View Full Version : Nve3

10-01-2017, 06:22 AM
Just registered and booked the room!
Should be a great trip!


10-01-2017, 12:04 PM
I just booked mine also. How many from the Upstate NY area planning on shipping to event?

10-01-2017, 05:21 PM
I'd bet we will get 10 - 14 cars. Ed was talking about shipping to Az and doing a one day drive out.
New England group was talking about shipping to Denver and making a three day road trip.
It all sounds good.


10-01-2017, 10:04 PM
I spoke to Rick from New England group about this. His group originally wanted to start driving from Four Corners (ship cars to AZ), but I told him I have done the drive from Vegas to Denver and it's insane. He is going to discuss with his group and get back to me. I sent Ed the same info as well. I am definitely going one way or another, so count me in.

Here is a map of my drive: https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Denver,+CO/Stone+Canyon+Inn,+West+Stone+Canyon+Lane,+Tropic,+ UT/Las+Vegas,+NV/@37.9507977,-112.3236843,7z/am=t/data=!4m30!4m29!1m10!1m1!1s0x876b80aa231f17cf:0x11 8ef4f8278a36d6!2m2!1d-104.990251!2d39.7392358!3m4!1m2!1d-111.4356906!2d37.7548515!3s0x8735ecf8364ac6ff:0xdf d972f892ccab3b!1m10!1m1!1s0x87356ef29dc6be71:0x981 0cfd2ac43b839!2m2!1d-112.1071411!2d37.6224368!3m4!1m2!1d-112.7139151!2d37.2219679!3s0x80cad219ceca5839:0x19 a96a2454a6dd0b!1m5!1m1!1s0x80beb782a4f57dd1:0x3acc d5e6d5b379a3!2m2!1d-115.1398296!2d36.1699412!3e0

Here are some pics: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AjSheBAOAI_EgfdWmUJtSnLvuUP30g

The drive is simply mind blowing. I could not BELIEVE the beautiful things I have seen.

Mopar Or No Car
10-01-2017, 10:25 PM
we just registered ,,,, Dennis cant wait to get in trouble with you we are thinking of our shipping options your pal Rock

10-02-2017, 02:09 AM
Hi everyone! Glad to see some early-bird sign ups!!!!

For the shipping and caravan out there, it's too soon to commit yourself to any one version of the plan.
The purpose of shipping to somewhere other than Vegas is to create a nice group drive. The bigger the number of Vipers the better.
There are a few of us working on making the caravan size as large as possible and that will help determine the site. For now the stuff you can plan individually is budget for extra days and total number of days off you can take for early travel.

ACR Steve
10-02-2017, 10:02 AM
Really considering looks like a great event

10-02-2017, 07:57 PM
I'm registered and booked at the hotel!

10-03-2017, 06:34 AM
any idea what a group rate would be on shipping round trip?

10-03-2017, 07:03 AM
any idea what a group rate would be on shipping round trip?

Good Question, and probably the top one for many people.
It's too early to answer that fully, but you can get online quotes without any obligation from both of the carriers we are likely to use - Passport Transportation and Reliable Carriers.

The price is going to depend partially on where we ship to/from (are we shipping part of the way and driving part of the way for example)
The price should be lower in a group rate than quotes you may get from the carriers, but I can't guess how much lower.
One of the factors we are going to work on is targeted timing down to the 1/2day... usually these companies don't function that precisely but it will obviously be important to us.

You can get some idea of prices online, but sit-tight a little to see what we can get. This won't be last-minute like New Orleans, but it will take a little time for event sign-ups to come in FIRST so we can talk real numbers with the carriers. It appears already that we have many sign-ups from NY/CT/NE so we might be in good shape.

10-03-2017, 07:18 AM
I spoke to Rick from New England group about this. His group originally wanted to start driving from Four Corners (ship cars to AZ), but I told him I have done the drive from Vegas to Denver and it's insane. He is going to discuss with his group and get back to me. I sent Ed the same info as well. I am definitely going one way or another, so count me in.

Here is a map of my drive: https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Denver,+CO/Stone+Canyon+Inn,+West+Stone+Canyon+Lane,+Tropic,+ UT/Las+Vegas,+NV/@37.9507977,-112.3236843,7z/am=t/data=!4m30!4m29!1m10!1m1!1s0x876b80aa231f17cf:0x11 8ef4f8278a36d6!2m2!1d-104.990251!2d39.7392358!3m4!1m2!1d-111.4356906!2d37.7548515!3s0x8735ecf8364ac6ff:0xdf d972f892ccab3b!1m10!1m1!1s0x87356ef29dc6be71:0x981 0cfd2ac43b839!2m2!1d-112.1071411!2d37.6224368!3m4!1m2!1d-112.7139151!2d37.2219679!3s0x80cad219ceca5839:0x19 a96a2454a6dd0b!1m5!1m1!1s0x80beb782a4f57dd1:0x3acc d5e6d5b379a3!2m2!1d-115.1398296!2d36.1699412!3e0

Here are some pics: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AjSheBAOAI_EgfdWmUJtSnLvuUP30g

The drive is simply mind blowing. I could not BELIEVE the beautiful things I have seen.

Eugene, This looks like an AMAZING drive!
The other option on the table is looking like Phoenix Arizona to Las Vegas.

If people are interested in both, I think we should open them both up, but I don't want to assume people's interest level.

Everyone - Please post up your thoughts:

Would you do a Caravan Drive to Vegas just like what Eugene mapped out above? - figure you fly into Denver on Sunday and have the cars arrive via truck Sunday. Monday and Tuesday you drive to Vegas, arriving Tuesday night. (or stretch it to Wednesday morning)

And/Or Would you do a Caravan Drive to Vegas from Phoenix? Fly there Monday, have cars arrive Monday, Drive 1/2 day Tuesday and arrive in Vegas.

The route from Denver looks like a really amazing drive. The route from Phoenix is (reportedly) nice also, but not as amazing.
Phoenix is only 4.5 hours away from Vegas and would collect many more cars (meet up with the Arizona club and likely some others). We could have a caravan leaving there of almost 100 cars if we coordinate with clubs from Texas as well.
Denver is marginally closer to NY, so the shipping cost to get there would be a little less but you add an extra night of hotel so probably close to a wash.

What do you all think? Let us know if you would do one/the other / both.

10-03-2017, 01:23 PM
Okay I need to get my ass in gear! I want to go.

10-03-2017, 03:52 PM
I'm more than likely going to ship directly to Las Vegas. With kids still at home and work commitments I'm limited on time.

10-03-2017, 10:22 PM
Really considering looks like a great event

Come on, Steve! You gotta show them in Vegas how to really drive on a track :). I just signed up and I am definitely doing some sort of a drive to Vegas from either Denver or AZ (depending on who is going to organize, how, etc).

10-05-2017, 05:50 PM
All registered. Definitely in for shipping/drive out. Steve you GOTTA GO!!!!

10-05-2017, 09:35 PM
I am thinking of staying in Bellagio. Are you guys going to stay in Delano? Doesn't have great reviews.

10-07-2017, 02:28 PM
Ed, we are in for shipping and the drive out. Denver sounds pretty cool but we would do the other as well.
Eugene , I think it's a lot more fun staying at the same hotel as the group, even though there are better hotels.


10-07-2017, 02:30 PM
I didn't know Tony was going,I may want to back out know!

10-07-2017, 05:26 PM
I didn't know Tony was going,I may want to back out know!

I thought we were sharing a room together. :(:monkeyleft:

ACR Steve
10-09-2017, 09:30 AM
need a way to ship an extra set of front rims as well

Mopar Or No Car
10-10-2017, 09:51 PM
Steve put them in your luggage :)

10-11-2017, 08:57 AM
need a way to ship an extra set of front rims as well

Steve, if you are going to track, you should consider throwing out front Kumhos and switching to R888Rs (or PZeros). Less grip than Kumhos, but they will definitely last more than a day. No need to drag wheels with you across the continent.

ACR Steve
10-12-2017, 09:35 AM
ACR Steve is in

Eugene- Hate Pzeros had them on many cars they suck. R888 as you see just don't do it on a really fast car like ours. You know me I don't like being slow :) No good solution. Right now I have 2 sets of front rims and just ordered 4 brand new fronts for $250. each so if I blow a set the one day I will have a back up set for the rest of the event. Just have to work it our with whoever ships my car

We need to start a petition to Hoosier to build use a front tire . We would all buy it and I am sure they would sell enough to make it worth while

10-13-2017, 08:06 AM
ACR Steve is in

Eugene- Hate Pzeros had them on many cars they suck. R888 as you see just don't do it on a really fast car like ours. You know me I don't like being slow :) No good solution. Right now I have 2 sets of front rims and just ordered 4 brand new fronts for $250. each so if I blow a set the one day I will have a back up set for the rest of the event. Just have to work it our with whoever ships my car

We need to start a petition to Hoosier to build use a front tire . We would all buy it and I am sure they would sell enough to make it worth while


I thought Hoosier only builds motorsport tires? I dont think they will build anything specifically for the Viper, the audience is too small. I also hate Pzeros and also had them on many cars, though not Trofeos. After I "broke" the Toyos in with a track day, the highway howl is not as bad, though the track grip remains crappy. There was also a person with a brand new Turbo S at the track and they had horrible front end grip with P Zeros. Lose/lose situation.

No matter what happens, I am not putting Kumhos back on the front. I'd rather drive with R7s on the highway (leaving for a 2-day weekend at the Glen in a few hours, with them on) than shit bricks every track day wondering if tires will last.

ACR Steve
10-13-2017, 10:18 AM
Lol agree but on my end the ACR is my street car . The 1 time a year I bring it to the track instead of the race car I guess I can live with cording tires. Just bought tires for 250 each so not that bad

Have fun at the Glen

10-18-2017, 02:37 PM

I know we received a pricing guideline today from Passport transportation (check your email from national). I recently used them, and was very happy with the service and treatment of the car. Having said that, I know that we are talking about a lot of money, so I'm asking them to sharpen the pencils for a Full Truck worth of cars. (we may need 2 or 3 of those from our area. Sit tight a few days for some research and negotiation.

Meanwhile, Please post up if you will be transporting your car to Phoenix for the half-day caravan, and direct back from Vegas to the NY area after NVE

10-19-2017, 05:15 PM

I know we received a pricing guideline today from Passport transportation (check your email from national). I recently used them, and was very happy with the service and treatment of the car. Having said that, I know that we are talking about a lot of money, so I'm asking them to sharpen the pencils for a Full Truck worth of cars. (we may need 2 or 3 of those from our area. Sit tight a few days for some research and negotiation.

Meanwhile, Please post up if you will be transporting your car to Phoenix for the half-day caravan, and direct back from Vegas to the NY area after NVE

Ed, will be transporting mine but I have it lined up with "White Lightning Transport, LLC". If that falls through for some reason I'll let you know. Would like to be part of the caravan from AZ. Is the Caravan leaving AZ Tuesday or Wednesday?

10-20-2017, 10:23 AM
Ed, will be transporting mine but I have it lined up with "White Lightning Transport, LLC". If that falls through for some reason I'll let you know. Would like to be part of the caravan from AZ. Is the Caravan leaving AZ Tuesday or Wednesday?

Caravan will leave AZ Tuesday... time of day will be figured out as we get more info from clubs in the area who will meet us. The drive should take 4 or 4.5 hours.

10-20-2017, 11:00 AM

if you are signed up you will be receiving an email from the President of the NJ region asking for some basic information about shipping. We are working together to coordinate the number of cars so that we can fill trucks accurately and get the best price for everyone, so please respond to his email and give us a little time to assemble the info. Careful planning at this point will save everyone's cash and frustration later. Thanks!

10-21-2017, 08:13 AM
Tony...We're (Arizona club) going to be leaving Tuesday AM. I'll let you know when we lock down a time.

10-21-2017, 11:35 AM
Tony...We're (Arizona club) going to be leaving Tuesday AM. I'll let you know when we lock down a time.

Thanks. I know Ed is working with you guys and other regions to meet up down there. Just planning my flights at this point so I'm good. Looking forward to meeting the Arizona crew! :)

10-21-2017, 11:38 AM
Just made my transport reservation. Thanks Frank!

10-28-2017, 07:23 PM
I will need my car transported, add me to the list.