View Full Version : 3rd Annual All Texas VOA Holiday Lunch

10-24-2018, 09:08 AM
Laura Robinson has set up an event page for this event with all the details as well on the Houston VOA Facebook page. The Houston Region will be meeting at 9:00 AM on November 11th at the Tractor Supply parking lot in Willis on I45 I believe exit 94 and departing at 9:30 AM. Please have a full tank of gas. Thanks and see you there!

For the North Texas region check with Wayne Rauh and South Central region get with Kurt Robinson to see what their caravan plans are.

Please mark your calendars for November 11th for the Leona Steak House cruise. I will need to have a headcount on this one so the good folks at the Leona Steak House will have enough steaks for us. Let’s set November 6th as an RSVP by date:

What All 3 regions converge for lunch
When Sunday November 11, 2018
Time Will need to be there by 12 noon so we can all get home before dark
Where Leona General Store and Steakhouse
136 North Leona Blvd, TX-75
Leona, TX 75850
I will get with Jerry Robinson to get the meetup place for our cruise up there and forward it to you. We always have a great day and this event has grown every year. Let me know if you have any questions.
