View Full Version : Discontinued parts list

KB Viper
08-31-2017, 12:04 AM


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My Viper was at the dealer this past week for a handful of warrenty items and when I picked it up today the one thing they didn't fix/replace was my shift boot bezel. One of the clips that holds the bezel down broke which per the Viper tech is a very common issue and the reason it wasn't replaced is the part has been discontinued. I have the carbon interior, so I'm not sure if that plays a part in this but I'm still under factory warrenty. I called SRT and was reminded that Viper production was over and was then told that appearence parts would be scarce but they would "try" to find me one. I'm not trying to start a negative post, I'm doing this to create awearness and to start a list of all discountiued parts. Eitherway I'm going to call SRT everyday until they get me a new bezel.



08-31-2017, 12:40 AM
KB Viper
Thanks for the info, good to know!

08-31-2017, 03:17 AM
i thought it was a fed req. they had to stock parts for 10yrs min? backordered isnt the same as discountinued and i hope its the former rther than the later for ya!

08-31-2017, 04:06 AM
They always say that on the Fed Regs but it is BS. Many have been screwed over time. Some of my Saleens were obsolete while still in the showroom. What is disappointing is this is the big three. Can 3D print that part in 10 mins so kind of ridiculous, when you think of it.

08-31-2017, 04:38 AM
This could get interesting. If seemingly simple parts are no longer available; especially as a result of say a minor fender bender or theft, the car could legitimately be considered totaled. I saw this happen with an SRT10 truck that had the seats stolen.

08-31-2017, 06:05 AM
That's unbelievable. Hope they can get it squared away for you. Doesn't look good for people needing parts or warranty work in the future.

It's almost a certainty that everyone with a G5 is going to have to rely on their warranty at some point. Hope FCA will be able to figure this out. Never heard of anything so ridiculous when it comes to warranty work / repairs on a car.

08-31-2017, 06:12 AM
Imagine what will happen if we need an engine under the 10 year program.....

08-31-2017, 06:59 AM
That's unbelievable. Hope they can get it squared away for you. Doesn't look good for people needing parts or warranty work in the future.

It's almost a certainty that everyone with a G5 is going to have to rely on their warranty at some point. Hope FCA will be able to figure this out. Never heard of anything so ridiculous when it comes to warranty work / repairs on a car.

I guess when they decided to end production.....they decided to END production. I wonder if there is a federal caveat that goes along with "specialty" low number vehicles; meaning, no spare parts required.

08-31-2017, 07:09 AM
mine is the exact same way, let me know if you have a solution (btw I have seen this on a bunch of Gen Vs that had their trans removed)

I was thinking of using a little hot glue to hold it down, can always break it off with a little force if you need to drop the trans or something.

08-31-2017, 07:28 AM
I don't recall where I read it as it has been a while, but a comment from an FCA exec stated we are the business of selling cars, not parts.

The Gen 2 owners are the ones that are in the best shape as there are tons of Gen 2 parts at Chrysler yet.

08-31-2017, 07:35 AM
As Karen Carpenter so poignantly sang. "It's only just begun."

08-31-2017, 08:23 AM
i don't recall where i read it as it has been a while, but a comment from an fca exec stated we are the business of selling cars, not parts.

The gen 2 owners are the ones that are in the best shape as there are tons of gen 2 parts at chrysler yet.

^^^^^ this

08-31-2017, 08:31 AM
Lack of parts was the big reason I decided to ditch my car before production ended. God forbid not being able to get a rear quarter panel...

I took the part of when I was thinking of having the boot done in Alcantara. Perhaps it would be useful to lobby FCA for the 3D schematics/drawings of these parts, especially the discontinued vehicles. Being able to print your own is the world we live in. There is no reason (and to be quite honest it should be law) that these part 3D schematics/diagrams aren't available.

08-31-2017, 09:16 AM
Just saw this myself when I pulled into the garage yesterday. Shifting to reverse lifted the whole left side of the bezel. I'll be dropping by the dealer at the latest - Saturday to look into it. Don't have the carbon interior so will let you know what I find out when I talk to them.

08-31-2017, 09:27 AM
Lack of parts was the big reason I decided to ditch my car before production ended. God forbid not being able to get a rear quarter panel...

I took the part of when I was thinking of having the boot done in Alcantara. Perhaps it would be useful to lobby FCA for the 3D schematics/drawings of these parts, especially the discontinued vehicles. Being able to print your own is the world we live in. There is no reason (and to be quite honest it should be law) that these part 3D schematics/diagrams aren't available.

I completely agree. Before we panic, most of these parts should be printable aside from larger components.

08-31-2017, 09:41 AM
One of the part sites I use has 3 shift bezels available that includes the piece reference in this thread and the trim around it. One is $1073 which is probably the carbon one where the others are $800.

08-31-2017, 09:50 AM
The FCA can't offer these warranties if they are worthless. I would lawyer up on this. Once they start to get away with little stuff like this the line in the sand will keep moving back. We all should hold them accountable to the product they sold us.

08-31-2017, 09:58 AM
For something like Kris's clip issue - couldn't something be jury-rigged/sourced from some type of clip available at Home Depot, Pep Boys, etc? I'm not sure what it looks like.

Not taking away from the fact that down the road, long term warranties won't mean much if you can't get a part...

08-31-2017, 10:10 AM
parts will start to surface a little more after the dust settles,prolly in about a year or so maybe,it did after 2010 runs but that was also a different company,so we shall see

08-31-2017, 10:11 AM
My Viper was at the dealer this past week for a handful of warrenty items and when I picked it up today the one thing they didn't fix/replace was my shift boot bezel. One of the clips that holds the bezel down broke which per the Viper tech is a very common issue and the reason it wasn't replaced is the part has been discontinued. I have the carbon interior, so I'm not sure if that plays a part in this but I'm still under factory warrenty. I called SRT and was reminded that Viper production was over and was then told that appearence parts would be scarce but they would "try" to find me one. I'm not trying to start a negative post, I'm doing this to create awearness and to start a list of all discountiued parts. Eitherway I'm going to call SRT everyday until they get me a new bezel.



is it plastic clip built into the bezel?

Jet Slicker
08-31-2017, 10:14 AM
I had the exact same clip missing and I get the exact same response, we don't have any. I spent a month trying to find other clips that will work but couldn't find any that would fit right or hold the bezel down. I just run without the side clip now. It is slightly bothersome, but I love the car so I can deal with it.

Jet Slicker
08-31-2017, 10:16 AM
is it plastic clip built into the bezel?

Clip #4 is what we're looking for: http://www.billswebspace.com/viper86.jpg

08-31-2017, 10:38 AM
Sad to think that Viper parts and my testosterone have something in common.........

08-31-2017, 10:43 AM
Imagine what will happen if we need an engine under the 10 year program.....

Sergio wants to sell/part out FCA. He's running it skinny to make it more appealing to a buyer. I'd be very surprised if "FCA" is around in 10 years. I could see a company like Tata buying chryslers car division, I can see Ram being sold to Toyota because Toyota can't figure out how to get a foothold in the truck market, and keep Jeep as an independent.

Whenever I consider a gen 5 I honestly believe I'll be on my own for parts, engines, all of it...for a myriad of reasons. Still want one. Badly.

Mark Jorgensen, for example, provides exceptional service. In my experience with FCA, FCA does not include expectional service in their corporate directive. I'm sure everyone here will agree that Mark is the exception to the FCA experience. I have told countless brainless people at local dealershits to "call Mark Jorgensen and Mark will tell you what you need, here's his number."

08-31-2017, 10:46 AM
I don't recall where I read it as it has been a while, but a comment from an FCA exec stated we are the business of selling cars, not parts.

^^^^ This.

And this just isn't FCA's way of thinking. This is across all car lines. And this will even get more so problematic with all these new computer driven cars. I have already seen it first hand. An older car needs a PCM.....PCM is no longer available. Customer was forced to trade it in....take a huge loss because his trade it did not run....and buy another car. Car's are looked at as "throw away" items anymore I am afraid.

08-31-2017, 11:01 AM
Clip #4 is what we're looking for: http://www.billswebspace.com/viper86.jpg

The issue, at least in my case, isn't the clip itself that broke, but one of the plastic hooks on the plate that hold the clip.

08-31-2017, 11:02 AM
Clip #4 is what we're looking for: http://www.billswebspace.com/viper86.jpg

That clip looks like it should be easy for someone to make. Is it plastic or metal? It looks to be metal Check with Jon B to see if a clip say off of a Gen 4 console piece might work. It looks similar. I would also imagine that FCA used clips like that on other vehicles.

08-31-2017, 11:17 AM
..if all else fails..



could call them up and ask if they'd do a matte to try and match your interior trim

08-31-2017, 11:41 AM
Gents, we are talking about a clip. This is probably one of the more easier things to find compared to interior trim (HVAC trim pieces are 300 each!) and exterior body parts (bumpers, rockers, carbon aero). I will take a closer look but it's probably an existing clip that does not require a new part number. I'm sure there is another equivalent part used on other vehicles. Lots of vehicle trims utilize these.

08-31-2017, 11:44 AM
Considering that my Ram and my Viper (and my former Dart as well) use the EXACT same buttons, knobs, etc on the interior, I suspect this clip may be available from other vehicles in the FCA line?

08-31-2017, 11:47 AM
The other problem is when Viper tech's leave a dealership, which is what happened with my preferred dealership. They leave, and then because of a small customer base, they don't replace.

KB Viper
08-31-2017, 12:11 PM
update--I just spoke with SRT again and they explained that they can't escalate parts request issues until there is an order number but since the part is discontinued the dealer can't put in the order. They are going to have to do a work around to get an order number. SRT tried to explain to me that since there isn't a demand for some of these parts they quit making them. I did not agree that comment and I told the rep there is a market of approx 5k owners that they need to have parts for their 100k cars and considering it is 2017 and there were 2017 models produced that I doubt it's legal to not be able to warranty any part.

as for the part that is broke; I looked at it and its not just missing the clip, the plastic tab that the clip attaches to has broken off.

08-31-2017, 12:15 PM
Gents, we are talking about a clip. This is probably one of the more easier things to find compared to interior trim (HVAC trim pieces are 300 each!) and exterior body parts (bumpers, rockers, carbon aero). I will take a closer look but it's probably an existing clip that does not require a new part number. I'm sure there is another equivalent part used on other vehicles. Lots of vehicle trims utilize these.

Oh those?

You can get those on eBay



08-31-2017, 12:17 PM
as for the part that is broke; I looked at it and its not just missing the clip, the plastic tab that the clip attaches to has broken off.


KB Viper
08-31-2017, 12:48 PM
One of the part sites I use has 3 shift bezels available that includes the piece reference in this thread and the trim around it. One is $1073 which is probably the carbon one where the others are $800.

What's the site?

08-31-2017, 12:56 PM
those clips look like the ones that hold on the third brake light on a 2010 challenger, although in some cases,cant get the clip/gotta buy the part

Dan Cragin
08-31-2017, 02:33 PM
I recently ordered some speakers for a 2017 ACRE, customer wanted to upgrade the to the full stereo system. Found one of the speakers no longer available/ discontinued.

I know they had taken more orders for 2017's than they had parts to build them, maybe they used all the service parts. Bad news for making these legacy cars.

08-31-2017, 02:53 PM
I recently ordered some speakers for a 2017 ACRE, customer wanted to upgrade the to the full stereo system. Found one of the speakers no longer available/ discontinued.

I know they had taken more orders for 2017's than they had parts to build them, maybe they used all the service parts. Bad news for making these legacy cars.

This is nuts and must be a mistake. It's guaranteed out of all the vipers built in 2017 that have bumper to bumper till 2019/20 some will have speakers go bad and other components. What are they going to do? Just say "oh well?". Sounds like a lemon lawyers wet dream. Hell I bought my Extended Mopar Warranty for my 15' so i had no issues with anything, sounds like it's worthless at this point.

08-31-2017, 03:00 PM
This is nuts and must be a mistake. It's guaranteed out of all the vipers built in 2017 that have bumper to bumper till 2019/20 some will have speakers go bad and other components. What are they going to do? Just say "oh well?". Sounds like a lemon lawyers wet dream. Hell I bought my Extended Mopar Warranty for my 15' so i had no issues with anything, sounds like it's worthless at this point.

Yep, I bought the extended warranty, and also have the R28 10 year powertrain. Hope to never need it, but it's concerning.

Voice of Reason
08-31-2017, 04:38 PM
I'm not worried much about the power train warranty so long as it's individual pieces needing replaced. But a full crate engine in 7 years may be hard to find.

It's really the body parts that I'm most worried about, especially the ones that are specific to my TA. If someone damages my hood or a pot hole eats a front splitter and the only hoods are 2 vent or splitters are like Unicorn dust what then? Push for the car to be totaled because it can't be repaired back to spec? Or forever have a TA missing obvious components?

08-31-2017, 04:56 PM
I'm not worried much about the power train warranty so long as it's individual pieces needing replaced. But a full crate engine in 7 years may be hard to find.

It's really the body parts that I'm most worried about, especially the ones that are specific to my TA. If someone damages my hood or a pot hole eats a front splitter and the only hoods are 2 vent or splitters are like Unicorn dust what then? Push for the car to be totaled because it can't be repaired back to spec? Or forever have a TA missing obvious components?

Comes down to policies, They might say "Take a 2 vent hood or a check for the last published value for the 6 vent hood". Regardless you aren't made whole and should be allowed to push for total loss.

Jet Slicker
08-31-2017, 06:00 PM
That clip looks like it should be easy for someone to make. Is it plastic or metal? It looks to be metal Check with Jon B to see if a clip say off of a Gen 4 console piece might work. It looks similar. I would also imagine that FCA used clips like that on other vehicles.

Gents, we are talking about a clip. This is probably one of the more easier things to find compared to interior trim (HVAC trim pieces are 300 each!) and exterior body parts (bumpers, rockers, carbon aero). I will take a closer look but it's probably an existing clip that does not require a new part number. I'm sure there is another equivalent part used on other vehicles. Lots of vehicle trims utilize these.

Considering that my Ram and my Viper (and my former Dart as well) use the EXACT same buttons, knobs, etc on the interior, I suspect this clip may be available from other vehicles in the FCA line?

Oh those?

You can get those on eBay



Everybody, look closely at the number 4 clip. You will see that it is not your average interior holding clip. It has a different way of holding on to the piece it is securing... It looks like other FCA vehicles use this clip, but it is the same story, they will not sell just the clip. I cannot find any generic clip that will work either. Jon B cannot get only the clip either. He offered me the entire trim ring instead. So trust me, I have exhausted many options.
Either way, OP stated his trim piece is actually broken. He doesn't need the clip, rather a new trim piece all together. From FCA is is like $1900 LOL.

OP, maybe try to JB weld the plastic back together?

08-31-2017, 06:49 PM
Yes, yes, yes.... it is why I have 7 doors (looking to get rid of two), 5 sills/rockers (looking to get rid of one), two hatches, 4 rear fenders, 3 hoods, 3 front bumper, 3 rear bumpers, two complete interiors, 8 inner door panels, extra rims... and a partridge in a pear tree!

I did not want to be surprised when the parts market dried up on all this stuff... it's also why I went to the plant closing and spent most of my time getting scolded by the guards for cross the yellow tape line to get pictures of the suppliers who were making the parts for the car and am now trying to see what they (the suppliers) intend to do with their dies, molds, and other excess parts or pieces...

So, I wasn't crazy! Except for the fact I am trying to build a Viper in my garage... I would have loved to enjoy all those Vipers on the CAAP front lawn and finding so great people to have some very interesting discussions with but I was on a mission... protecting my investment...


08-31-2017, 06:51 PM
Well, after reading the first post to this last one you hit it on the nail. I was thinking JB Weld it back on if you still have the clip. It is underneath so no one will ever see it or even care as long as it holds well. Funny as the Viper is going to be the "Cuban car" in the future.

I have said it before but we as a Viper family are going to have to find a way to capture all that knowledge, cross numbered parts in the Dodge Chrysler Jeep, Ram or whoever's bin and try to build this database with ease of search so we can keep the cars going on our own. It is only us! Hell Shelby owners were in the same boat years ago until the cars started to gain in value, then Ford wanted back in after they gave the finger to owners for decades. Shelby owners had to do their own restoration guides, etc., etc. Sound familiar here fellows! Dodge is doing the same thing. Trying to wash their hands of it. I say screw em', it is up to us. Otherwise it is like feeding an elephant peanuts to get him to move. He will only move if he wants to regardless of what we do.

08-31-2017, 07:34 PM
Sad to think that Viper parts and my testosterone have something in common.........

hahahaha good one!

08-31-2017, 08:01 PM
Major bummer about parts!

Just gunna throw this out there:
Is it possible one of the boneyards may have it?
X2 Builders
Don Scharf

08-31-2017, 08:06 PM
That part has three of these and


One of these (the part you need)


This is my extra parts block for when mine breaks!


Federal law defines the warranty process under: 15 U.S. Code ยง 2301 - Definitions

In my very brief research, I can find nothing that specifically states they have to make any part for any period of time.

However, the Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act under FTC purview essential says the following about a Full Warranty program offered by a manufacture...

Full Warranty Requirements, under a full warranty, in the case of a defect, malfunction, or failure to conform with the written warranty, the warrantor:

1) can remedy the consumer product within a reasonable time and without charge;
2) may not impose any limitation on the duration of any implied warranty on the product;
3) may not exclude or limit consequential damages for a breach of any written or implied warranty on the product, unless the exclusion or limitation conspicuously appears on the face of the warranty; and
4) if the product, or a component part, contains a defect or malfunction, must permit the consumer to elect either a refund or replacement without charge, after a reasonable number of repair attempts.

The federal minimum standards for full warranties are waived if the warrantor can show that the problem associated with a warranted consumer product was caused by damage while in the possession of the consumer, or by unreasonable use, including a failure to provide reasonable and necessary maintenance.... hmmm....

Remedies under the Act:

The FTC has been mandated by Congress to promulgate rules to encourage the use of alternative dispute resolution, and full warranties may require mediation and/or arbitration as a first step toward settling disputes. The Act provides consumers with access to reasonable and effective remedies where there is a breach of warranty on a consumer product. The Act provides for informal dispute-settlement procedures and for actions brought by the government and by private parties.

A consumer who has been injured by the noncompliance of a supplier may bring an action in federal court if the amount in controversy is over $50,000 or a class action if the number of class plaintiffs is greater than 100. If the jurisdictional amount, or number of plaintiffs, do not meet these thresholds, an action under the act may be brought only in state court. Moreover, one of the key aids to the effectiveness of the Act is that a prevailing plaintiff may recover reasonable costs of suit, including attorney fees.

KB Viper
09-01-2017, 11:54 AM


On a side note, I appreciate all the suggestions on how to fix this without getting a new part and believe me, I own a classic car also so I'm use to fabbing up fixes in my garage I just didn't want to that now to the Viper while under warranty. If it this issue happens again I will definitely be using JB weld or my hot glue gun to fix it.

1Koolasp 16ACR
09-01-2017, 02:25 PM
Well , I Bought 2 Windshields, $835,00 A Piece List $1100 List, I Already Have Chips And In Time Will Need To Replace It For Sure, Unless A Company Steps Up And Makes Exact Factory Parts And To Spec , Like For The 60's And 70 Muscle Cars , You Can Get Everything You Need. There Will Be A Market On These Awesome Machines !!!

09-02-2017, 01:04 AM
Does that bezel come with the carbon surround or is it just the gloss black piece?

09-02-2017, 01:14 AM
Does that bezel come with the carbon surround or is it just the gloss black piece?

They put together the shifted boot and the door panels with very little common sense, the parts are all plastic welded to one another. You cannot take apart the bezel, boot, or surround without damaging the overall part, very frustrating.