View Full Version : NVE3 Final Date Selected
08-29-2016, 11:25 AM
Planning for NVE3 is going hot and heavy and things are coming together nicely! We'll be sure to leak interesting details early, so that you know what to expect...
Among the most important things to be sure everyone knows - is the final date selected. We previously expected to be set in April, as we wanted good weather (without too much heat that comes with the summer there). Due to venue availability/syncing, we initially had the 3rd week in April planned. However, last week our track location was able to move another client and opened a new opportunity for us, and we were able to sync the other locations! This help northerners avoid possible April snows and makes it easier on the many who drive their Vipers down for the event. This is literally the perfect week (and the one we initially wanted) as it's the latest week you can take before holidays, graduation, etc... Things have really come together.
So... drum roll please - mark your calendars, the official date for NVE3 in Las Vegas is May 2-5, 2018!!
08-29-2016, 11:26 AM
09-06-2016, 09:01 AM
Calendar marked!
09-06-2016, 09:15 AM
great news!
09-06-2016, 10:07 AM
Alex, is there anyway you can move it up a year. NVE 1 and 2 were both so much fun. I just don't want to wait that long.
09-06-2016, 11:27 AM
You're terrible!! I was actually hoping we could push it out a year to give more time!! : )
Wish we could, but the two years in between is barely enough time to get it all together. This is actually why we instituted the bucket list events on the in-between years, to keep everyone (like YOU) busy! : )
09-06-2016, 08:07 PM
The next big question is when do ticket sales start?
09-06-2016, 08:37 PM
In Q3/Q4 2017!
09-07-2016, 05:25 PM
Awesome! I was worried about climbing over the Rockies in April to get there in the Viper. It's the Mountains and well it's Colorado so you never know.
Now seems like a shame to have my Door Prize sit for so long. I can store it for free in my garage and then trailer it out in 2018. Won't put any miles on it, I promise. If I do, I will just jack it up and let it spin in reverse to take those miles off.
If I do, I will just jack it up and let it spin in reverse to take those miles off.
Just don't let it drop off the jacks, Ferris Bueller :D
09-08-2016, 12:28 PM
Now I just have to sit here with my fingers crossed that our overseas trip isn't at the same time....AGAIN!!!
09-09-2016, 07:40 PM
May 2-5, 2018 works for me!!!! I have a great idea's for 2020. There is a awesome track very close, a ton of non car things to do for the family, 2 casino's , day trips for miles and a 4 star hotel to stay at. And it has been rated America's most livable city more then once. Answer Pittsburgh
09-09-2016, 09:29 PM
May 2-5, 2018 works for me!!!! I have a great idea's for 2020. There is a awesome track very close, a ton of non car things to do for the family, 2 casino's , day trips for miles and a 4 star hotel to stay at. And it has been rated America's most livable city more then once. Answer Pittsburgh
Too far east. After 3 in a row out that way, the west should get a couple events back to back.
09-10-2016, 05:11 PM
May 2-5, 2018 works for me!!!! I have a great idea's for 2020. There is a awesome track very close, a ton of non car things to do for the family, 2 casino's , day trips for miles and a 4 star hotel to stay at. And it has been rated America's most livable city more then once. Answer Pittsburgh
Great idea! Was just there last month (Aug) visiting family and the city is beautiful. Many options for a variety of activities.
Red Dog
03-05-2017, 12:18 PM
Cindy and Bob Davis / 2005 Copperhead #297 of 300. We're "IN" for NV3. Just attended a meeting of the VOA South Florida Viper Club yesterday. We're talking about shipping our Vipers out to Las Vegas on a car hauler truck(s). Should be a great time. We were out there for two weeks summer of 2016. The Grand Canyon and the National Parks out west are simply spectacular! We'll probably do two weeks again in 2018 tying it in with NVE3.
03-20-2017, 08:30 AM
This looks like a blast!!! Anyone from the Midwest/Eastern area shipping their cars out there?
Would love to bring the Viper and have it shipped out, maybe if we have enough Vipers wanting to go from this area we can get a deal on shipping?
Coming from WI here.
05-02-2017, 10:27 PM
You guys and your shipping. Will be driving from Toronto:)
Red Dog
05-07-2017, 10:43 AM
You guys and your shipping. Will be driving from Toronto:)
Key Largo, Florida to Las Vegas, Nevada
37 h (2,620.3 mi) ONE WAY
That's 74 hours and 5,240 miles of driving round trip! Plus figure the cost of fuel, food and motels along the way . . . No thank you! I don't need get beat up that badly. We love the Viper but it's certainly NOT a comfortable road touring car. We prefer to arrive in Las Vegas relatively fresh and ready for some fun! To each his own . . . Just Sayin'
If anyone in NY/NJ/CT area wants to transport their Viper to NVEm let me know. I am trying to get a group of people together and get a transporter from Reliable or another reputable carrier to pick up a bunch of cars in the Northeast and get them to Vegas.
05-07-2017, 05:34 PM
This looks like a blast!!! Anyone from the Midwest/Eastern area shipping their cars out there?
Would love to bring the Viper and have it shipped out, maybe if we have enough Vipers wanting to go from this area we can get a deal on shipping?
Coming from WI here.
I'm sure there will be multiple truckloads coming out of the Illinois (Chicago) area.
Red Dog
05-07-2017, 05:54 PM
I have a little background experience in transportation. I suggest that the VOA should choose one of the respected national car haulers (like Reliable Carriers) and then have each VOA regional leader coordinate booking the Vipers shipping to / from Las Vegas in their specific area. By booking with one respected carrier, it allows that carrier to maximize efficiency by scheduling all the Viper transportation and filling up their trucks. Just Sayin' . . . not volunteering . . .
05-07-2017, 06:22 PM
If anyone in NY/NJ/CT area wants to transport their Viper to NVEm let me know. I am trying to get a group of people together and get a transporter from Reliable or another reputable carrier to pick up a bunch of cars in the Northeast and get them to Vegas.
There will definitely be some kind of transport plan offered by the Region. We'll probably pool our resources with NE/NJ/PA regions and have a solid plan for the area. I know ideas are still being discussed to make it as seamless as possible. As Red Dog mentioned, our Regional Presidents will be coordinating, so we're in good hands :thumbsup:
05-07-2017, 10:07 PM
This looks like a blast!!! Anyone from the Midwest/Eastern area shipping their cars out there?
Would love to bring the Viper and have it shipped out, maybe if we have enough Vipers wanting to go from this area we can get a deal on shipping?
Coming from WI here.
There will be official shippers. There will also be deals put together on non-official shippers. If you want to ship your car like a little girl with pigtails there is no shortages ways to do it. Just keep an eye open by fall and you should have a number of choices.
05-09-2017, 09:36 AM
I'm letting you all know early that we can accommodate some but not everyone. Get your reservation spot early. We will be making
several East Coast to West Coast trips. I can accommodate 2 vehicles at a time. We also carry insurance our own (500K) If you have an
appraisal done for your Viper this will help also. I am FMSCA, with DOT, MCC# and the mandatory Federal Insurance plus an additional
rider Insurance.
Reserve Early....Frank Barba 717 648 5651
05-09-2017, 10:57 PM
New Viper owner near Boston, hoping to attend this Meet next year and maybe bring the Viper along depending on finances at the time.
Red Dog
05-10-2017, 05:46 AM
New Viper owner near Boston, hoping to attend this Meet next year and maybe bring the Viper along depending on finances at the time.
Welcome to Viper Obsession . . . You have lots of time to make it happen for NVE3 . . . no excuses . . . see you in Las Vegas!
There will be official shippers. There will also be deals put together on non-official shippers. If you want to ship your car like a little girl with pigtails there is no shortages ways to do it. Just keep an eye open by fall and you should have a number of choices.
I drove my ACR 1,500 miles after picking up at Woodhouse and keep driving it to/from local race tracks, which are 120-250 miles away. Not sure if that makes me ineligible for the "little girl with pigtails" club. I have not been in other Vipers, but my ACR is pretty comfortable for driving long distances. I'll still take the little girl route though. A few years back I bought another car in LA, drove it to Denver (life changing road trip) and shipped it to NY from there. I got caught in a hail storm crossing the Rockies. In the end of August. The road was literally covered in hail and was slippery as hell. Single lane, no guard rail, 100ft+ drop on both sides. I just double-checked my bucket list and "fixing hail damage on the Viper" is not in there, so I'll get the car transported. ;) I do plan to drive the Viper to Grand Canyon when it gets to Vegas. If other members join me, it will be quite a show.
05-10-2017, 11:40 AM
Would this be open to a Viper Truck as well?
This would be a great trip for Envy.
05-10-2017, 01:18 PM
I have a little background experience in transportation. I suggest that the VOA should choose one of the respected national car haulers (like Reliable Carriers) and then have each VOA regional leader coordinate booking the Vipers shipping to / from Las Vegas in their specific area. By booking with one respected carrier, it allows that carrier to maximize efficiency by scheduling all the Viper transportation and filling up their trucks. Just Sayin' . . . not volunteering . . .
Yep, that's actually what we already do (and also did for past NVE's).
It's been Passport Transport for the last few years as they provided a better deal than Reliable and other large carriers. We open it up to all regions and they coordinate group pickups, this often lowers the cost of shipping greatly.
05-10-2017, 01:19 PM
Would this be open to a Viper Truck as well?
This would be a great trip for Envy.
While people are free to bring a different vehicle (though generally most will bring their Viper), you have to be a Viper owner AND a VOA club member to attend NVE. Sorry!
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