View Full Version : 1994 fan relay went bad

06-06-2019, 07:04 PM
Hello my Gen 1 brothers. Stated my 1994 Viper after a year of sleeping. The fan would not come on, and the needle hit red part of the temp Gage and coolant over flowed out of the reservoir tank all over the garage floor. Ok make a long story short. I found were the two fan relays are located and the replacement them with a NAPA part number. The one to the far left is the on and off fan relay and the one next to it is the high/low fan one. A 25 year old relay, had to go at one point! The yellow original relay has the large shell. Some pics and part number for the same 5 pin relay for both for then I hope this post helps at least one gen 1 or 2 member! NAPA PART NUMBER MPE AR630SB


Matt M, Pa
06-06-2019, 09:59 PM
Great tip! Is the NAPA part a direct replacement...does it fit into the previous case, or??

Matt M, Pa
07-14-2019, 05:06 PM
I'd like to add an update to this thread.

I went to NAPA and bought a couple of their AR272 relays. The cover is easily removed. The relay "guts" in the original Chrysler parts can also be removed from their housings.

I pulled the cover from the new relays and then gently (using the Dremel) opened up the base just a little so that it was engage the tabs in the Chrysler cover. The only problem is, it doesn't stay in as tight as I'd like. A small drop of hot glue in each divot and the new relay mechanics are in the old Chrysler cover and cane be installed using the factory mounting places.

07-14-2019, 05:19 PM
Electromechanical relays with the spring pressure wiring connections like are factory on all Gen 1/2 cars are the root of all Gen 1/2 wiring failures on the cooling system. Until you get rid of that relay and that type of connection you haven't solved the problem.

Matt M, Pa
07-14-2019, 08:00 PM
dave6666....what would be your suggestion for a upgrade?

07-14-2019, 09:02 PM
SSRs with mechanical terminals. Not a simple install. But one-n-done. Myself and Dan Lesser designed the system on my car about 5 years ago. It's... space aged