View Full Version : NVE3 Preview

05-11-2017, 02:50 PM
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National Viper Event III
Las Vegas - May 2-5, 2018

Get pumped! It's now 1 year away from the largest Viper gathering on the planet! The next National Viper Event (NVE) will be taking place in Las Vegas, Nevada on May 2-5, 2018!

We're way ahead of the curve on planning. We have some very new things we'll be doing this time around, and have incorporated the top trending input we received when doing our last NVE survey. As you know, we build these events as vacations, in places you should not miss - Las Vegas is probably among the top places for events like these. And given that we're exactly 1 year away - we thought it would be nice to give you a (rather detailed) glimpse on what to expect...

For those coming early, we'll be planning to open up sooner than before and do some early registrations (and the VOA store will also likely be open). We've also arranged early parking for big rigs at the track! And along with the usual VOA registration packet, we will again forgo a cheap goodie bag, but instead invest in a significant gift for everyone who attends. You know how we do it!

Welcome Reception
Are you tired of stuffy dinner gatherings? We're going to do a first for any Viper club - an outdoor, evening welcome reception, on the BEACH! You heard right. The VOA has bought out the entire property's outdoor area which includes a massive manmade beach. Picture the perfect evening weather, in shorts or jeans, good music in the back ground, evening lights, beach side dinner, and then walking along the water's edge as the wave pool kicks up relaxing waves in the background.

Mega Cruise Day
We're going BIG! This day we're going to cruise with our entire group in one of the longest line of Vipers in history to one of the best places in NV to see the Red Rock country. After our morning, we will then head to a place almost none of you have ever visited (especially in this way). We have bought out the entire Wayne Newton property... called Casa De Shenandoah. We're going to have open and unprecedented access to everything on the property - and it'll be only VOA members. Here you'll witness Wayne's horse stables and training grounds (and we'll have trainers there working with them), car collection, museum, exotic animal collection, and more. We'll also have full access to his entire mansion. We will even have open access to get into his Jet plane. We'll also have some interesting Viper candy to look at while we have lunch under the open skies on his sprawling 55 acre estate. It doesn't end there, if we're lucky, we may just have a very special guest join us...

We are again doing a first and going big - we've rented out the entire Las Vegas Motor Speedway along with its external road course. No more having an odd half-oval with a few turns in the infield that may have been done before... We are doing the entire high-speed oval, full external road course, and what may end up being the largest autocross done in US history! We're using the track day recipe we've created at past NVE's and we're kicking it up a notch!

The track days will span 2 days and will split the group, when you're not on the track, we have a tour day we've arranged to a special landmark location that you HAVE to visit when in Vegas. This will also be well coordinated and scheduled - as it's hard to get nearly 1000 people through there without a plan!

Dinner Banquet
This will be our grand finale. We'll do all the usual fun things - cocktail hour, vendor showcase, shopping, etc... We'll plan a great dinner (and this dinner will be GOOD - not just typical hotel food). We have a little entertainment planned for you, along with silent and live auctions. And this night happens to fall on Cinco De Mayo, so we'll be celebrating more than just a great NVE.

There is so much that goes into hotel selection, and actually have few options, to host an event this size. Luckily we got the one that gave us everything we wanted. Our host hotel for NVE3 will be the Delano, the all-suite deluxe property at Mandalay Bay. We have great rates (this is a FIVE start hotel...) arranged along with a LOT of club perks and experiences that we're going to reveal as we get closer. And of course we will also have some very special care for our cars including private parking, hired security, car wash, and more.

We've incorporated so much of your input, and we do observe that you'd hope for a lower price for NVE's (but maintaining a high quality). This is a hard balance, but we aimed to fulfill that objective at the onset! As always, all registration costs go toward the event itself (a certain club had published that we make money from NVE registration and the doorprize - that is completely false - we do not, and never have). This is 100% run by volunteers (oh Lord we have a lot of folks to thank) and 100% of all registration costs are funneled into the event, that's how we accomplish such big things - we're lean and mean. With that said, given the Viper is going away, we won't be doing a doorprize giveaway car, this will lower the price by over $100 per person. Also, we've done a number of strategic things to lower the price even further. And given the scale of attendees that we expect, and the full buyouts we've done (rather than pay per person), we should have a very efficient use of funds. And yes, there will be discounts for mamba members and those who register early. We plan to announce pricing shortly.

Ready To Party
As always, we aim to make this a family friendly, vacation style event, while also providing some scheduled free time. All the above, coupled with many of our usual shopping, vendors, free gifts, and other surprises - should surpass even the pickiest tastes. We've invested a lot of time and personal energy into putting on a show befitting the VOA, we expect that this event will be talked about for some time to come!! You know how we do it - like no one else.... Vegas will never be the same again.

We expect a large attendance given the event type and the location. To attend this event, you must be a VOA member (of course family members are part of your membership). We'll be providing a lot of details for you WELL in advance (including car transport, parking, arrival plans, detailed itinerary, etc...). Of course, things are always subject to change, however I don't anticipate any. We do plan to open registration a full 7-8 months before the event - you'll have plenty of time to arrange airfare and other plans. Expect registration to open promptly in Q4 later this year!

We've established the NVE3 website splash page counting down to the event. Feel free to visit, and keep it on hand, as the full website will be revealed with all the nitty gritty details when registration opens:


I'm excited for the club as there are so many details I can't reveal. But that will happen at the appropriate time - for now, I hope I've provided enough of an overview to make you well aware of what's to come. I'll see you there my friends!


Alex Ristanovic
National President
Viper Owners Association

05-11-2017, 03:18 PM
Wow, can't imagine the time and effort going into this. Thanks to all that are involved in the planning. Will be a great event for sure.


05-11-2017, 03:25 PM
Wow, wow, wow!! Gotta love reading this info! Even though it is almost a year out, can't say thanks enough to those that volunteer their time and efforts to make something like this happen. THANK YOU.
Now on with the wait.

Red Dog
05-13-2017, 07:24 AM
LOTS of planning and efforts by many dedicated people. THANKS to all! Looking forward to NVE3!


05-13-2017, 08:25 PM
Hell yeah. Let's do it! Danke shoene!

05-26-2017, 04:02 AM
I just got back from a bachelor party in Vegas and I'm not sure I'm welcome back. Can we move the location please? There was an, um, incedent.

05-26-2017, 05:44 AM
Where's the tiger?

05-26-2017, 07:58 PM
Where's the tiger?

We didn't even get around to looking for him. One of the messages in the group text on Sunday though said "everyone alive?" I think I heard my AMEX card crying too. It took some serious punishment : )

06-04-2017, 06:19 PM
When will tickets get released or spot to buy? Or register?

06-28-2017, 04:28 PM
Anybody remember the cost for NVE2?

07-02-2017, 12:34 AM
It was $795 for standard members, Mamba members got $100 off so was $695 for them.

NVE3 pricing will be revealed before registration opens and I think people will be pleasantly surprised. We did spend a lot of time looking at our NVE2 surveys (particularly trends across large groups), and lower price is something many asked for - so that's been the goal (without affecting quality). Given that we won't be able to easily do a doorprize car in 2018 due to the end of Viper, and some other measures taken to achieve a significant reduction, we're targeting a price much lower than the last NVE and lower than VOI's. In fact a lot lower. Vegas will be one heck of a party - and we can't wait to reveal more of the details... Registration opens in a matter of months for the largest Viper party on the planet (keep in mind you have to be a VOA member to attend).

Take care!

07-03-2017, 04:22 AM
Lower price is good, no doubt. I found NVE to be expensive, but a good value, if that makes sense. I know how expensive that stuff is to put together, especially when we want a venue all to ourselves so that is why I understood the cost. Especially in a city like New Orleans. That being said, a lower cost will make it easier on everyone to attend and enjoy.

Thank you to all involved for the effort that goes into this.

- - - Updated - - -

Why don't we take the money spent on tickets, gamble it on blackjack, double it, and give everyone their money back with the proceeds? Don't worry, I have a system.

07-11-2017, 09:38 AM
^^^Hard to read the update to your post and NOT picture Allen from The Hangover, driving in route to Vegas!^^^ lol

07-11-2017, 12:43 PM
Just became a Mamba member, can't wait for this event!

08-05-2017, 10:06 PM
Any chance the club can get a deal on car transport?

08-05-2017, 10:26 PM
You bet. We always do. Passport is our company - they even sponsored last time.

News to follow as we provide coordination details. And as a rule, it's good to get more cars from your region on a trailer. Regions that got a full trailer got some very good pricing.

08-06-2017, 07:09 PM

08-21-2017, 01:43 PM
Since it is only "about" 300 miles from the Phoenix area I hope a good size group is wanting to drive up.

Smokn- If you need any help coordinating a drive to and from the event I will be happy to help.

08-21-2017, 07:09 PM
I'm sure AZ will represent, given it's in their backyard (and the drive from Phoenix to Vegas is truly awesome - for Vipers...).

Thanks my friend. I've pinged Debbie for the plans for AZ. I'm sure when we get a couple months out, we'll start assembling the caravans. There's probably good opportunity to link up with people who are on the way as many will be taking the same roads as they near. Gonna be one heck of an entrance in Vegas.

I can't wait for people to see what's been planned, truly going to have the time of their life (and lots of good photo ops). Even the parking situation is awesome. : )

lets roll
08-21-2017, 08:57 PM
Yes we will be driving up as a caravan. I'll be putting it together as it get closer. Keep an eye on your emails.

Bill Pemberton
08-28-2017, 11:20 AM
New members should be joining only as a Mamba member , since you could get $100 off the Vegas NVE if you pay on time !!! There are benefits to membership!! So Enthusiasts with a Viper , the membership at Mamba Level will get you another good discount over the already lowered price promised this time around --cmon tell me now why you should not join,ha?!