View Full Version : Carolina Motorsports Park event coming up November 4 5 6

10-28-2016, 08:17 PM
Just wanted to put out to the group that we'll be running our 2017 ACR-E next weekend at Carolina Motorsports Park (Kershaw, SC)

The event is sanctioned with NASA (www.nasa-se.com) and there will be a lot happening this weekend, including club racing and time trials. I am giving rides to those interested (18yrs old +) in seeing what the ACR-E has to offer (that is, of course, if you haven't already experienced it - if you have then you already know and in which case you're welcome to come anyway!) The passenger seat is equipped with 4-point harnesses by Team Tech, provided by PartsRack (Thanks Jon!). All you need is a helmet, and a strong stomach!!! We will also be debuting our full wrap, being installed Monday and Tuesday by our vehicle wrap department. The design is wicked!

There are 8 rider sessions on Friday, 4 on Saturday and 4 on Sunday.

I have our Viper sales team present to answer questions, and they too will be taking rides. Lunch will have brats and sides, so come hungry! On Saturday we have a professional film crew there to capture the event - and mainly the performance of the car as well as the reaction from fans, owners and riders as to the Viper experience. They'll want to interview you and get your Viper story for the segment.

I will also be running in Time Trials for two sessions (one Saturday and one Sunday) to set the production car lap record in our Viper at the track.

Not that anyone here is necessarily interested in this; but big-little kids (inc. me) will be racing our Thunder Roadsters in the second last event of the 2016 season for very important season points. The action is incredible and visibility at CMP is superb for fans of all ages. Sure, they're no Viper but the group is very close in lap times and it is great fun for door-to-door club level racing.

Of course, we encourage all interested to register at the www.nasa-se.com website and get your Viper (or any other car you wish) on track with a great group of folks in the NASA Southeast group. If you're not interested in tracking your Viper then just bring it and let's show off our cars!

If you are interested in coming, or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at brad@gerrywoodauto.com

Happy Motoring!

~ Brad Wood

10-28-2016, 08:45 PM
Very fun and safe track, but also very abrasive towards paint and windshield.

10-28-2016, 10:32 PM
Very fun and safe track, but also very abrasive towards paint and windshield.

Xpel Ultimate and ClearPlex- done.

10-29-2016, 09:26 AM
Il attend if you give back all the vipers

10-29-2016, 04:54 PM
Il attend if you give back all the vipers

We would certainly love for you to come, so we've taken a look at your request and given it careful consideration.

We have considered it both literally and figuratively, but frankly we are perplexed either way. We are sure if you meant figuratively to send the orders back to the order bank where they have been sitting since April of this year, but then that would not make much sense. Of course, you may have meant it literally and for us to ship the cars back to Detroit with a refund request from FCA. Of course you couldn't have meant it that way because we know they wont take them back.

Well, we are sure it doesn't really matter either way so if you'd like to come next weekend regardless we'll save a brat and hot dog for you.


10-29-2016, 06:28 PM
Make the Viper proud! Lay down a 1:35.x and make everyone else leave in tears.

10-31-2016, 12:17 PM
We would certainly love for you to come, so we've taken a look at your request and given it careful consideration.

We have considered it both literally and figuratively, but frankly we are perplexed either way. We are sure if you meant figuratively to send the orders back to the order bank where they have been sitting since April of this year, but then that would not make much sense. Of course, you may have meant it literally and for us to ship the cars back to Detroit with a refund request from FCA. Of course you couldn't have meant it that way because we know they wont take them back.

Well, we are sure it doesn't really matter either way so if you'd like to come next weekend regardless we'll save a brat and hot dog for you.

Kidding lol

10-31-2016, 02:43 PM
Kidding lol

I kinda figured, so was I. I've decided to have a little fun with this whole thing. Thus the smarty analysis of the comment and "corporate reply". There has been some hard core hate mail and comments (albeit the minority voice) and rather than be bothered by any of it I've come to have fun with it and realize it's all part of the process.
