View Full Version : My old 1998 Dodge Viper GTSR/GT2 900 Miles Car # 48

06-26-2016, 01:44 AM
WOW - sold this to Bernie at VE quite a few years ago, thought he had sold it long ago. Nice to see it still looks the same, but was tough to own, realizing driving it would only hurt it's value.


06-26-2016, 06:10 AM
I always loved these car.

Fatboy 18
06-26-2016, 06:13 AM
That's a nice car but can't help thinking the price is a little high! However, pushing the price up like this can only help the rest of the market :)

Bad Brad
06-26-2016, 08:08 AM
What a waste of a great car!!!! Sitting in a garage, seals drying up , brakes locking up, battery dead!!! You will have to put $$$$$ into it to get it running again.

Drive the super car, you enjoy it , let others see it on the road, and enjoy the car. Not much fun trying to watch the Value grow in the Garage!!! You'll probably die first and

someone else can enjoy its $$$$$$ value. Like the other guy said it will help the value of the rest of the market!!!! Enjoy your Garage Queen!!!!

Red Snake
06-26-2016, 10:54 AM
I want one of those with twin turbos. ;)

06-26-2016, 11:39 AM
What a waste of a great car!!!! Sitting in a garage, seals drying up , brakes locking up, battery dead!!! You will have to put $$$$$ into it to get it running again.

Drive the super car, you enjoy it , let others see it on the road, and enjoy the car. Not much fun trying to watch the Value grow in the Garage!!! You'll probably die first and

someone else can enjoy its $$$$$$ value. Like the other guy said it will help the value of the rest of the market!!!! Enjoy your Garage Queen!!!!

Bad Brad, I know your thought is echoed by many, but I can guarantee you, except for tires, no $$$$$ needed to be put into this car to get it running when I sold it. And, although it's unusual, I did realize a decent profit when sold due to it's condition. Also, was not only my only Viper '96 B/W GTS is driven and enjoyed.

06-26-2016, 12:12 PM
I want one of those with twin turbos. ;)

makes two of us !!!

06-26-2016, 04:59 PM
They are going to have that for a while unless they drop about $50k off the price.

Fatboy 18
06-30-2016, 01:54 AM
There are currently two of these for sale on Auto trader

one at $88,00 and another at $85,00 both with around 9k mileage

Red Snake
06-30-2016, 05:53 PM
There are currently two of these for sale on Auto trader

one at $88,00 and another at $85,00 both with around 9k mileage

FYI those are both the same car (#30).