View Full Version : Monmouth County Garage Shop

04-21-2018, 09:15 AM
Hello Guys,

I am having some mechanical problems with my '98 gen 2 GTS Viper. I moved down here from NY and am looking for a shop that is close that has experience with Vipers. Normally I would go see Chuck but that is now a 2.5 hour ride. Any suggestions on something more local, or am I going to have to bite the bullet and have the car towed up to chuck.

Also want to note my car is modified, the previous owner had the roe supercharger installed. Just as an FYI, knowing some shops wont touch anything modified.


04-22-2018, 04:07 PM
You are SOL in NJ. Take the drive to tators as there isn't anyone in NJ going to.

04-25-2018, 09:04 AM
Appreciate the response, well guess I bite the bullet.
