View Full Version : uh oh, I should have never went back...

02-07-2014, 06:51 PM
Took a trip back to college today with a friend of mine for a surprise visit and see our photography department directors. One of the directors, Joe, is actually a hardcore car nut and shows up at alot of the local car shows I attend. He even uses some of my work as examples to current students. I thought that was kinda cool. I really wanted to see my professor but I found out she's on sabbatical, kinda bummed. They also changed some of the rooms (ex. the old wet/dark room was completely gutted and replaced with more computers, so my class was basically the last to take a major film course.) but the main computer classroom is still the same. They have these new fancy, industrial size poster printers.

So...I went a little nuts with that. :)

