View Full Version : VOA Web Site New Member Sign-up

03-08-2014, 09:22 AM
I am a long time member of the VCA, as probably most members of this new viper club are, also. My region joined VOA end of December to January 2014. I received the sign-up email and notification of badge # and temporary password. Unfortunatately with no other instructions on the sign-up process. It is solvable once you figure out that members have to sign in on the "Portal" web site with badge # and temporary password. Then change temporary password to personal password. Then, new members have to enter the "Forum" web site and create a user name and password to be able to access the Forum discussion groups. You then go back to the "Portal" sign in again to "link Portal and Forum" web sites together.

Having done all this to link both web sites, there is no option to remember your user name and password for either the "Portal" or the "Forum" web sites, so it seems it doesn't matter if either web site is linked, you still end up re-entering your user name, badge number and password every time you open up the respective web sites.

Seems complicated, first time I have joined a car club web site that had a "Portal" and required a separate sign-in without an option to remember passwords and user names.

Maybe that is the summation of this thread. Can the VOA web master add an option to the web site that will remember one's user name and password?


03-08-2014, 10:20 AM
Good points. Actually we modeled things the way they were with the past club solely so people wouldn't see change. The portal, forum design, etc... are actually the same way. It wasn't worth retraining people on a new design simply to make it different.

You do bring up a good point about training people on this. I do speak to a lot of folks and they don't seem to now that the forums are separate from the general membership (and they often ask how to get "member" under their forum titles. This is a good idea to provide a single page document that outlines the areas and also reminds people to register for both and know the difference between them. I'm glad you said something, this is a good improvement.

As for savings logins, we'll see what our web programmers can do.

Good input. Definitely worth doing.

03-08-2014, 10:26 AM
Welcome to the forum, good to see new folks climbing aboard.


03-08-2014, 11:15 AM
Thanks for not beating on me too severely with my 1ST POST. I have visited the other club's discussion forums and do not see a "Portal" link on the page headliner. Doesn't matter, I think your comments are quite positive, more than I was expecting. Easily solved with an information sheet sent out with new membership applications. ;)

03-08-2014, 12:23 PM
Welcome to the VOA. I think you will find it a very transparent and supportive organization. You will also find the leadership very receptive to input and suggested improvements.

03-08-2014, 04:06 PM
SmoknTires and BlknBlu

After one completes the registration and bookmarks the web site, the URL should be the Forum web site, not the http://driveviper.com The drive.viper.com page will refer the user back to the club sign-in page. Members should bookmark the opening Forum page, which will automatically sign the member in.

The web address for the Forum bookmark after completeting the initial registration for both Portal and Forum pages should be http://driveviper.com/forums/forum.php

03-09-2014, 10:43 AM
Welcome to the VOA.

03-09-2014, 04:43 PM
Hemotox, Big welcome to you and your region to the VOA. One thing we do here is always looking to make the club better and thank you for your suggestion and I can promise you WE LISTEN to our members…..Adrian

03-09-2014, 05:29 PM
Eric. Your such a troublemaker. Ha Ha. Another great SoCal Member. Welcome aboard.


03-09-2014, 10:20 PM
SmoknTires and BlknBlu

After one completes the registration and bookmarks the web site, the URL should be the Forum web site, not the http://driveviper.com The drive.viper.com page will refer the user back to the club sign-in page. Members should bookmark the opening Forum page, which will automatically sign the member in.

The web address for the Forum bookmark after completeting the initial registration for both Portal and Forum pages should be http://driveviper.com/forums/forum.php

He should go ahead and give that a try. Frankly I'm not sure that is the issue. I don't have any problems savings my logins and just checked with a few folks and neither do they (and I happen to use a favorite to get to the homepage and click on forums). I sense the problem might be on his end, if his browser isn't saving cookies, it could be the problem. I'm interested to see his outcome if what you mention might work for him.

As for bringing clarity and educating on club registration vs forum - that's a good thing. We need to do that and we will.