View Full Version : Brake wear indicator lit pads dragging on one caliper

01-03-2018, 03:29 PM
Anyone come across this issue yet?

Brake wear indicator is on, and can clearly hear some binding/dragging from one of the rotors. Cannot tell which one yet as I have not removed the wheels to see if they spin freely (or which one does not).

These are CCB's on an ACR-E with 900 miles, never bedded, no hard use (yet). Seems to be fine when I start the car and drive it, but then the light comes on after a few blocks.

Visual inspection (with wheels on the car) seems fine -- plenty of pad on the outside pads, pads and rotors look good as new, no scoring (and I've felt the inside surface with my hand and those seem fine too).

Perhaps the pistons not retracting enough into the caliper? But if so, why is that triggering the wear indicator?


01-03-2018, 04:11 PM
Pardon my ignorance, but what is a brake wear indicator? I didn't know we had such a thing, or is it only on CCB-equipped ACR?

01-03-2018, 04:22 PM
only on CCB

JonB ~ PartsRack
01-03-2018, 04:50 PM
Howcome not bedded yet?

Those damn indicators are very fragile... could be cracked or even loose sensor wire. I just went thru that grief on my wife's Cayenne-S [6 piston]

01-03-2018, 06:33 PM
The sensor is indeed fragile. Dude at the dealership where I buy my pads told me that he checks the sensors whenever he sells a box because sometimes they get busted during transport...
Anyway, 900 miles is not enough for the rear pads to be gone, especially if you don't track the car.

My rear pads lasted me about 1200 track miles and that's because I didn't burnish the original pads and also because I was leaving the ESC on (that thing with eat your rear pads).
You should probably take the wheels off and check the sensors. There are two per calipers and the wires don't seem like the sturdiest thing ever :)

01-03-2018, 06:37 PM
That same indicator light came on, on my 1:28 ACR-E at 400 miles (no binding or dragging). Andy at VE is currently looking into the issue, maybe he'll chime in.

01-03-2018, 07:02 PM
There’s a known issue with the sensor on vettes with CCB too. I’d be willing to bet it’s a sensor issue, not a pad issue.

Arizona Vipers
01-03-2018, 11:23 PM
Howcome not bedded yet?

Those damn indicators are very fragile... could be cracked or even loose sensor wire. I just went thru that grief on my wife's Cayenne-S [6 piston]

Those sensors sucked I ditched them right away and do visual inspections after every couple of track days.

Arizona Vipers
01-03-2018, 11:24 PM
The sensor is indeed fragile. Dude at the dealership where I buy my pads told me that he checks the sensors whenever he sells a box because sometimes they get busted during transport...

My first set of pads I bought, the sensors were smashed in the box

01-04-2018, 07:11 AM
sounds like a brake pad sensor bypass mod is in order. Probably a simple jumper.