View Full Version : Gen IIII hood

07-06-2018, 12:08 AM
A long shot........ and i know its a veryyyy longggggg shot..!!
But for my Gen III roadster i would not 'alf mind getting a Gen IV hood for her..... what, where, and can ya ship it to me here in Australia please..? :-)
Thanks in anticipation of some interesting replies no doubt....

07-09-2018, 07:27 PM
Buy one here about $800 shipped.


Dan Cragin
07-09-2018, 07:33 PM
I have a good used OE 2010 Viper hood $1100. You would need to get a freight forwarder to package and send.

07-11-2018, 07:53 AM
Buy one here about $800 shipped.

Whiskey..... i do appreciate the link. Cheers :-) But i probably will hold out for a 2nd hand genuine oem hood because it will not require modifying. I saw in the link advert that it is not a genuine hood but a copy and description said it may require sanding, trimming due to not fitting like OEM. Dont want to take the risk :-/ But again, i want to say thanks for the reply. I appreciated that. Cheers.

07-11-2018, 07:56 AM
I have a good used OE 2010 Viper hood $1100. You would need to get a freight forwarder to package and send.

OEM? :-) $1100 USD i take it...?
Can you send or email (markfairbank@bigpond.com) your postcode so i can find/get/obtain shipping quotes etc. Cheers Dan! :-) Mark