View Full Version : NVE3 Registration Status

10-05-2017, 03:57 PM
I didn't plan on providing status on registration progress, but we get consistent questions from people and presidents on where we're at in terms of people signing up so they can plan how much time they have left.

Actually moving much faster than we expected. We had already passed 50% sold out after just 4 days! The hotel is also past 50% sold. So heads up.

10-08-2017, 10:03 AM
Question About Early arrival. Last year with registration, parking arrangements, planned activities and caravan arrival all on the first day it was a bit of a Zoo. Some may be thinking about arrival the day before this year to allow more time to see Vegas, and get settled in the room.

It also appears as the rooms have been set aside to allow this early arrival so the question is... will the secured and reserved parking be available for the Vipers on May 1? This will need to be known by those planning caravans and those who wish to reserve their room for May 1st as well as they are asking for an estimated check-in time. The preview indicated that early check-in may be available. Also, can that also be arranged by individuals traveling separately from caravans? Think it would be helpful to know that before reserving rooms.

10-08-2017, 11:42 AM
NOLA was a particular challenge, as we were in the middle of a city (and not a new one at that - old infrastructure and thin roads). The area and hotel aren't easily built for those volumes of people who flooded in at the same time. Vegas is a little different, as it's built for volume so that part becomes a bit easier for us all. Though expectations are a key thing here, there's no where that we're going to go where caravans of 75-100 cars can arrive with no drama. : )

So yes, many people do come earlier - some come to explore and make a larger vacation from it, others come just to get settled. Definitely a good question and certainly will have plenty of company in that respect. Bear in mind that hotel pricing on other nights can be drastically different than our event nights - as I said we negotiated killer rates from May 2-5 which were fantastic. I notice Tues night has gone up a lot in price due to the demand (and other things happening at the hotel). So check the rate on that night as it may change your mind. I will say (as I can see reservation breakdown) while there is a good contingent of people coming earlier, but for the most part I see 85% of people arriving Wed at this time. We do plan to have an informal early registration open for those who may be there on Tues, simply to get you settled sooner.

I do notice some folks aren't always seeing the various tabs for all the things we've laid out, so want to point out in addition to the main/registration page, see the tabs on top of that which have an agenda, hotel, FAQ, transport, etc...Just want to make sure everyone is aware as we've gone through a lot of effort to lay every dingle thing out in extreme detail quite a bit in advance.

VPRGeez - On your specific parking question. Yes indeed, we have arranged not just for early parking, but even for security to start early. You'll find your answer published on the agenda page I mentioned above, I cut and pasted for you what I think answers your question on parking avail and security. Let me know if there is anything else you need:

Mon-Tues, April 30th – May 1st, 2018


As we setup, we have made arrangements to allow some services to be in place a little earlier for those who end up coming sooner. We will have special parking for our Vipers available starting Monday, however security won’t be in place until Tues @12pm. Parking of trailers/tow vehicles will be allowed at Las Vegas Motor Speedway starting on Monday @ 8am. The Speedway will allow parked trailers/cars through the following Monday after the event until 5pm. Some early event check-in may be allowed depending on circumstances.

10-08-2017, 01:22 PM
What's the link address to book Rooms To get the group rate,
I called and they said I needed the link to book online

10-08-2017, 02:30 PM
Sure. Go to the NVE3 website and click the hotel tab. The link is there along with a write up of what to expect.

10-08-2017, 02:49 PM
Well Duh!! Thanks Alex, You hit it on the head... I missed all the tabs completely in all the excitement and they would have answered virtually all of my questions. Awesome planning and organizing effort, I'm really looking forward to the whole event. It's all in the details and the tabs are definitely a must read.

10-09-2017, 09:07 AM