View Full Version : IN KY VOA Meeting June 9 2018 at Fair Oaks Farm General and quot Convoy quot Info

06-02-2018, 02:42 PM
IN/KY VOA...Meeting June 9, 2018 at Fair Oaks Farm...General and "Convoy" Info

As noted, our June 9th meeting will be held at Fair Oaks Farm located in Northwestern Indiana...at I-65 Exit 220. This is a state-of-the-art dairy AND educational facility which makes it an EXCELLENT FAMILY ADVENTURE !!

Link to Fair Oaks Farm: https://www.fofarms.com

DIRECTIONS: I-65 to Winamac/SR 14 Exit 220, go West on SR 14 to 600 E, turn South into Fair Oaks Dairy Adventure.

President Brent Elmore NEEDS TO KNOW how many people plan to attend so that we may be able to POSSIBLY qualify for group rates on the tours. As I recall, a group of 15-20 opting for the multi-tour package will need to pay $25.00 per person. There are single tour options that cost $20.00.

NOTE: Members will need to pay for their own tour fees as well as any restaurant bills. If YOU plan to attend this meeting (with or without tour plans), please notify Brent ASAP: by phone 765-366-6656 or by email brentelmore@comcast.net

Fair Oaks Farm is on Central Daylight Time. We NEED TO ARRIVE by 10:00 AM CDT ("Chicago time")...which is 11:00 AM EDT ("Indy time").

The "Indy Convoy" will depart from Champion C-J-D-R at 9:00 AM EDT. Champion is located at 4505 WEST 96th St, Indy...46268.

PLEASE FUEL BEFORE you arrive at Champion...as we have about 100 miles to travel ahead of us.

REMEMBER that Brent NEEDS TO KNOW who will attend !!

ALL Viper owners are welcome at our events.

See YOU there,

Steve Fess, Membership Coordinator, VOA IN/KY Region, Inc. 317-402-9013

06-08-2018, 07:14 AM
The weather forecast for Saturday includes a 40%-50% chance of rain and/or thunderstorms...for both the Greater Indianapolis Area and Fair Oaks Farms. If you are concerned about driving your Viper tomorrow, just use your daily driver. The same advice applies if you face construction projects in your area.

06-11-2018, 07:13 AM
Although most drove through some rain, we had an excellent turnout of members and guests. As noted, this is a very interesting place for young and old alike.The food was good, and the "store" offered many types of cheese, ice cream, chocolates, etc. If you missed this trip yo Fair Oaks Farms, stop in for a visit...you won't be disappointed !!