View Full Version : NVE3 Has Reached Sell Out

10-10-2017, 10:08 PM
It took only 10 days but the allotted spaces and hotel rooms have now sold out!

At this time we're letting registration continue given our certainty that we can add a few more spots (only 75 more it seems), we've been working quickly to create and additional space that we can. The hotel has provided a few more rooms, but it seems those will reach the new limit very soon. We plan on shutting down registration permanently as we get close to our new maximum. So please be aware, this is truly the last call.

We have a few requests to hopefully help free up some space:

• For those who may have guest spots reserved but perhaps unsure you'll need them, we ask that you consider freeing any possible spots that you won't need - we will waive the $15 cancellation fee for any cancellations at this time, so that we can make room for more people.

• For those who may be holding a hotel room (or an additional room), we ask that you please free up any possible rooms you may have so that we can make space for others.

• For those who reserved a hotel room and haven't registered for the event yet. We will be scrubbing the hotel list against the NVE3 registration list and will have to remove people from the hotel room block if you aren't registered for the event (you'll be notified in advance of course).

We're going to have a heck of a party! Over 400 cars and 800 people from around the world!! We wish we had more capacity, but these limitations are simply imposed by the various venues we're visiting (and we're pushing it). So let's please complete the last call for any registrants. And for those who can free up spaces, we ask that you please do.

Going to be a heck of a party! Vipers will be heard throughout the city - literally... Vegas will never be the same again!


TA Two Oh
10-10-2017, 11:45 PM
Absolutely incredible! Hats off to the organizers for the amazing ideas and meticulous planning. I can't wait to enjoy everything... especially 400 Vegas Vipers!!!!

10-11-2017, 02:41 AM
I'm registered but can't seem to get a hotel room. Especially because I need a handicap accessible room. Are they all sold out even wih extras opened up?

10-11-2017, 03:34 AM
I was able to book at the delano. Couldn't get the viper rate though but either way am all booked up.

How will we know if cancellations on rooms happen?

10-11-2017, 08:07 AM
Yep, the extra spots were already booked up. I see you've booked through them outside of the block at the moment (yes, paying a lot more). Will let you know if we get more rooms in the block at the special rate. Not done working with them. We may be able to get another block at a higher price. I'm waiting to hear back. That $224 rate was indeed special.

10-11-2017, 10:22 AM
I forgot to book the hotel after the event registration last weekend. Luckily, I was still able to get the special rate yesterday evening shortly after the email was sent.

10-11-2017, 07:57 PM
Yep, the extra spots were already booked up. I see you've booked through them outside of the block at the moment (yes, paying a lot more). Will let you know if we get more rooms in the block at the special rate. Not done working with them. We may be able to get another block at a higher price. I'm waiting to hear back. That $224 rate was indeed special.

So, is it all booked up and I missed the boat?

Just took delivery of my ACR like 4 weeks ago and completely forgot about this.

If spots still avail, I'd need to become a VOA member and register for the events and get a room.

Am I out of time or luck?

10-11-2017, 08:02 PM
It's moved so fast that we haven't even bothered with a final update. We successfully expanded by 100 today, and already today all those spots are nearly gone - only 21 spots left. So yes, it's still open. Joint he club and then immediately go to the NVE3 website and register. The site with auto-shutdown when we reach max capacity. I can't believe myself how fast this has gone.

10-11-2017, 08:30 PM
Is it 21 spots as in total head count or "groups" for lack of a better term.
So if my wife and I register is that 2 spots (head count) or one spot (group)?

10-11-2017, 08:32 PM
It's individual spots. You and your wife would count as 2 for instance.

15 to go.

10-11-2017, 08:39 PM
Oh, and will there be trailer parking avail? I'd probably haul mine behind my F250. 32' bumper pull trailer

10-11-2017, 08:42 PM
Yep. Some people are not noticing the tabs on the website. There are tabs for agenda, faq's, hotel, etc... It'll give you more detail but yes, we have established secure parking at the track and even accommodated early arrivals there.

10-11-2017, 09:00 PM
Sent you a PM. I literally just joined/paid to be a Mamba VOA member btw

10-13-2017, 07:12 AM
Way to go guys! Sold out, expanded, sold out, expanded, sold out, expanded, SOLD OUT! Missed the boat on this one, just got back in the country from work. Wonder how big this event could have been if unlimited registration, but that’s what I get for procrastinating before this last work trip.

You are all going to have a blast! Wish I was going but wasn’t meant to be. My own fault!

10-15-2017, 11:19 AM
Just a reminder to those who booked outside the block, use the event link to book a room in the block as our rates were nearly half of the recent going rates! https://aws.passkey.com/event/16344021/owner/28466/home

We've booked almost 2000 room nights for this event. That's not a bad footprint for a small club to have in one of the largest hotels in Vegas.

10-20-2017, 03:08 AM
Yeah the deal on the rooms was a lifesaver. Without it, my reservation was 1900 dollars for 4 days.

Big thanks to all involved in getting that situated. I was in Vegas in May and I don't think 229 is bad at all for a nice room.

Looking forward to it. Can't wait to see everybody again. Plus I have a plan to pay for my trip by winning enough while gambling. I'm gonna be smart and bet my birthday on roulette. In the off chance I lose, someone else will have to buy me drinks. So, you may want to start budgeting for that

10-21-2017, 01:48 PM
Oh boy.. When it comes to gambling, so positive going in... dripping in regret going out. : )

All a part of NVE3!

10-21-2017, 06:52 PM
Oh boy.. When it comes to gambling, so positive going in... dripping in regret going out. : )

All a part of NVE3!

I actually don't gamble much. He reason is I hate losing. So for me, if I want to throw money away there are more fun ways to do it. I'd rather throw 500 dollars away at a strip club than a black jack table. Just more my style