View Full Version : Clutch slipping between 1st and 2nd in a hard pull what to do

08-17-2017, 03:54 PM
Hey guys, thought I would post my recent experience with my 2016 TA2 after 3800 miles.... I now notice that the clutch is slipping and makes a slight whine noise when I do a hard pull shift at redline from 1st to 2nd with the rear tires warm. With the tires cold, they break free no problem but with them warm and the road so warm they hold fast and all that torque from the shift is transferred to the clutch and its simply not up to the task. Everything in the car is stock including the P-Corsas. I've been able to reproduce this now 3 times under the same conditions.... simply a hard pull from first in to 2nd and it does it. The first time this happened it really surprised and I thought "what the hell was that, did the clutch just slip"? Didn't think much about it as hard pulls in other gears (2nd to 3rd, 3rd to 4th seemed fine at the time). well the next two times I take the car out, same thing 1st to 2nd hard pull shift I get the slip feel and whine sound and now I'm worried because it's easy to reproduce.

Some history on the car, original factory fluids in the trans/diff/brake reservoir, I plan to change these all asap. Car has been tracked 3 times but never run beyond 80% and I'm not hard on the clutch nor does my foot ride on the clutch pedal ever. The car had a warranty fix for the clutch slave cylinder hydraulic line because it wore a hole in to the side of the hose from rubbing up against the transmission housing which yielded in poor clutch feel until eventually the clutch pedal essentially did nothing. The viper tech blamed poor routing of the hose from factory and the hose and since been properly secured.

But the major symptom of this issue at the time with the leaking hose was that the clutch disc itself was not fully disengaging and still making contact with the flywheel causing the car to move even with the clutch pedal fully pressed to the floor. I remember it scared the crap out of me because I couldn't get the car out of gear and it wouldn't stop rolling and eventually i jammed on the brakes and the car stalled naturally. Before getting the car to the dealer for this fix I tried a couple of times to start the vehicle and see if I could limp it to the dealer with no success, Fluid was leaking from the slave cylinder line and I couldn't maintain pressure to properly shift and clutch the car. Fast forward a couple months from this fix, I've driven the car like 6 times maybe and put 300 miles or so on the car but the last 3 times I drove it I tried to drive hard and noticed the slip from 1st to 2nd and I'm left thinking in hindsight that the issue with the slave cylinder line leaking may have caused unnecessary wear on the clutch plate to the point now that it slips. I want to take it to the dealer to have them reproduce the issue and come to the same finding that the clutch is slipping but I'm worried that they're just going to say that the clutch disk is a wear item (as it normally is) and is not covered under warranty and that it's 100% on me to fix. However I feel that my previous issue and this one now are related but it's so easy for them to pass this off as poor driver behavior....

What should I do guys? I'm assuming clutches on these cars should last a while right guys? Even with a couple of track days of which I spend basically no time going from 1st to 2nd....

Jack B
08-17-2017, 09:08 PM
Just an opinion, but, a lot of the G5 vipers have some clutch slip in both 1st and 2nd, it just does not be noticed. In your current case, your floater and flywheel surfaces are probably glazed . You really want to see it slip, put, on some drag radials. The twin disk clutches have a lot of positives, but, they seem to bring some negatives also.

08-18-2017, 01:29 PM
Just an opinion, but, a lot of the G5 vipers have some clutch slip in both 1st and 2nd, it just does not be noticed. In your current case, your floater and flywheel surfaces are probably glazed . You really want to see it slip, put, on some drag radials. The twin disk clutches have a lot of positives, but, they seem to bring some negatives also.
Mabey if they didnt design it to grab at the top of the pedal there wouldnt be any?

Jack B
08-18-2017, 02:31 PM
Mabey if they didnt design it to grab at the top of the pedal there wouldnt be any?

There is not a lot of clearance between grag and lock. Put your car in first gear with the clutch on the floor and slowly release it, tell us where the car starts to move.

09-13-2017, 07:42 AM
We have Viper TA that has similar issues: The clutch is blown after 3000mi.

Is there a know clutch issue on the TA ?

09-13-2017, 11:38 AM
loll all Viper powertrains are identical, SRT GT GTC GTS ACR. There is no problem with the clutch design, especially at 3000 miles. Maybe build issue.

Steve M
09-13-2017, 10:46 PM
Just an opinion, but, a lot of the G5 vipers have some clutch slip in both 1st and 2nd, it just does not be noticed. In your current case, your floater and flywheel surfaces are probably glazed . You really want to see it slip, put, on some drag radials. The twin disk clutches have a lot of positives, but, they seem to bring some negatives also.

Heh...just found that out myself the hard way.

One Viper Bite
09-14-2017, 11:18 AM
My 2013 GTS did this and my 2017 does this. For me, it's more of a chirping whine that happens from 1-2 and a hard pull. It's difficult to hear but easy to hear when up against a mountain road or wall with the window down. I thought (with the history of my 2013) that is was a result of abuse, but when I heard it on my brand new 2017, I concluded that it is "normal" for our cars.