View Full Version : Who from Central North Florida is planning to attend NVE3

Red Dog
10-17-2017, 03:12 PM
Who will be going to NVE3 in Las Vegas?? Are you planning to ship your Viper to / from Vegas?

Note: We are in the South Florida Group and we are planning to ship our Viper to / from Vegas and also spend some extra days after NVE3 to run the Pacific Coast Highway along the California coast. We're looking at flying into Vegas on 05/01/18 and flying out home on 05/14/18 (but our dates are still flexible). Hoping to find others who may want to join us . . . THANKS, Bob & Cindy Davis

Please post your intentions here . . .

10-19-2017, 08:22 AM
I really really want to go but it just won't make sense to me financially to ship the car 5k miles.
Id love to drive the car but cant take 8 days off work just for driving.
Catch 22.

I know of several others in the same boat.

10-22-2017, 03:49 PM
I didn't sign up either, due to exactly what Pete said. I really wanted to go but looks like 2018 is going to be a busy travel year for me and its just not in the cards.

10-23-2017, 09:33 AM
I didn't sign up either, due to exactly what Pete said. I really wanted to go but looks like 2018 is going to be a busy travel year for me and its just not in the cards.

Yea it's got to be an easy $6000-$8000 dollar trip from FL by the time u ship your car both ways, pay for the event, buy airline tickets, hotel, meals and don't forget blackjack. I would enjoy the trip, Vegas is a great town but I would rather spend the cash on my car.

Red Dog
12-26-2017, 05:53 AM
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Just checking back on who from the Central North Florida group might be going to NVE3 and wanting to ship their Viper to / from Las Vegas. The South Florida Group has four Vipers in line for shipping. Please post here if you are interested in shipping your Viper.

Red Dog
01-18-2018, 07:43 AM
I have decided not to ship my Viper to / from Las Vegas. I just cannot justify the cost and the risks to the Viper. I will be renting a Corvette convertible for two weeks.