02-02-2017, 05:20 PM
I would like to thank all those individuals who donated to support this fund and especially want to thank several people who without their support this fund raiser would not have been as successful. First, I would like to thank Sam Goldfarb (Ohio Region) who donated 20 banners and his time as incentives to help raise funds. Second, Steve Fess (KY/IN Region) for his endless efforts in supporting the cause, and Scott Manning (OK Region), who's region came in second place with $1300 collected. The total collected was $4860, with members and enthusiast from nine different regions participating. The region with the most collected and the winner of 10 free banners is the Carolinas Region. We (Carolinas Region) have decided instead of receiving the 10 banners, we want to add them to Sam's first incentive idea "Top 10 Donors" will receive the Tail of the Dragon banner - so now the top 20 top donors will receive the below banner for their great contributions. Again, thanks to all who supported this great cause.
Jeff Barnes (
Jeff Barnes (