View Full Version : An idea for Gen 2 stone guard protection

04-28-2019, 07:09 PM
Guys, I did a bunch of searching to see what might exist for Gen 2 stone guards. Nothing. I happen to live on a dirt road that I must travel to get to the main road. Not. long, 1500 feet or so, but long enough to pick up plenty of little stones and gravel. Most everything I've owned has been able to fit up with some reasonably low profile stone guards to help. I came across a product that may be of interest to you all, actually for most any Viper. The Ferrari guys seem to love these and I mounted some this eve just to see. Search Jaeger Brothers and look at the XFlaps. Cool little articulating flaps that affix with a very aggressive pre-installed 3M tape ( or the like). They mold to any wheel well contour and are pretty non descriptor. I'll get pics and post them soon. Very cheap and innovative I think. May work for those needing a little protection from road debris.

04-28-2019, 08:03 PM
Sell it and buy something else. Really. You will never be happy. I don't live on a dirt road and my tires pick up road pebbles from the paved surface instantly as I motor down the street. So, in summary, once again... it's you, not the dirt road. Sorry man.