!! I think that statement is a staple in our "Viper Community". Carmela and I will be hosting a euchre party at our place. And if you don't play euchre (Carm doesn't) so what, come anyway, cause we can still party!!!
Thanks John but geez, I hate winning the championship against my friends. :devilish:
I'll be there as log as the blizzaks I ordered for the Viper get here in time and mounted.
Will blizzaks even last after a two hour drive?
John, Send me the details and I'll post on our calendar .
Kim, I'll post pub night too. Do you have a date in mind?
Tommy, send me the date and I'll post yours too.
Mopar Boy
11-16-2013, 09:42 AM
Oh. And I was suppose to know that!? LMAO
And I'm not even going to acknowledge the "broke the mold" comment.
Thank god. :D
It's in Sault Ste. Marie. Menu for the evening will be caribou and beaver tail. Beaver tail is a little hard and flappy but so is the :lame:question
Hey, don't go mocking the Soo. That is a great place in the summer. You know, between June 10th and June 17th. :D
Oh Great!! another viper owner who will not drive his car unless the weather is perfect.
Was that a jab at me as well!? That hurts. ;)
I didn't know what the heck za was either.
Why thank you. I dont feel so stupid now. :)
11-16-2013, 02:45 PM
I'll be there as log as the blizzaks I ordered for the Viper get here in time and mounted.
Sounds like you're turtling. You wanted some winter events, I took the bull by the horns and planned one, and now you sound like you have no interest.
11-16-2013, 02:54 PM
Sounds like you're turtling. You wanted some winter events, I took the bull by the horns and planned one, and now you sound like you have no interest.
What does making a joke about Winter tires on my viper have to do with showing up? I don't think I said that did I?
11-16-2013, 07:31 PM
No you didn't, and I didn't say you did. I said it sounds like!!
11-17-2013, 07:56 PM
Who's on first? lol (I just realized that we need a "he he he" smiley".
If it snows, then we'll ski, ski doo and even pull each other in sleds to get there but if it freezes rain, then the highways better be equipped with skating rink boards.
John, in the event that mother nature is as mean as she was to us during the summer, do we bring our own bed and what's for breakfast the next morning? ;)
11-18-2013, 04:11 AM
I have 2 extra bedrooms, sleeping 8, it's a little tight but we all like each other..LOL!! And as for breakfast, I have not set the menu yet. We definitely will have toast though.
11-18-2013, 06:20 AM
Thanks John for your gracious offer and hospitality , but unforetunately due to work commitments , I will not be able to make it . I'm sure it will be as fun as the Niagara Tour you and Carm organize ! :cool:
Cheers ! Jay
11-18-2013, 08:57 PM
Oh no john! Looks like you joined the Illinois viper club! We will miss you :(
11-18-2013, 09:16 PM
He may have to go talk to the "Penguin" to get it corrected ! :p
Oh no john! Looks like you joined the Illinois viper club! We will miss you :(
11-19-2013, 04:02 AM
The lack of contract negotiations with our club forced me down that path, so the Illinois region was giving me what I wanted. We finally agreed late last night and VCO:Canada: offered what I was looking for. I get a free tank of gas to every event I attend:car-smiley-003:
11-19-2013, 05:01 AM
We knew you'd swim back if you had to so we did it for Carm.
ACR Foster
11-19-2013, 11:12 AM
Ski or snowbording event. Dog sledding. Strip club
Mopar Boy
11-19-2013, 04:19 PM
Ski or snowbording event. Dog sledding. Strip club
Good lord….who let you sign up!? ;)
11-19-2013, 06:34 PM
We knew you'd swim back if you had to so we did it for Carm.
11-19-2013, 06:35 PM
Good lord….who let you sign up!? ;)
You should the fees he paid!!! Oh ya!!! We have a few 2014's coming our way!!
11-19-2013, 08:20 PM
Ski or snowbording event. Dog sledding. Strip club pffttt
03-01-2016, 10:43 PM
Look at all the snow that is coming down tonight! I have been participating in spirited winter driving activities at Toronto Motorsports Park. If the snow sticks to the ground at the race track (road course) till Saturday I'll be taking my AWD Lexus there and have some fun in the snow. It's the best environment to practice bad weather conditions driving. It would be cool to see fellow viper members with their winter toys or dd cars.
03-04-2016, 05:07 AM
Look at all the snow that is coming down tonight! I have been participating in spirited winter driving activities at Toronto Motorsports Park. If the snow sticks to the ground at the race track (road course) till Saturday I'll be taking my AWD Lexus there and have some fun in the snow. It's the best environment to practice bad weather conditions driving. It would be cool to see fellow viper members with their winter toys or dd cars.
:( the track operating personnel moved the event to Sunday, the day there might be no more snow left on the course.
03-04-2016, 06:30 AM
Take a few pictures to post up and share ! :)
Thanks !
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