View Full Version : Millenials complain about dress code--get fired

07-02-2016, 06:03 AM
Apparantly, none of these kids was majoring in gratitude, professionalism, or even not being an entitled snot nose jackass. They didn't like that their dress code as interns was more strict than some of the employees. So they protested and refused and were all immediately terminated. I love it! It would be one thing if they were forced to wear something degrading or sexually revealing, etc. but they were asked to wear suits or other formal, appropriate business attire. Apparantly too much for these unique little snowflakes.

Here is the link.


It also bothers me that this generation is so entitled that they feel they can change policies they knowingly walked into. They took this position. Applied for it, even. And yet believed it needed changed for them. Who do they think they are?

07-02-2016, 06:44 AM
Some people are going to be Very surprised when Scientists discover that the World doesn't revolve around them......lol ! :p

07-02-2016, 07:24 AM
I would like to think these kids learned a good lesson, but what are the odds that right now they are saying "those managers are dicks." Instead of "whoa I guess im not gonna pull a stunt like that again." ???

Obviously I am not sure who the company is but I applaud them and hope there are more like them these days.

07-02-2016, 10:43 AM
So they protested and refused and were all immediately terminated

I saw nothing in there that they "refused." However, they definitely were out of line. Some individually went to their managers and were turned down. That should have been the end of it. They crossed the line in "organizing" and thinking that would change management's minds. They learned a good lesson that your manager is not like your mommy and daddy.

07-02-2016, 01:09 PM
I saw nothing in there that they "refused." However, they definitely were out of line. Some individually went to their managers and were turned down. That should have been the end of it. They crossed the line in "organizing" and thinking that would change management's minds. They learned a good lesson that your manager is not like your mommy and daddy.

My father is a West Point Graduate and after he left the Army he worked for the City of Phoenix in IT for many years. He will be the first to tell you that part of the reason he stayed on as long as he did at the City was the fine people he worked with. Those were people who had been there for a while though. Once a few years back he got a phone call from an applicant's mother asking if her son would have parking close by. Now this wasn't some special case of someone being special needs and making sure there was van accessible parking or something like that. It was a normal, otherwise healthy and functioning early to mid 20s individual applying for a job with the city. Again, had someone been wanting to make sure they could park their modified wheelchair van or something to that effect, it would have been no big deal. But this was the applicant's mother making sure her little snowflake would have good parking as a brand new hire at the city. As I understand it, his resume was fast tracked to the circular file. As you stated, TVR, my father had a department to run and didn't have time to be their daddy.

I liked when I still had my shops and people would ask me for raises after 6 months of doing their job adequately (at best). Um, no. What happened to this country?

Sam Goldfarb
07-10-2016, 04:45 AM
The country went to hell when "time outs" were started as punishment for wrong doing. Then feeling bad, for punishing them, parents took their kids to Chucky Cheese and Dairy Queen to make up for it. The lesson learned was " If we misbehave we get pizza and ice cream" and that's why an entire generation of kids now think that by throwing a temper tantrum or hissy fit they can get their own way!

07-10-2016, 12:45 PM
True. Recently kids (I say kids cause they were between 18 and 22) signed a petition at Yale saying that offensive speech should be restricted, not permitted, or flat out illegal. For a demographic that spends a lot of money on ironic T-shirts they sure don't get irony. They were using their first amendment to decry it. Wow. That's an impressive kind of idiocy. Also, how incredibly solipsistic of them to believe they are the arbiters of what is and isn't offensive. For that matter, I find their statement of limiting speech offensive. Yet they don't see that. For them, offensive is anything that "hurts feelings" like saying you don't want illegal aliens here, etc. So for them, saying we should limit speech is not offensive. Telling them to dress professionally in a work environment is offensive because it doesn't allow them to express themselves. I'm actually strangely ok with that, provided one accepts the consequences. Saying you don't want to follow dress code means you get fired. If it's that important to you, ok then do it. But that is not the M.O. Of the day. It is "everybody must acquiesce to my special little request or get sued." We also have a generation who believes they are too good to push a broom or dig a ditch. That they are better than that, though they have never had a job.

There are people in India and China who would wear a clown suit to work if you asked them because it means have a job which means they get to eat that day. Bunch of candy asses that have been rewarded for it here.

07-10-2016, 01:00 PM
its pretty much the fault of the 45-55 year olds. we are the ones who let/caused the pussification of america to happen

07-10-2016, 06:43 PM
its pretty much the fault of the 45-55 year olds. we are the ones who let/caused the pussification of america to happen

I think it's more your fault, personally. I know plenty of tough 55 year olds. You are just one of those people who is all about feelings and making sure everyone feels good about themselves, no matter what.

07-10-2016, 06:51 PM
I think it's more your fault, personally. I know plenty of tough 55 year olds. You are just one of those people who is all about feelings and making sure everyone feels good about themselves, no matter what.

youre right, im all about making people feel good and loved :)

07-10-2016, 06:54 PM
If you ever want to make plum mad, talk when you aren't holding the sharing feather when he asks you to sit in the feelings circle. Oh it drives him nuts.

Policy Limits
06-18-2017, 05:55 PM
As an employer I've hired dozens of staff. It wasn't until a couple of years ago that I experienced snowflake central. They can still be reliable, professional and hard working on the plus side. However, I've never quite experienced their sense of self entitlement. It's as if they want to be you but don't want to put in the time & effort to be you. Seeing it through the eyes of someone who starting working in 9th grade collecting shopping carts for three bucks an hour was outrageous and not something that I could tolerate. Lots of folks are in for a big surprise when they graduate and join the private sector.

07-01-2017, 07:01 PM
Fuck em all. " I can change the world through a status and a tweet!".

Buncha bowtie -wearin white knuckled sausage scrubbers.

03-09-2018, 04:24 PM
The country went to hell when "time outs" were started as punishment for wrong doing. Then feeling bad, for punishing them, parents took their kids to Chucky Cheese and Dairy Queen to make up for it. The lesson learned was " If we misbehave we get pizza and ice cream" and that's why an entire generation of kids now think that by throwing a temper tantrum or hissy fit they can get their own way!

Don’t forget that all kids in sports now get an award or trophy for just showing up....... no work needed to get it, so therefore why try harder??? As I have always told my kids about work and success..... “if you don’t run the race, the prize has no value”

03-10-2018, 03:44 PM
Fixed it for ya’

..... “if you don’t WIN the race, the prize has no value”

03-10-2018, 06:32 PM
Daycare and social media hae changed how kids are raised. 2 working parents also changes the dynamics.


03-10-2018, 07:04 PM
Don’t forget that all kids in sports now get an award or trophy for just showing up....... no work needed to get it, so therefore why try harder??? As I have always told my kids about work and success..... “if you don’t run the race, the prize has no value”

Do we really expect much from kids that eat Tide Pods for fun :eek: :eek:

04-09-2018, 12:20 AM
Buncha bowtie -wearin white knuckled sausage scrubbers.

Sooooo, Chevy guys?