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06-24-2016, 09:27 AM
UK split from EU, good ways to profit?

06-24-2016, 09:55 AM
I put all my sells through 5 hours ago...

Might be too late to play currency?

Resident Alien
06-24-2016, 11:51 AM
Between Brexit and other separatist moods on the continent, the unresolved refugee crisis, negative interest rates, old unresolved problems with Greece and the other EU debtor nations, tensions with Russia, and collapsing world trade mostly because of imploding China, it will probably be very hard for the European Union to survive in its current form. Their only real financial tool left to cope with these problems is more QE, or even helicopter money.

Mid to long term, that is looking very bearish for the euro vs. the US dollar. It is likely that capital will eventually be flowing to safety into the U.S., bidding up the USD, bonds, equities, real estate, etc. A strong dollar will bring its own set of huge problems, as it's bad for corporate profits, exports, oil, commodities, etc.

My 2c. anyways.

06-24-2016, 09:53 PM
Little late now, but this morning would've been the time to short a bunch of stuff. Could probably still make some cash on forex by picking up some Euros to sell at a later date.

06-24-2016, 10:40 PM
Little late now, but this morning would've been the time to short a bunch of stuff. Could probably still make some cash on forex by picking up some Euros to sell at a later date.

Exactly, buying TVIX or UVXY yesterday would have been the grand slams since both went up over 40% instantly but I don't like to chase since there is a good chance Monday will be a bounce day from the market over reacting. I made a couple bucks shorting oil in the morning for a day long trade today but nothing like if I had bought yesterday. I don't like holding DWTI overnight and especially not over the weekend since the overall oil trend is still bullish but the increasing dollar sent it down today.

06-24-2016, 10:42 PM
If you believe the market will keep dropping, pick up some TVIX.

06-24-2016, 10:50 PM
UK split from EU, good ways to profit?

If we break the 2,012.05 support level in the S&P, there will a good chance we're heading down to at least Feb lows setting up short/put opportunities.

06-24-2016, 11:01 PM
People are just freaking out. Things will quickly level out and get back to normal. UK is the 2nd largest economy in the EU, it isn't going anywhere.

06-24-2016, 11:20 PM
Exactly, buying TVIX or UVXY yesterday would have been the grand slams since both went up over 40% instantly but I don't like to chase since there is a good chance Monday will be a bounce day from the market over reacting. I made a couple bucks shorting oil in the morning for a day long trade today but nothing like if I had bought yesterday. I don't like holding DWTI overnight and especially not over the weekend since the overall oil trend is still bullish but the increasing dollar sent it down today.

I feel the same regarding Monday. Today was the day the Bulls going long on gold made some good money.
Have been in and out of JNUG For a while and was watching Tuesday and didn't buy in at 152.
Instead, bought some UGAZ in hopes of a good EIA report which ended up less than favorable. Next
week will be different. I hope..

But to answer the OP's question, yes.. There were many opportunities to buy some fire-sale stocks today.
Not sure what Monday will bring.

Btw...whenever I type from my iPad...the sentences come out looking like this^^^ weird

06-25-2016, 12:25 AM
Hitting TVIX just right would have been extremely lucky

06-25-2016, 01:43 AM
I would buy orange marmalade - a shipload. The shortage coming will drive up the prices insanely.

06-27-2016, 06:03 AM
Does anyone use Plus500 as a trading platform? Or can suggest something along those lines?

06-29-2016, 05:49 PM
Does anyone use Plus500 as a trading platform? Or can suggest something along those lines?

I don't know what is special about Plus500 platform? But I am in the process of getting set up with SureTrader. They carry lots of stocks for shorting, which is my main strategy.

06-29-2016, 08:22 PM
I didn't realize there were this man people locally into investing .

I have been trading for more than 20 years and at this stage in my life I mostly trade options... on good stocks.

07-01-2016, 12:12 AM
I made some good coin on HSC. They shot up from where I bought near the bottom at 5.95, up to 6.64

- - - Updated - - -

I didn't realize there were this man people locally into investing .

I have been trading for more than 20 years and at this stage in my life I mostly trade options... on good stocks.

I'd like to get into options, but I don't even know where is a good platform to trade them?

07-01-2016, 12:53 AM
I just started the forex crack addiction. Holy moly you can stare at the screen for hours. Im up 15% in 2 days though.

07-01-2016, 12:02 PM
I just started the forex crack addiction. Holy moly you can stare at the screen for hours. Im up 15% in 2 days though.

So do you treat Forex as a really high volume type of trading? Where you are trading based on fractions of cents many times through the day? Or is it still a swing trade where you are waiting for big fluctuations to make your move?

07-01-2016, 04:12 PM
I made some good coin on HSC. They shot up from where I bought near the bottom at 5.95, up to 6.64

- - - Updated - - -

I'd like to get into options, but I don't even know where is a good platform to trade them?

I have a day job, so I don't get overly concerned about my platform. I have tried a few, but came back to TD Waterhouse and get special rates from them (note this stuff is negotiable). I lose a few cents here and there because of timing, my broker, and other work commitments but that is to be expected unless you can trade stocks all day at your desk and no one cares.

07-01-2016, 06:06 PM
I have a day job, so I don't get overly concerned about my platform. I have tried a few, but came back to TD Waterhouse and get special rates from them (note this stuff is negotiable). I lose a few cents here and there because of timing, my broker, and other work commitments but that is to be expected unless you can trade stocks all day at your desk and no one cares.

I'm with Action Direct(RBC), never looked into trading options with them.

I feel like a lot of people think you need to make huge sums trading stocks to make it worth while. I'm more of the mind set, that if I can day trade on big swings whenever triggering events happen, I can make a healthy extra income with virtually no extra time involved. As soon as I buy something, I know the margin I want to make and I set my sell ticket right away. If the stock shoots up past my pre-determined sell price, then oh well, I still made my money. Getting hung up on making the absolute most money per trade is how it becomes a lot riskier. If I can get to a point where I can average about 500$ a day(not trading every single day, like one trade a week that makes 2500$ or something like that), then I don't need a job anymore and can put more time into establishing my businesses. At this point I'm just growing my account to a point that I can handle the volumes required to make that sort of return.