View Full Version : When will we be able to pay dues?

10-25-2013, 07:03 PM
When will we be able to pay dues? I would like to be one of the first to join. Sign me up!!!:cool:
Old Venom #8 :(

10-25-2013, 07:06 PM
Are the dues going to be a reasonable amount? How much is going to go back to the Region for local events?

JonB ~ PartsRack
10-25-2013, 07:22 PM
I heard thru the snake-vine that the dues structure will be VERY familiar, but that the % back to the regions, and speed-of-payment to Regions will be noticibly fast and more generous.

10-25-2013, 07:28 PM
I want #1, but "want in one hand and s*** in the other".........:D

10-25-2013, 07:38 PM
Welcome JonB. Great to see you back on the forums. They kicked me out too for a while, I can now post again but I will not be renewing VCA so it doesn't much matter anymore. Most will bail VCA once VOA gets going. It is looking great so far.

10-25-2013, 07:39 PM
I heard thru the snake-vine that the dues structure will be VERY familiar, but that the % back to the regions, and speed-of-payment to Regions will be noticibly fast and more generous.

You are correct Sir. We are working diligently on those aspects of the membership.

The membership portal will be opening on November 18th.

ALL members that join the new VOA between November 18th and December 31st, 2013 will be a "Charter Member". This will be designated on their name badges from then on.

So every member that joins between Nov 18th and Dec 31st will be part of Viper hisssstory. :)

More information to come.

10-25-2013, 10:24 PM
Hi - If we join b4 dec. 31 will we need to re-new on jan 1 for another year or will we get 13.5 months of membership?

I figure I might as well give voa one try, like I did vca...glad to hear it's going bye-bye.

10-25-2013, 10:28 PM
Hi - If we join b4 dec. 31 will we need to re-new on jan 1 for another year or will we get 13.5 months of membership?

I figure I might as well give voa one try, like I did vca...glad to hear it's going bye-bye.

The first memberships that will be available will be for 2014 so that would take you from Nov. 2013 till Dec. 2014.

10-27-2013, 11:52 AM
Great, thx! One benefit so far is the timely response from those "in the know"...much better than vca, for sure!

10-27-2013, 12:19 PM
In addition to what was discussed (and as JB stated), we're hoping to do something whereas distributions of dues are made quickly to the local regions. In the "old days" it was 6-9 months until we got dues (So people would pay in Jan, and regions didn't get money until July-Sept). We're not only hoping to disburse in the same quarter (at the VERY minimum), but we're actually working to do it the same month (and maybe even an automated method to do it real-time, but would require presidents to get on board with the technology).

10-27-2013, 01:36 PM
Thanks for the heads up , will be signing up on the 18th . :t1236:
You are correct Sir. We are working diligently on those aspects of the membership.

The membership portal will be opening on November 18th.

ALL members that join the new VOA between November 18th and December 31st, 2013 will be a "Charter Member". This will be designated on their name badges from then on.

So every member that joins between Nov 18th and Dec 31st will be part of Viper hisssstory. :)

More information to come.

10-28-2013, 08:09 AM
In the "old days" it was 6-9 months until we got dues (So people would pay in Jan, and regions didn't get money until July-Sept). We're not only hoping to disburse in the same quarter (at the VERY minimum), but we're actually working to do it the same month.

You mean you would actually distribute $ sooner...oh my!? The fact it took so long for funds from VCA, along with minutes, the "magazine", and the badge was silly...Please make sure y'all don't over-promise, under-deliver.

Man, I'm gonna miss that badge...!!

10-28-2013, 08:13 AM
Just got the email from the our local prez about the presidents meeting and progress.

AWESOME NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like this time around, things will work out for the members!!!!

Fatboy 18
10-28-2013, 08:20 AM
Will international members sign up directly to the VOA online or should we be paying our monies to our UK reps and then that money sent to you on block? As im sure you are aware, there were different payment structures in place for International members with the VCA.

10-28-2013, 08:29 AM
Please make sure y'all don't over-promise, under-deliver.

You guys are one tough crowd! :D

All I can add it that I was shocked at just how much is required to get this all together. My ignorance was bliss in that if I actually understood all that needed to be put in place, I'm not sure I would have "volunteered". As it is I might have helped with 2% of the workload and I've already put in for a 10% raise (10% of 0?).

Just so you know, Silver's exact phrase quoted above has been mentioned by several directors several times.

10-28-2013, 11:52 AM
Appreciate everyone's hard work to get the club off the ground.

10-28-2013, 03:24 PM
Just got the email from the our local prez about the presidents meeting and progress.

AWESOME NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like this time around, things will work out for the members!!!!

Yep, we're discussing international payment methods now. It's a tough nut to crack but there are options. International regions are now confirming they're coming aboard with VOA - several of them. So we should have something very soon.

10-28-2013, 06:57 PM
Big Thanks to those working hard behind the scenes to make all this happen , I'm sure it's not easy , but very appreciated !!! :)

10-28-2013, 08:28 PM
Everything is going like clockwork! :)

10-29-2013, 05:39 AM
All looks great so far, many thanks for all the work getting things off the ground!

Looking forward to singing up on the 18th!

10-29-2013, 11:19 AM

Thank you for getting this launched so quickly! And getting the forums going early was huge. Although I appreciate Viper Alley giving us a spot in their forum, there are some angry a-holes there and that place is hard to bear for long.

This forum is refreshing, positive and balanced (knock on wood).

Looking forward to becoming a Charter Member.


10-29-2013, 11:21 AM

10-29-2013, 11:25 AM

Nice avatar Harold, LOL

10-29-2013, 12:13 PM
Yep, we're discussing international payment methods now. It's a tough nut to crack but there are options. International regions are now confirming they're coming aboard with VOA - several of them. So we should have something very soon.

I'll stick with the IL region anyway...:web_driver:

10-29-2013, 06:55 PM
This is going to be....GREAT!

I'm very excited about the new club and very appreciative of everyone's hard work!

11-03-2013, 12:10 AM
Yeah, ditto from me on the thank you. I know there is a lot of hard work going into something that is going to benefit a great number of us. Anxious to send you my money as well.

Sybil TF
11-03-2013, 07:16 AM

. Although I appreciate Viper Alley giving us a spot in their forum, there are some angry a-holes there and that place is hard to bear for long.

Looking forward to becoming a Charter Member.


That's absurd.:smilielol:

11-03-2013, 09:18 AM
Great work by those individuals willing to spend the time and energy to get the VOA up and running....... but part of why I stopped renewing the VCA was spending $115 per year for dues and no real benefits other than a magazine that sometimes came out kind of when it was supposed to.. Now I'll grant you that here in North Florida there is no active Chapter....all the events seemed to me to be in and around Orlando.... What is the value proposition that should compel me to spend $100+ per year for VOA? I know there is a much larger fan base, but the Mustang Club of America is $50 per year and you get 12 magazines per year...... OK.....flame suit on...fire away!!!!

11-03-2013, 02:02 PM
Great work by those individuals willing to spend the time and energy to get the VOA up and running....... but part of why I stopped renewing the VCA was spending $115 per year for dues and no real benefits other than a magazine that sometimes came out kind of when it was supposed to.. Now I'll grant you that here in North Florida there is no active Chapter....all the events seemed to me to be in and around Orlando.... What is the value proposition that should compel me to spend $100+ per year for VOA? I know there is a much larger fan base, but the Mustang Club of America is $50 per year and you get 12 magazines per year...... OK.....flame suit on...fire away!!!!

The big advantage is.............I get to drive a Viper instead of a Mustang! Well worth another $50 a year.:orange:

11-03-2013, 02:13 PM
It's a valid question, has a simple answer... economics. The prices aren't arbitrary, they are based on the cost of operations. There are a lot more mustangs out there, not as many vipers. Cost of membership isn't really intended just to reflect the benefit of the regions, but also national events, insurance, vendor perks, etc.... and yes of course the magazine (not cheap). If you get 2000 people to give up the mag, we'd be all for it. ;.)

All kidding aside, no structure will work perfect for everyone. Even in my region people drive for hours just to come to an event.

I totally agree with you, but don't have a solution to achieve a higher expectation. We'd have to have a cheaper mag, cheaper website, cheaper badges, no insurance, etc.... but I don't believe that's what viper owners want. They expect a higher level.

This is a good topic. Ideas are of course welcome. We have fundraisers planned, but ultimately the cost of operations is most key. And luckily, by having all volunteers, and still having a high level of quality, we can actually cover it with members dues and no debt.

11-03-2013, 02:58 PM
Great work by those individuals willing to spend the time and energy to get the VOA up and running....... but part of why I stopped renewing the VCA was spending $115 per year for dues and no real benefits other than a magazine that sometimes came out kind of when it was supposed to.. Now I'll grant you that here in North Florida there is no active Chapter....all the events seemed to me to be in and around Orlando.... What is the value proposition that should compel me to spend $100+ per year for VOA? I know there is a much larger fan base, but the Mustang Club of America is $50 per year and you get 12 magazines per year...... OK.....flame suit on...fire away!!!!

Where are you located? I will 100% admit that the VCA FL chapter didn't have anything in the North, it was one of my complaints as well and I live on the north side of Orlando!

The Central/North FL region of the VOA will have more events up north, but we need members from that area to justify it, I have already been up to Jacksonville myself for a car show, posted about it no one except other orlando people came out. I understand everyone can't make it to everything, but I'm just saying we are willing to go up there for an event. The more people sign up in our region the more money there is to put on events.

11-03-2013, 09:00 PM
I'll probably give it a try.... and we'll see what happens in the first year. Will be interesting to see the financials.... I don't think I ever actually saw the financials at VCA.......maybe they came out after I stopped renewing, but I got really suspicious when they would not share them immediately when asked!!

Fatboy 18
11-04-2013, 06:48 AM
Not long now :) :car-smiley-003: :t1567:

11-04-2013, 01:42 PM
I'll probably give it a try.... and we'll see what happens in the first year. Will be interesting to see the financials.... I don't think I ever actually saw the financials at VCA.......maybe they came out after I stopped renewing, but I got really suspicious when they would not share them immediately when asked!!

That's OK, most of the board didn't see the financials either. At best, we were shown an Etch-a-Sketch drawing of what appeared to financials which consisted of a bunch of numbers that made no sense. True story. That's the best that the last president was able to do. :trike:

11-04-2013, 05:24 PM
That's OK, most of the board didn't see the financials either. At best, we were shown an Etch-a-Sketch drawing of what appeared to financials which consisted of a bunch of numbers that made no sense. True story. That's the best that the last president was able to do. :trike:

Sad but true.

This site and club are a breath of fresh air though. And I bet the manufacturer thinks so too.

Hiss Highness
11-05-2013, 08:14 PM
hopefully no cheasy stickers or "quality" pen for membership, and details on a viper owner association invitational(voai1) event,