View Full Version : Dead People Can t Vote That s All A Myth

11-04-2016, 06:01 AM
Yes, I've voted early.

All this talk about voter fraud and people stealing the election got my curiosity up though.

I've always liked to test things especially when it comes to automated systems. At my last company I bought a bunch of USB jump drives and had an engineer make a program where if you plugged in the jump drive it would email me. We were surprised that over 50% of the people who found the jump drives just plugged them in with not thought of what was on the jump drive. I got that idea from Stuxnet.

So I thought I would ran another test. There is too much talk about possible voter fraud during this election cycle. So I wondered if that was true.
My step-mother passed away a little over a year ago. Since I still have my step-mother’s credentials (drivers license, social security card, etc) I wanted to see if I could register four family stuffed bear.

This bear has been in our family for 23 years and I wondered if I could register the bear to vote under my step-mother's name.

I was surprised when I could register the bear to vote; but, then again I did it using my step-mothers credentials.

So, the bear was registered to vote…

We took him with us to vote yesterday afternoon. The voter official tried to talk to him but I had to speak for the bear. I explained that he couldn’t speak and also needed help voting because his paws were too large.

The clerk kept glancing up at him as she was checking his ID and I’m sure she questioned that he was an 89 year-old woman who weighed 105 pounds. But she evidently wasn’t sure what to say.

In this environment they aren’t going to stop someone from voting.

So I took him to a voting machine and helped him vote. And I didn’t watch as it as his voting choices weren’t my business.

Then we joined Shirley back at the truck…because when we had arrived she saw me take the bear out of the truck and she hurried inside, voted and returned to the truck. I think she was horrified and she said she was just waiting for the police cars to arrive.

Anyway, so we voted and the test was successful.


Fatboy 18
11-04-2016, 07:47 AM
Ha Ha, Awesome story, this is the trouble with electronic systems. I never realised how bad it was until John a Club member and Hacker told me about the Hacker conventions you guys have over there.
Worrying for sure!

11-04-2016, 11:15 AM
My grandfather passed away a couple years ago and he is gonna be so pissed if he is forced to vote democrat against his will. And there have already been instances of voter fraud.

The thumb drive thing is crazy. I saw a tv show where they threw thumb drives in parking lots of government buildings and sure enough they got plugged in.

11-04-2016, 12:16 PM
A study of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases in 50 states between 2000 and 2012 found the level of fraud was infinitesimal compared with the 146 million voters registered over the 12-year period. The analysis found only 10 cases of voter impersonation, the only kind of fraud that could be prevented by voter ID at the polls In Texas since 2000 four cases proven in 72 million votes. Kansas secretary of state took a look at 84 million votes cast in 22 states, trying to find duplicate registrations. The result? They referred 14 cases to prosecutors. Voter fraud is anything but an epidemic. What is bothersome is less than 60 percent of Americans vote in elections which means that 31% of us can choose a president - less if states with more electoral votes vote for one candidate over another - ie 2000 election when it is possible to lose the popular vote and become president. More worrisome is that in a nation of 330 million people we have to choose between these 2 candidates.

Fatboy 18
11-04-2016, 01:08 PM
Looks like this Pelican has also been busted for cyber crime!

11-04-2016, 02:50 PM
A study of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases in 50 states between 2000 and 2012 found the level of fraud was infinitesimal compared with the 146 million voters registered over the 12-year period. The analysis found only 10 cases of voter impersonation, the only kind of fraud that could be prevented by voter ID at the polls In Texas since 2000 four cases proven in 72 million votes. Kansas secretary of state took a look at 84 million votes cast in 22 states, trying to find duplicate registrations. The result? They referred 14 cases to prosecutors. Voter fraud is anything but an epidemic. What is bothersome is less than 60 percent of Americans vote in elections which means that 31% of us can choose a president - less if states with more electoral votes vote for one candidate over another - ie 2000 election when it is possible to lose the popular vote and become president. More worrisome is that in a nation of 330 million people we have to choose between these 2 candidates.

I'm not saying there is enough fraud to affect any election. I would think it would have to be wide-scale to affect any election. One thing does amaze me isn't fraud but the millions of deceased persons who are on the voter registration roles.

In today’s age you would think it would be easy to more or less clean up the vote registration databases since most deaths are reported to the Social Security administration who maintains a death index database. You would just have an automated program that would compare your voter registration database against that database.

11-04-2016, 03:02 PM
Yes, I've voted early. Voted for Trump. I'm from Arkansas so we know Hillary only too well.

I'm from New York and we know Trump just a little too well. I just wished you had asked me first.

11-04-2016, 03:06 PM
Oh this thread is gonna go off the rails quick. let's throw some religion and abortion in here and really kick this hornets nest. : )

11-04-2016, 03:11 PM
Oh this thread is gonna go off the rails quick. let's throw some religion and abortion in here and really kick this hornets nest. : )
Yep. I hesitated to respond but couldn't hold back. Probably not the best move. I'm SO looking forward to the end of this campaign, but I fear it may get even worse after Tuesday.

The real issue is that our campaign process is permitted to last for years. I am convinced things would be far better if we took the lead of some other countries and limited the campaigning to a few months. Think about what might be done with the BILLIONS spent!

11-04-2016, 03:23 PM
Yeah, and I'll delete it all here in a minute.

I should have left off the part of who I voted for. That part is irrelevant to my humor.

11-04-2016, 03:45 PM
Hey, please don't change anything on my account. We're all entitled to differ. I just wish there could be SOME middle road where we could all feel comfortable walking.

11-04-2016, 05:16 PM
There's not nothing I can type in this thread that will possibly get us to the middle of the road. So, I've come to the realization that whomever wins next week....we deserve it.

Fatboy 18
11-04-2016, 05:29 PM
Yep you guys could have a voting system like ours where 52% of people voted to leave the EU and the other 48% are fighting tooth and nail against the 52% wishes and don't recognize the vote! :web_driver:

Anyways, Your Election is widely broadcast every day on British TV.

11-04-2016, 06:23 PM
I'll accept the 52% (a very low win!) if you allow to let go: Scotland and Northern Ireland IF they vote for it.
Same rights for Scotish and Irish people!? ;-)

Back to the topic: the 2 parties in charge should sit down and fix the election system. They should have fixed it decades ago! It is not democratic because the US does not have a real voter registry and showing an ID before you vote is not mandatory in all 50 states. Not democratic. No democracy. Sad. Just sad. Search for "fair elections" as a basis for being/becoming a democracy.

11-04-2016, 06:25 PM
There's not nothing I can type in this thread that will possibly get us to the middle of the road. So, I've come to the realization that whomever wins next week....we deserve it.

You're absolutely correct about getting what we deserve.

Now in our state I quit counting who all made it on the ballot for president but I could have voted for these two - just because I love the name of their party.

http://gallery.viperclub.org/data/500/medium/14915409_10209933966659620_183544986998942609_n.jp g

11-05-2016, 07:22 PM
Hillary For Prison!

11-06-2016, 08:30 AM
I voted one way and my wife voted the other so we just waste paper and electrons I guess.

In the end, the the media is out of control, Washington is out of control, the whole system is out of control and broke. After 20 years in this country and 10 years naturalized, what a disgrace the process and choices are. I have been buying old TV series DVDs from the past, my wife and I just can't stomache the TV the past 3 months. Rather than fixing things. Every election is just down to rape or don't rape, abort or don't abort, racist or not, gun owner or not, illegal alien or not. Can understand and sympathize to a human level with these illegal aliens but I went through major, major costs and 10 years to earn and be granted citizenship in the US, (as a engineering professional and US business owner the ) why should it be just given away? Absolutely nothing about really actually running the country.

Two party system is so broke in today's world. Need a legitimate third party in the middle away from the extremists on both sides. Next week will tell us if we are headed to hell or the 6th layer of hell. Just get it over with already. BTW, good for Brexit. I am not a Globalism kind of guy. We can fix so many things in our countries if we just fix them IN our countries first already.

Just as I wrote this, I turned on the local Colorado news for "fun". Six straight negative Trump ads in a row, approved by Clinton. The whole thing is such a waste of money. I think I will just go for a drive in the Viper today with my son in the car seat and enjoy the mountain views, sounds of the motor and my 3 year old son's big grin. I believe we will have another Brexit here in the end. People are just so fed up with all if it.

Fatboy 18
11-06-2016, 09:47 AM
I'll accept the 52% (a very low win!) if you allow to let go: Scotland and Northern Ireland IF they vote for it.
Same rights for Scottish and Irish people!? ;-) Right, lets clear this up....Scotland and Northern Ireland are part of the United Kingdom, When the ballot papers go out they all vote as part of the United kingdom. Earlier in the year or last year (Can't quite remember) there was a referendum asking people in Scotland it they wanted to be part of the United Kingdom, The Nationalists lost that vote and Scotland chose to stay in the United Kingdom.

Now we have had a United Kingdom Vote on weather to leave the EU and the Vote was, the United Kingdom Voted out. Now the Nationalists in Scotland still dont like that vote! Well tough Sh--t. :web_driver: That Scottish woman should be Hung Drawn and Quartered........

Hang on a minute, think we did that to someone else from Scotland :D

Sorry for the thread derail :)

Viper Girl
11-06-2016, 11:17 AM

Viper Girl
11-06-2016, 11:20 AM
Sorry for the thread derail :)

This IS the type of thread that its ok to derail, in Fun and Games area... JMO

Oh and my dog is a good German girl, shes an anchor baby, as she was imported in utero...

Fatboy 18
11-06-2016, 11:45 AM
This IS the type of thread that its ok to derail... JMO

Oh and my dog is a good German girl, shes an anchor baby, as she was imported in utero...

Now, if were doing Dogs Here's "DODGE" (Good name I thought) :D


Fatboy 18
11-07-2016, 03:32 AM
So who do you think is likely to win? It seems every hour there is a new twist in your election! :newbie:

11-07-2016, 03:11 PM
Right, lets clear this up....Scotland and Northern Ireland are part of the United Kingdom, When the ballot papers go out they all vote as part of the United kingdom. Earlier in the year or last year (Can't quite remember) there was a referendum asking people in Scotland it they wanted to be part of the United Kingdom, The Nationalists lost that vote and Scotland chose to stay in the United Kingdom.

Now we have had a United Kingdom Vote on weather to leave the EU and the Vote was, the United Kingdom Voted out. Now the Nationalists in Scotland still dont like that vote! Well tough Sh--t. :web_driver: That Scottish woman should be Hung Drawn and Quartered........

Hang on a minute, think we did that to someone else from Scotland :D

Sorry for the thread derail :)

Of course the English guy doesn't want Scotland to be free. No surprise there. : )

Fatboy 18
11-07-2016, 05:34 PM
Of course the English guy doesn't want Scotland to be free. No surprise there. : )

Far from it actually, ...... The referendum they had in Scotland was for Scottish people living in Scotland only. Even Scottish people living in England were not allowed to Vote!
English, Welsh, Northern Ireland did not vote in that Referendum and the Scottish people Voted to remain in the United Kingdom.

Now they don't like the Euro Vote and the Nationalists want to try and break away again! Personally I think we should Build a Big wall,........::smilielol:

Fatboy 18
11-07-2016, 05:36 PM
You guys Voted yet or is it tomorrow that you vote?

11-07-2016, 11:48 PM
Tuesday the 8th.

I just have to drop mine off though.

11-10-2016, 01:01 PM
Hey, please don't change anything on my account. We're all entitled to differ. I just wish there could be SOME middle road where we could all feel comfortable walking.

I remember a middle road.

11-12-2016, 02:12 PM
I remember a middle road.

Middle road is code word for full government takeover. Typical communist rhetoric. Go the Venezuela if you like communism so much!!

I kid I kid. However my above joke is indicative of what you see on facebook and Twitter, etc right now. In fact I only recently got a Facebook and really only use it for car stuff. If someone tries to drag me into something political on there I don't engage. So much hyperbole and vitriol. And also a total lack of respect. My oldest brother has politics that are polar opposite to me. I can still respect him and get along just fine. I'm even godfather to my nephews. Lately people have taken on this all or none stance and it sucks. If nothing else, it just isn't productive.

11-14-2016, 03:57 AM
Vprbite what my comment was getting at is that I remember the good times under which I first got to know the people and the club. Stuff has happened since then during and after club elections and people have parted ways. Now one of them is wishing for a middle road so because sentimental old me still has some memory of the middle road that once was it makes me, well... hopeful.

11-14-2016, 04:05 AM
I didn't know you were talking about club dynamics. I thought you meant in terms of the election. I feel in general the middle of the road has disappeared because of the intensity that seems to surround everything in life. We are constantly bombarded by so much information and hyperbole. It's enough to fry anyone's brain. We are told that everything is life or death and then every little event is scrutinized non stop because channels need to fill up the time. I think it's put us all on edge.

I'm sorry to hear there have been some personal dynamic issues with the club. Hopefully they get worked out.