View Full Version : Few questions with my new ACR

08-08-2017, 12:59 PM
Hey Guys,

Just got my 2017 ACR a few weeks ago. Was wondering if you guys could give me some input.

1) When I am on the highway, and doing 70+ mph I hear air noise from the driver door up where the seal is. Is this normal? The faster I drive the louder it gets. I figured this car would be air tight in that area. (My AMG is quiet even at 100+mph)
2) I have the 18 speaker system, was kinda bumbed out with it....thought it would be a little better sounding... The bass is totally over kill even when you turn it down all the way. I feel like I am always adjusting it. Also on certain songs the speaker sounds like its blown (even at half volume) ...as if it cant maybe hit that certain frequency....make any sense? Many songs I really cant play at a decent volume without it sounding like crap. Maybe I am being too picky? Or maybe the speaker really is blown....
3) I got many items in the trunk. clearly the front splitter and the rear strake extensions are obvious. Looks like I also got some brake ducts. Why aren't these just installed already? Nor recommended to drive with them in all the time unless at the track? Should I just install them and leave them in all the time?
5) what is the clear plastic funnel looking thing that comes with the car as well?
4) when opening the rear hatch. I hit the button two times and it pops up. once it is popped up, 75% of the time I have to press it twice again because its still partially latched. but 25% of the time its popped up all the way and works fine. Is this Normal?

Otherwise I love the car! Thanks for any answers to these questions ! Ill probably have more soon !

Martin -

08-08-2017, 01:23 PM
Quick answers.
1. This is a feature the gen5 has had since 2013. LoL. Many if not most do this. There are ways to play with it. My '13 did it and my '16 ACR has it too.
2. Yea I had the 18 setup in '13 GTS and it sounded awesome. I have it in my ACR and it was horrible by comparison. I put in about 30lbs of dynomat all over the cabin, tunnel, doors, etc and it made a huge improvement. It's a feature of putting a 18 speaker setup in a race car.
3. Up to you. I would only run cooling ducts on the track myself.
4. Rear hatch another viper gen5 feature. LoL.
5. It's to fill the gas and hold the fuel flap open if you run out of gas on the road and have to use a gas can.

08-08-2017, 01:24 PM
1) My ACR doesn't make noise at speed. Sounds like a warranty issue.
2) I have the 3 speaker system. Mine iPhone will give my Viper audio system a good run.
3) Just install them. My ACR is at track height and its fine. Easy to drive at "factory height" unless you decide to take on all driveways and speed bumps head on.
4) I'm not sure what its for....filling the car up with gas if you run out?
5) The 2016 ACR's don't have a trunk popper that lifts the hatch away from the latch. The 2017's do, but it doesn't always work. Just the nature of the beast. If yours is a 2016 then you can order the parts. Theres a thread around here that talks about how to do this.

08-08-2017, 01:25 PM
I don't have an ACR, but except for number 3, these really aren't ACR-specific.
Wind noise, unfortunately, is common on the Gen 5s. Mine has it, many others here as well. There is a fix - contact Mark J at Woodhouse. Stock stereo is not great, IMO, but that's not what I bought the car for. Funnel is for putting gas in if you run out on the road. And yes, getting the trunk open is a pain, with sometimes multiple button pushes. My car does it as well. Viper quirk, if you will.

Plus, you have leaky oil cooler lines, and quirky windows to look forward to as well. Sorry, just telling it like it is.

Congrats on the car though, hope you're enjoying it. You've been through a lot!

Purple Haze
08-08-2017, 01:26 PM
Good data thanks...

Policy Limits
08-08-2017, 01:31 PM
Quit yer bitchin' & upload some pics hahaha

08-08-2017, 01:33 PM
Martin - They can't realistically ship a car with the front Extreme splitter and diffuser strakes on they would get beat up in the transport.
No way to get a new car delivered.

08-08-2017, 01:33 PM
Guess your stereo is all that you were hoping it would be. Glad I have the lowly 12 speaker system! Guess that also makes my car faster since it's way lighter without all those extra speakers. Lol.

08-08-2017, 02:58 PM
guys thanks for all the explanations it is much appreciated. Makes me feel better as I don't wanna bring it to a dealer if I don't have too.
Chris, I can only imagine how much worse your 12 speaker system is than my crappy 18 speaker! haha j/k

08-08-2017, 03:30 PM
Wind noise, unfortunately, is common on the Gen 5s. Mine has it, many others here as well. There is a fix - contact Mark J at Woodhouse.

I'd like to know more about a remedy for the wind noise too. Mine has some noise at highway speed. Not enough to bother me, but I'd love for it to be gone if it's easy.

And my 18 speaker audio in my GTC ACR actually sounds good. Especially when slow/stopped. Maybe the OPs is damaged.

08-08-2017, 05:09 PM
I'd like to know more about a remedy for the wind noise too. Mine has some noise at highway speed. Not enough to bother me, but I'd love for it to be gone if it's easy.

And my 18 speaker audio in my GTC ACR actually sounds good. Especially when slow/stopped. Maybe the OPs is damaged.

Your stereo sounds good because it's a GTC, so done with all the insulation of a GTS. My GTS 18 speaker was awesome IMO. My ACR 18 speaker sucked, it's an ACR with the 18 speaker dealer added. I did dynomat insulation and it was a totally different scenario. Having no insulation makes for a very tinny and boomy combo, like the highs are out of a can and the bass vibrates all thru the floorboards.

If OPs is a GTC, then it should sound pretty good, if not great. The GTC is so the way to go, small comforts like insulation make big difference IMO. I had to add some of that back in.

08-08-2017, 05:19 PM
Your stereo sounds good because it's a GTC, so done with all the insulation of a GTS. My GTS 18 speaker was awesome IMO. My ACR 18 speaker sucked, it's an ACR with the 18 speaker dealer added. I did dynomat insulation and it was a totally different scenario. Having no insulation makes for a very tinny and boomy combo, like the highs are out of a can and the bass vibrates all thru the floorboards.

If OPs is a GTC, then it should sound pretty good, if not great. The GTC is so the way to go, small comforts like insulation make big difference IMO. I had to add some of that back in.

Yeah, that makes sense. I actually didn't realize you could get the 18 speaker on a non-GTC. I assumed the OP has a GTC, but could be wrong.

08-08-2017, 06:48 PM
Upgrade exhaust and ditch the speakers... Lol.. I have 3 and it's a joke..

You can always pull on the wing when u unlock the trunk..

08-08-2017, 09:22 PM
Mine has the 3speaker set-up as I rarely listen to music when driving (in any car). I do have the extra feature where the horn button requires about 100lbs of force to honk 'a little", there is something in the driver's door that rattles, when turning the steering wheel it sounds like you are opening a barn door (something is scraping), but besides these so far I kinda love the car.

Quick question: Where does the gas filler cone get stored? It looks like it has a "tab" that should be mountable somewhere


08-09-2017, 07:44 AM
Your stereo sounds good because it's a GTC, so done with all the insulation of a GTS. My GTS 18 speaker was awesome IMO. My ACR 18 speaker sucked, it's an ACR with the 18 speaker dealer added. I did dynomat insulation and it was a totally different scenario. Having no insulation makes for a very tinny and boomy combo, like the highs are out of a can and the bass vibrates all thru the floorboards.

If OPs is a GTC, then it should sound pretty good, if not great. The GTC is so the way to go, small comforts like insulation make big difference IMO. I had to add some of that back in.

Mine is a GTC.....
I'm gonna have to compare it to a few other guys in the club. I swear I have a blow speaker in the driver door......I kinda hope I do...

- - - Updated - - -

Upgrade exhaust and ditch the speakers... Lol.. I have 3 and it's a joke..

You can always pull on the wing when u unlock the trunk..

Good point! I just didn't want to get additional finger prints on the car lol !

08-09-2017, 07:50 AM
Mine is a GTC.....
I'm gonna have to compare it to a few other guys in the club. I swear I have a blow speaker in the driver door......I kinda hope I do...

- - - Updated - - -

Good point! I just didn't want to get additional finger prints on the car lol !

You wouldn't be the 1st with a bad speaker, so definitely have it checked, it's quite possible. And congrats on a real beauty, little tweaks here and there, but so worth it.

08-09-2017, 07:54 AM
Mine has the 3speaker set-up as I rarely listen to music when driving (in any car). I do have the extra feature where the horn button requires about 100lbs of force to honk 'a little", there is something in the driver's door that rattles, when turning the steering wheel it sounds like you are opening a barn door (something is scraping), but besides these so far I kinda love the car.

Quick question: Where does the gas filler cone get stored? It looks like it has a "tab" that should be mountable somewhere


Usually I lend mine to my friends with vettes, they put it in their pants to look more manly. Otherwise, personally it sits in a cabinet shelf in the garage, could use it for additives but I never plan on running out of gas on the roadside, lol. In a pinch, you can prop the flap open for some gas with a screwdriver or other type device, these things can drink some fuel so I get how it can happen, but storage .. glove box??

08-09-2017, 11:12 AM
I find that turning the bass all the way down and your speed adjust volume to 3 helps to improve the sound eq at speed when having my iPhone connect via usb. Make sure if you connect via aux cable you adjust that level much higher as well.

As for the fule funnel, hope the attached helps.


08-09-2017, 11:16 AM
all my vipers have had wind noise at upper corner of window, 08-09-2010-2014-2017 its a viper thing

08-09-2017, 12:12 PM
The best way to fix the windnoise and the stereo all in one mod, is to put exhaust on it. You won't hear the wind noise, and you won't turn on the radio.

08-09-2017, 12:47 PM
Thanks PX8SNAKE, I have now fulfilled my "you learn something new everyday"................. off for a nap now :-)

08-09-2017, 01:04 PM
all good info appreciate it guys ! Gonna have that speaker checked next time I bring it in for an oil change, it sounds like crap, its def blown. (1st oil change free)

08-09-2017, 02:49 PM
Have the same wind noise on the driver side window as well. 17 ACR

08-10-2017, 10:54 AM
I have tried twice to fill the tank and can only get it to 7/8ths of a tank. Another common issue ? haha?

08-10-2017, 10:58 AM
I have tried twice to fill the tank and can only get it to 7/8ths of a tank. Another common issue ? haha?

Is it when the car was hot? I have found that issue on my other car when it's hot and also if you overfill the tank, it flows into the vapor canister that recycles gas fumes to the engine and in that case it becomes really hard to fill the tank completely (at least that is root cause in my other car).

08-10-2017, 11:23 AM
Correct, the Viper tank is notoriously hard to fill. Takes forever. Here in PA, we have the vapor recovery nozzles. My Ram - gas flow right in. The Viper - I have to jiggle the nozzle, squeeze lightly to get it started, and it still dribbles down the side. It's frustrating.

08-10-2017, 12:41 PM
Correct, the Viper tank is notoriously hard to fill. Takes forever. Here in PA, we have the vapor recovery nozzles. My Ram - gas flow right in. The Viper - I have to jiggle the nozzle, squeeze lightly to get it started, and it still dribbles down the side. It's frustrating.

The only car I've ever had that was worse to fill than a Viper was a Backdraft Cobra. That thing would squirt gas 3ft straight up in the air.

08-10-2017, 01:28 PM
I have the same wind noise from the driver's side window by the side mirror. I thought it was one of those TADT things. I guess I'll take it to the dealer to see if they can replace the flag.

08-10-2017, 01:40 PM
Mine is a GTC.....
I'm gonna have to compare it to a few other guys in the club. I swear I have a blow speaker in the driver door......I kinda hope I do...

- - - Updated - - -

Check out a website like this http://www.audiocheck.net/audiotests_stereo.php on your phone.
Connect your phone to the Viper Stereo.
try the stereo test into the car stereo... if the person's voice sounds crunchy in one side and not the other, you have a blown speaker, or some kind of failure in the gain on that side of the amplifier.

08-10-2017, 03:33 PM
No problems filling the tank. Always clock the nozzle handle to 9-11:00 position and it goes fine.

08-10-2017, 03:52 PM
No problems filling the tank. Always clock the nozzle handle to 9-11:00 position and it goes fine.

Tried that, no worky. It's our funky nozzles here.

08-10-2017, 03:56 PM
Have the same wind noise on the driver side window as well. 17 ACR
I have same issue with my '15 SRT.

I'll still mention it when it comes to getting warranty work done (squeeky passenger door and panel gaps).

08-10-2017, 08:30 PM
I'd like to know more about a remedy for the wind noise too. Mine has some noise at highway speed. Not enough to bother me, but I'd love for it to be gone if it's easy.

And my 18 speaker audio in my GTC ACR actually sounds good. Especially when slow/stopped. Maybe the OPs is damaged.

It's not damaged. The 18-speaker system sounds like shit. Yes, it's loud. Yes it can produce window-rattling bass. But it sounds like s.h.i.t. My car is a GTC and .......it sounds like shit.

If you think your system sounds good, rent a Range Rover with a base sound system for a day.