View Full Version : Improving club communication please participate

10-30-2018, 11:30 PM
We have several venues for information and sharing. Facebook page, Facebook social group, website, voa forum, email. (Links below) Not all are used by everyone and some option may not be sharing enough of what you like to see.
Example: our Facebook group had alot of activity of cruises, past event/meet photos and random conversation. But some don't use Facebook much or at all and don't know about upcoming meets or see photos. I hear regularly about how someone wasn't aware of a viper meet up or cruise and wish they could have participated.
So anyone that does not have Facebook please reply so we can get an idea of what's the best form of group communication.
Also, everyone check what ones your using mostly, please comment with your opinion on the all the options we currently use (what you like, dislike or changes). Any new forms of communication you would prefer (Twitter, IG, etc) The more that reply the better we can improve it all.

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Carolinasviperclub
Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/Carolinasviperclub
Regions Website: www.carolinasviperclub.com

Thanks for your participation.

10-31-2018, 07:08 AM
I voted for the forums regarding info; ever since the VOA was established, our region had one of the most active forums of all the regions. You could always count on up-to-date information regarding events, pictures, banter, etc. That activity has declined recently but I still check here nearly daily. Since our region is part of the larger VOA, in my head this website and this forum is our "home" and this should be the place above all others that information is posted to.

Matt you've done a great job on the Facebook side, keeping the content up-to-date but as you mentioned not everyone uses Facebook; I personally don't open Facebook near as much as I used to and I'm hardly active there at all.

To cover the bases, it's probably best to maintain a far reaching net for communication - continue posting content to multiple places to reach everyone simply because there isn't a one size fits all solution.

Brian GTS
10-31-2018, 11:23 AM
I personally like the forums because of the flexibility of posting event material, links, etc. It's just easier than using FB IMO. I find stuff gets too easily buried on FB as well. However, as Patrick mentioned, the level activity in the forums has dropped dramatically over the past couple years. It could help if we point members to the forums in the club e-mails, etc. as we did in 2013 at the start of the VOA. Maybe that would help...but it's certainly a fact that a lot of people hang out on FB than here anymore, so we'll also need to keep FB updated. I try to keep current events updated in here as far as attendees, etc....not sure how many see it other than those few who post? Thank you for keeping FB action going Matt. :)

10-31-2018, 04:57 PM
I probably check these forums daily but I browse the FB site many times each day. I like getting emails because they are direct and can give detailed info. I NEVER go to the Website. Well, maybe 2 times a year. The only (minor) request I have would be to get details of events and caravan meeting points and times sooner. Living so far from you guys, I have to plan in advance when to leave to meet up with you or make hotel reservations. Also the spousal unit has to request pretty far in advance for days off. You guys are doing a great job with our group. thanks.

Special Ed
11-01-2018, 07:12 AM
I use the VOA forums for information. I use the chapter forum for the yearly event schedule. Email is good for detailed info. I go to FB to see who is yelling "Hey look at me." and to read the snarky comments.

11-01-2018, 07:22 AM
While I check this forum every morning and Facebook a little more often, I depend on this forum and the email sent to keep informed of our planned activities.

While I’m a huge supporter of keeping in touch using Facebook, the wide variety of postings, photos, and “share” posts makes it easy to miss last minute planned events and updates along with any pertaining discussions. For that I prefer checking this forum, which I do every morning even though I usually don’t post a response (Brian) as well as the official email that Bill forwards to me. Official announcements along with their discussions stick out on a low posting forum (and email) but can easily get lost on Facebook with it’s high volume traffic. Also, the Facebook app on my iPad will show me a different feed than the app on my phone making a crucial post easily missed or presented to me a day late.

Great job Matt and thank you for a very successful Carolinas Facebook page!


11-01-2018, 08:26 AM
I like FB for local car shows and cruise ins but would like that info on the regions website. I think the website is really under used. It could be the link to other stuff.
I use forum for the big events but only visit it occasionally.

11-05-2018, 01:27 PM
Obviously since I am responding to this almost a week late I am a fan of social media and email for club communication. I am not saying that all club business needs to be on FB, but an email telling me to check the VOA Forum or some other notification would be fantastic.

Bill W
11-23-2018, 10:08 AM
I don't use Facebook, so will depend on the forum and emails for news and updates.

12-01-2018, 12:01 AM
Just to give some an idea of the difference of interaction between here and Facebook. My post here about what events to do next year had no comments and only 7 people vote. Facebook had over 30 people vote and over 40 comments. I know some avoid Facebook but I recommend creating a profile, set it to private and just use it for family and/or club discussion. If you would like help setting one up to avoid the drama that alot don't want and to make it private, let me know and I can help you with it.

12-01-2018, 12:02 AM
Pics of the difference

12-27-2018, 10:52 AM
Just to give some an idea of the difference of interaction between here and Facebook. My post here about what events to do next year had no comments and only 7 people vote. Facebook had over 30 people vote and over 40 comments. I know some avoid Facebook but I recommend creating a profile, set it to private and just use it for family and/or club discussion. If you would like help setting one up to avoid the drama that alot don't want and to make it private, let me know and I can help you with it.

I see the difference in response, but do you have any way of knowing how many actual MEMBERS of our club responded on Facebook? I looked earlier and that FB group is touting over 240 members, all of which could vote and comment, correct? Unless things have drastically changed over the last two years or so, we don't have 240 members as part of Carolinas VOA. Just wondering since there isn't a direct relationship between FB group and paying VOA members if those numbers are skewed?

Again, I still believe you have to hit multiple methods of communication because no one solution does the trick; just not sure the comparison between FB and the forums is as straightforward as this simple numbers comparison.

12-27-2018, 11:16 AM
I'm glad to see this thread because Kala and I have been scratching our heads about FB and how it seems to be taking precedence over the forums. Generally you will have many more FB followers than members on the forum because it's easy and free and whoever the administrators decide can get added. Yes you can be an Enthusiast here but you get more benefits and recognition from being a dues paying member of the VOA. I think VOA events should be primarily posted on our forums and use social media as secondary because it shows support of our club and encourages people to visit here. In our region (Houston) not that many VOA members are on FB therefore they would miss out on events if information wasn't emailed out and posted here. Missing event information is a quick way to cause our great club to deteriorate which I think none of us want. Can members be "retrained" to check the forums first? Either way it appears that all platforms need to be utilized to get the word out.

Fatboy 18
12-27-2018, 11:27 AM
Im interested to see the results on this, My UK region has the same issues.
There is a Facebook page that was set up by our Prez and a non member for the UK club but its a closed group and what also makes me laugh is you have to be invited to join the group and there are also a lot of non members in the group (Presidents mates).
So that doesn't work as far as Im concerned.

Off my own back the last couple of years as a VP I started emailing MEMBERS, keeping them up to date with Trips and shows some of us more active people had planed to attend, and then sent out updated reports on how the events went. If I had met any possible members I would also send them the latest event email so they could see we are active and encourage them to join up, but if there was no response there name was deleted from future emails.

Have to say, not many people ever replied to the emails. I started sending read receipts, so I could at least see the email had been delivered.

I did speak to an old member who told me he used to send out event lists and articles by Post. That way you had something in your hand you could read while sitting down on the toilet :D

The region section here on the VOA site is not read by many people in our club :( Again its mainly been me that started the listings.

We all look forward to the VOA Magazine, so maybe going back to a printed small newsletter as well as email might be the answer?
Mark. UK

Fatboy 18
12-27-2018, 02:29 PM
One other thing we done in Europe is using What's App.
The VOA UK, French club Viper Passion, German, Swiss and Netherlands clubs presidents all keep in contact Via What's App.

Its private and pictures and chats can be instant.

But if you were to use the app for your members they would have to agree to allow there cell number to be shared. But its better than Facebook if you are just sharing things with your members. :D

Brian GTS
12-28-2018, 12:29 PM
I'm glad to see this thread because Kala and I have been scratching our heads about FB and how it seems to be taking precedence over the forums. Generally you will have many more FB followers than members on the forum because it's easy and free and whoever the administrators decide can get added. Yes you can be an Enthusiast here but you get more benefits and recognition from being a dues paying member of the VOA. I think VOA events should be primarily posted on our forums and use social media as secondary because it shows support of our club and encourages people to visit here. In our region (Houston) not that many VOA members are on FB therefore they would miss out on events if information wasn't emailed out and posted here. Missing event information is a quick way to cause our great club to deteriorate which I think none of us want. Can members be "retrained" to check the forums first? Either way it appears that all platforms need to be utilized to get the word out.

My preference would be to utilize the forums as the primary communications method for events, etc. It is easier to keep event info organized in the forums compared to FB....but as you state, all platforms will need to be utilized in some form. I am going to attempt to point members to the forums for event info via club e-mails and use FB as a secondary method to get the word out. We have some FB followers (non-members) that seem interested in events when we post them on FB, so that is a great opportunity for recruitment.

One complaint we have heard repeatedly with the forums is the ease of posting pictures compared to something like FB. In addition, the lack of styling responsiveness to portable devices further complicates the experience. I believe apps have been attempted in the past for Android / IPhone, but I'm not sure if this is entirely necessary. Does vBulletin have more current software that is device responsive and perhaps more user friendly than the current version? I recall they did have one but you couldn't view "new posts" that I could see. That is a feature I (and others) use all of the time so I have reverted to viewing the full site on my phone instead.

I believe if the forums were more user friendly on portable devices, it may increase it's popularity with members.

Next Phase
12-28-2018, 12:55 PM
The VOA website is pretty dead and not a lot of new content vs Facebook.

12-28-2018, 02:24 PM
We here in the Houston rely on both the Forums and email. Being I am not on Facebook I don't use that one much. Just seems easier for me to keep track of RSVP's and that sort of response needed material via email. Easy enough to announce events via both the region forum and via email bursts also.


12-28-2018, 09:06 PM
The Carolina region is definitely a very active and close region. Probably one of the most. So definitely don't interpret this as we are not currently doing it well. The point of this post was to get an idea of what was most used, where we could improve at all places. But MAINLY to show everyone where the most activity currently is so that they may look there as well. We don't want anyone to miss anything. No doubt we need to utilize all forms of communication. All have their advantages. Email is great for letting know about a upcoming events, specific details and confirmation of attendance. But not great for showing how active we are, recruitment or group discussion. Plus most emails accounts are so busy with junk now of days it is easily missed. That's where the forum comes in. Great secondary spot for announcements and for discussion. However lacks a way to draw new people without them already knowing about it or thinking about it. Also lacks immediate activity and ease of use. And that's where Facebook comes in. It's does all but if it isn't seen in the first day or 2 then it usually won't get seen at all. There are ways to help with that but nothing 100%. The forum definitely needs a mobile friendlier site or app I think that would help alot.

05-10-2019, 08:51 AM
Being new(ish) to the VOA forum again after recently picking up another Viper, I don't really see much activity on this forum or the FB page. I personally do not use FB at all and would rather see events listed here. With that said, forums in general don't have the traffic they used to due to other types of social media.

05-15-2019, 01:57 AM
There is alot more activity in the Carolinas Facebook group.


05-15-2019, 08:43 AM
I didn't realize that the Carolina's had a VOA chapter?? Looking forward to seeing you folks at the Tail! After all you are our partners in crime.