View Full Version : Student doesn't make team, threatens to sue

07-18-2016, 10:26 PM
It's a cheerleading squad but cheerleaders practice and compete, etc so I consider it a team. Either way, it's definitely something that is supposed to be merit based. Not just "cause I want it" based. By that logic, im going to sue Lamborghini for not giving me an aventador cause I really want one.


What has happened to this country?

Fatboy 18
07-19-2016, 01:38 AM
It would be funny if it was not so sad :( This sort of thing is going accross all parts of society nowadays, not just in the USA either!

07-19-2016, 04:58 AM
There is nothing wrong with being bad at something, because it probably means you are better at other things. Find out what those are.

I'm a terrible basketball player. And putting me on the Varsity squad in high school just cause I wanted it wouldn't have done me any favors. I was however good at Ice Hockey, and good enough to play in college for my University. Earning my way onto that team was better for me in so many ways than putting me on a basketball or baseball team "just because" would have been. I have tried out for teams and not made them. Of course it sucks. But there is a good lesson there. Plus if I had asked my parents to sue because I didn't make the 8th grade basketball team I think my father would still be laughing 2 decades later.

We are creating a generation of sissies. I'll probably get sued now for saying that.

GTS Dean
07-19-2016, 08:44 AM
As the father of 2 former cheerleaders, it is always a very stressful time when tryouts come around. It is very political, very clique-ish, and last of all - very competitive (for the right reasons). Some moms get so freaking worked up about the whole thing when their daughters don't make it that they themselves feel like they will miss out on an 'elite' social scene. That's where a bunch of this soap opera nonsense starts. If the girl has real talent and doesn't have a nervous breakdown, everything takes care of itself.

07-19-2016, 09:53 AM
if you cannot take the rules,bad or good,play something you can handle,and if you cannot find something you can handle,you may want to start to look into you.lol