View Full Version : VOA Auction! Membership Numbers 1-10

01-20-2014, 09:25 PM
https://us-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=2%5f0%5f0%5f1%5f33825462%5fAF%2frHkgA AAsRUt3l8QAAAHTsn4o&pid=2&fid=Inbox&inline=1&appid=yahoomail

Support VOA and Get a Low Membership Number!

https://us-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=2%5f0%5f0%5f1%5f33825462%5fAF%2frHkgA AAsRUt3l8QAAAHTsn4o&pid=4&fid=Inbox&inline=1&appid=yahoomail

Dear VOA Member,

We know how some of you covet low numbers, whether it's the VIN on your Viper or the membership number on your badge. Now you have a chance to get Member #001 in VOA!

To raise money to repay the start-up costs of VOA, the core team gave up their numbers #001-010 to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. The close of the auction will be staggered five minutes apart for each number, so if you miss out on #001, you can still bid on #002, etc…

The auction starts now, and will close on Feb 9th, starting at 9 PM EST. All auctions will end within 1 hour, so it's easy to bid. If you can't be available then, put in your highest bid for a number and it will automatically be bid for you.

The auction will be held online through Proxibid.

Preregister with your credit card to bid at:

www.proxibid.com/asp/Catalog.asp?aid=75351 (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001_Y8TFwSk6FHu5x2o4FzyG2TSHqZWhvlLXbFCBR rREzlGypUT-NsNPWc5IXi6s2LGustp-mvNs1lq0L-GLh8dCmYMBWO51eckfv1EZiNNPQUg-u_nzcWb1Peev5Sl2grfhYYh4zmTM8aofB9C0kJBsiy9uD66Rai c4xfAORGtq2e09nAlpnLbQIqjC55nnZESzTYaVCHqndOgSz4u6 BzD1Q==&c=W5yy9RN5rNCzYHfP_b5C091hL9EQTplVbJBlM3AMUmeaEkLX _kEKcA==&ch=rbxxcakCA_GMckLJbOm8p1tEUkViq7UoUWZn1KFNg8Nau_0 S5_ihQA==)

For more information, download the form at


Don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime chance to be a member of this elite group.

Minimum bids are:
#001: $2000
#002: $1500
#003: $1250
#004-010: $1000

Bid increments are $100. Auction is for member # only, does not include membership dues. Current VOA members or those eligible for club membership may bid (must be a Viper owner.)

Show your support for our new club and proudly wear your low "VIN".

If you have any questions, feel free to contact VOA Headquarters at:

admin@driveviper.com or call us (888) 778-1545


Randall Arnold
Membership Director
Viper Owners Association


Matt M, Pa
01-20-2014, 09:32 PM
Maybe I'm missing something, but with initial bids starling at $1000 just to get a low membership number...seems awful cheap to me not to give at least one year of membership.

01-20-2014, 10:22 PM
Maybe I'm missing something, but with initial bids starling at $1000 just to get a low membership number...seems awful cheap to me not to give at least one year of membership.

We didn't want to confuse people by adding the membership with the number.

Most of the people who will be bidding are already VOA members. It makes the administration much easier.

Also, the purpose is a fundraiser to create revenue to help with the startup costs. Providing memberships with the item would collectively cost the club over $1000.



01-21-2014, 06:10 AM
I see that deleting posts is not limited to that other site. Nice

Matt M, Pa
01-21-2014, 06:32 AM
Thanks for the reply, Randall. While I don't "get it"......I suppose some folks are interested in having the lower numbers.

As a non-member, I'm sure my opinion is better kept to myself about this..but....

To me, the lower numbers would be better given to people as an honor...those that did good deeds for the club...not sold to the highest bidder. (To that end, I saw the "Venom" memberships as divisive, too.) Then, it's an honor...not who paid the most.

Hopefully, this is received in the manner offered. No bad feelings or intent on either side...just a differing view.

01-21-2014, 07:07 AM
I see that deleting posts is not limited to that other site. Nice

Sir, the "deleted post" you are referring to was posted in the wrong thread, this thread. My mistake. It was a copy of the #3 post here. I was copying my #3 post for the other thread if someone had a question like Matt had.

The post you are referring to is here:

01-21-2014, 07:27 AM
Thanks for the reply, Randall. While I don't "get it"......I suppose some folks are interested in having the lower numbers.

As a non-member, I'm sure my opinion is better kept to myself about this..but....

To me, the lower numbers would be better given to people as an honor...those that did good deeds for the club...not sold to the highest bidder. (To that end, I saw the "Venom" memberships as divisive, too.) Then, it's an honor...not who paid the most.

Hopefully, this is received in the manner offered. No bad feelings or intent on either side...just a differing view.

No problem Matt.

Actually, those numbers 1-10 were saved for the founders of the club; Maurice, Alex, Janni, Brad, myself, etc. We gave up those numbers so that we could do this auction. Even the Regional Presidents wanted us to keep those numbers as a thank you and auction off numbers 11-20. We felt that numbers 11-20 would not bring in as much money for the club. So we gave up 1-10 and took 11-20.

And as far as the "mamba" membership...... The "venom" membership you paid $150 for with the old club, your extra money went to national. With VOA Mamba membership, the regions get an extra $25 per member and first class mailing of Viper Quarterly.

01-21-2014, 10:18 AM
I do want to thank the Officers and Directors that donated their numbers so we could have this auction. Originally 1-10 were given up for 11-20.

VOA National President
#0011 Maurice Liang

VOA National Vice President
#0012 Alex Ristanovic

VOA National Secretary
#0013 Janni Cone

VOA National Treasurer
#0014 Brad Homen

VOA National Membership Director
#0015 Randall Arnold

VOA National Events Director
#0016 Jim Johnson

VOA National Sponsorship Director
#0017 Adrian Byrd

VOA National Advertising Director
#0018 John Wojnar

VOA National Website Director
#0019 Scott Grayson

VOA National Sponsorship Director
#0020 Charles Tator

01-21-2014, 12:22 PM
From Alex's post on the other auction thread in the membership area, I thought would be good here:

"If you purchased a number previously, yes you will get a refund for that number (so if you paid $500 for #85, you'll be credit the $500). And yes, for those who want the numbers that are "given up" by those who move to 1-10, they will be available to you. We'll let folks know which numbers have "freed" up after the auction is done!"

01-22-2014, 03:11 PM
I'll sell #202 and all proceeds will go to the Tom Needs A Second Viper Foundation. Any takers?

01-22-2014, 06:13 PM
I'll sell #202 and all proceeds will go to the Tom Needs A Second Viper Foundation. Any takers?

What do you need for the number...about 40-50 K ?

Sounds like a good deal to me.


01-23-2014, 08:45 AM
I'm looking for number 00057.....it was my VCA number and has very sentimental value to me.(nothing that has to do with the VCA other than the number's meaning elsewhere)......That's actually a big reason why I joined the VCA again this year (2014) ..I couldn't bear to give up that number.

LMK if it becomes available.


01-23-2014, 09:40 AM
I'm happy with my number - 7777 should be a lucky one :)

01-23-2014, 11:41 AM
Who has #72? I would potentially buy it from the current owner and give them my #172...

01-24-2014, 11:04 AM
Just as a rule of thumb so folks know what numbers are available to everyone:

* 100+: This is where numbering started for general membership and you can get a number assigned free (next number in line), or buy a specific # for a small fee.
* 85-99: These are the lowest member numbers available for purchase (a flat rate, not an auction). They sold out first day and aren't available any longer.
* 11-84: These were assigned to officers, core team, presidents of local regions, and SRT staff.
* 1-10: These are up for auction and will the lowest numbers in existence and are open for anyone to purchase on auction.

Other FYI:

- Yes, if someone vacates a number (like 92), that number is available to anyone to purchase for the flat rate ($500).
- Anyone who purchases a new number on auction, will get a refund for any number they may have bought during the clubs startup.
- We'll send a courtesy announcement on which numbers were vacated so that folks don't have to figure it out for themselves in case they want to purchase one of them.
- Everything will be completed and will be reflected in the first shipment of member packets which will be printed and shipped after the auction. All numbers, charter membership, and Mamba designation will be reflected on the badge. (The design is done and looks killer)

PS Be wary of those Colorado members... they want a good buck for their numbers. ;.)

01-24-2014, 02:53 PM
Actually Alex, it is bucks, with the "s" on the end. Can't get anything of real value for a buck anymore. Plus most of the large sum is that we have to charge a Colorado Scenery surcharge. :)

Fatboy 18
01-24-2014, 03:51 PM
Any Bids in yet? :)

01-24-2014, 04:00 PM
Any Bids in yet? :)

Bid is at $2200 for #1

Bid is at $1000 for #10

You can click here for updates:


Fatboy 18
01-24-2014, 05:06 PM
Thanks for the update :)

02-05-2014, 11:50 AM
Only 4 days left. Get those bids in! : )
