View Full Version : Looking for 1996 2002 Viper GTS Cross Sectional Drawings

11-02-2016, 10:02 PM
As the title states I am looking for drawings showing cross sections or good drawings that I can create these drawings from. I am not even concerned with formats as I have access to most software programs.

Thanks in advance.

11-03-2016, 09:51 AM
Something like this? That was just a quick phone shot of my 2002 brochure in my office.

I can probably scan it if you wanted.

11-03-2016, 12:41 PM
Thanks, but I have that book too. Looking for cross section profiles to make a scaled down body shell.

GTS Dean
11-03-2016, 03:09 PM
Interesting related story:
In 1995, the early regional stemwinders of the various Viper owners clubs were invited to Detroit to discuss formation of what would soon become the VCA. We traveled down to New Mack Ave. Viper assembly plant for a tour. They had a GTS prototype on their full-size 3-D coordinate measuring machine. What was really interesting is that the entire body was etched into the paint with a 10cm grid pattern - top, front, sides and back. They used a laser to lay out the increments for the etching, then used the CMM to create an accurate digital surface model off the grid.

Now, all you need is that section file...

11-03-2016, 03:49 PM
That is exactly what I need.