View Full Version : Ohio Viper club dilemma

John Croyle
07-15-2016, 12:10 PM
I was ask by Alex M, to help explain my post on Facebook concerning 7 officers / Directors turning in their resignations. Below is what the feeling is and the flavor of the concerns.

Basically, there was a lot of bullying being done to the two people holding the Secretary and Treasurer positions. They were constantly being second guessed, criticized and accused of petty misunderstandings. These people decided to resign after the club's Spring Party at the end of April this year(18 months after taking over the positions). A month later the President took it upon himself to appoint other people to those positions. The Ohio Viper Club by-laws state that vacated positions must be voted in by the Board of Directors. The President never consulted The Vice President or any of the 4 Board of Directors with these appointments. The Vice President then started questioning these appointments and received a lot of push back. (see quotes below from the 3 officers in charge now) Given all of this, since February 18th, there have been 7 of the Officers & Directors, including the Vice President, who have resigned their positions from the Board of Directors. Within the last week the recently resigned Vice President, Secretary and Treasure received overnight letters from the President stating that they are no longer welcome as, or members of the Ohio Viper Club. As is stands right now the Presidents actions have appeared to be more focused on his legacy within the club than the mission of the Ohio Viper Club as a whole.

Quotes from the current 3 current officers of the Ohio Viper Club, regarding the appointment of the treasure and secretary, after the president was questioned by some of the recently resigned officers and directors:

"There is no reason for a vote I've appointed *** and ******* to their position and that is how it will stay"

"There will not be a "board vote" on anything. Technically ALL the officers and directors currently on the "board" have never been elected to their current positions, therefore making the bylaws useless."

"*** obviously got the message, it just wasn't the news he wanted to hear!"

The Presidents strong arm approach to running the club continues to this day. This email was sent by him on July 11th to all those that have resigned:

"Please be advised that the email list, Facebook, any social media, phone numbers of all members of the Ohio Viper Club is property of only the Ohio Viper Club and is not meant for any personal use for anyone to use to make any comments about the club, members, officers or board members without the approval from me. If I find anyone using any of this communication lines for their own benefits that can be grounds for dismissal from the club. And if need be I will ask the National club to step in to deal with anyone who doesn't conform to this request."

What a sad state of affairs that a club supposedly governed by rules and by-laws, can be controlled by three self-appointed officers gone unchecked creating by definition a dictatorship that is now running the Ohio Viper Club. They effectively disenfranchised the members of being able to vote, for people willing to step up in this years club election, by banning them from the Ohio Viper Club. As you read this the current officers are probably modifying the Ohio Viper Club by-laws to suit their narrative moving forward.

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely"