View Full Version : Graveyard carz part 2

06-26-2016, 01:53 PM
ok everybody the day is fast approaching.... JULY 16th.... if you haven't already cleared the day for this return visit then do so now,,, Lets have an even larger group making the drive down... ALL vipers are invited, members or not...... had a request to have some from a local Mopar club tag along with their mopars,,, I don't see why not- they of coarse would trail the viper caravan but since its a mopar shop i figured why not... the more mopar the better..... so now comes the hard part,,,,, PLEASEEEE i need some sort of accurate head count so they can plan the food and so I know how much $ to send them... I realize not everyone will now for sure but I gotta believe most of those going do know,,, so one last time,,, give me a yea or neh if you can make this trip down,,, its a fun drive, and a fun day and its a blast having all the vipers together..... I have attached a copy of the itinerary for that day, its last yrs as it seemed to work out good and I also have attached a copy of the activities list with a couple of date corrections..... anyone have questions feel free to call or email me,,, if you have ideas by all means let me know,, i can use the help with any and all of this... thats about it for now,,,, i'm also gonna put this on the VOA website and FB so no excuses you didn't know,,,,, lets have a big showing..... hope you all liked the magazine article about our last trip... thanks everyone; STEVE

P.S. if anyone from another region would care to join us please feel free to do so,,, contact me and I will get you the info....

06-26-2016, 08:11 PM
See you there buddy.

06-27-2016, 12:42 AM
ok everyone..... i seem to have created a little issue that might become a big issue if I don't address it now.... have had several emails with concerns about having other mopar cars joining in or that some might leave the viper home and bring something else..... FIRST and foremost this is a viper event... if you have a viper please bring it, the hope is to have more vipers than last year.... if your wife, gfriend, mistress or boyfriend doesn't like riding in it then come alone, lolol....and for those who don't have vipers but another type of mopar.... if you decide to join in do so with the heads up that if the parking lot fills with vipers u may have to park on the street... now personally i think everyone will fit inside the main lot but just want to give a heads up,,, remember this is a Viper event and needs to be that 1st..... and lets have fun, that is the most important thing,,,,
.................................................. ................................Also any non member with a Viper feel free to join us...

06-27-2016, 09:49 PM
well I guess the problem still grew bigger than i thought it would.... I first off want to apologize to all those who didn't like the idea of allowing other mopars tag along.... since we are a viper club with paying members i need to listen to them 1st,,,, with that said,,,,
THIS IS AGAIN A VIPER ONLY EVENT... i am sorry if you were wanting to join in with something else.... not this time... i am sorry if I have ruined some plans or upset whomever... i really thought that this would be ok.... I hope those of you who were thinking of not coming because of this will now join us for our viper only day...i dont know what else to say... sorry for upsetting some of you it was not intentional.....

07-03-2016, 12:16 AM
I'm in. Looking forward to the day.

07-03-2016, 12:59 PM
Will be making the trip down from WA.

07-03-2016, 04:34 PM
That sounds great Dr. Zaius, I'm looking forward to meeting you and seeing that beautiful beast. Double0fox, I'm glad to see some of the Wash crew working their way down for the run. It will be nice to meet all of you also. This is going to be a great day for sure. :)