View Full Version : Not the most active forum

01-03-2014, 03:57 PM
This place is a bit quiet considering how many folks have joined. Not much activity. Seems more on VCA and of course, the Alley. Heck, even the McLaren site.

By the way, like most of us, I am now an "enthusiast" on the once great VCA site. Talk about a misnomer.

01-03-2014, 04:02 PM
Welcome, have a chair...

Late Apex
01-03-2014, 04:08 PM
Forums go rampant and then quiet for awhile. Mostly due to members away or just nothing HOT being posted. Hey, Im here and its sort of warm!!! LOL

01-03-2014, 04:20 PM
I was not aware there are other forums. This is the best place to be.


01-03-2014, 04:32 PM
I agree more topics needed!

Policy Limits
01-03-2014, 05:55 PM
Maybe folks wanna live drama free

Nine Ball
01-03-2014, 05:56 PM
Hit the "New Posts" link at the top of the screen. This site is more active than the other two, which I also frequent daily. Each site has a similar link, makes it easy to compare.



01-03-2014, 06:07 PM
This place is a bit quiet considering how many folks have joined. Not much activity. Seems more on VCA and of course, the Alley. Heck, even the McLaren site.

By the way, like most of us, I am now an "enthusiast" on the once great VCA site. Talk about a misnomer.

I am only an Enthusiast here like I now am on the other forum; but, I really am more enthusiastic about being here.

01-03-2014, 06:11 PM
Its still considered the holiday season, some people have better things to do (not me of course) Wait till next week

The Stig
01-03-2014, 06:12 PM
-29 degrees C here,.. maybe in a few months more chatter on viper..lol

01-03-2014, 06:20 PM
Forgive me for a little tongue in cheek comment, but you are no longer a Viper enthusiast? Seems like that is the same term used here on this forum for "non members" yet it means something different here vs. "there?"

I'll admit the Viper community has taken a huge hit as a result of all this but I still believe the car is among the best out there and I am happy to be an owner/enthusiast.

I hope that's something that will be corrected here. I thought is was stupid, petty move by the VCA to do away with the "owner" tag. There really should be "member", "owner" and "enthusiast" titles. When you see a newer "enthusiast", there's no way to know if they're a troll. Plus, if I was a new owner and looking for advice, I would feel more comfortable listening to someone that I knew at least owned a Viper.

01-03-2014, 06:23 PM
I have to admit there are a lot more "viewers" on the other sites but, if quantity is what your after, then I agree its slow here, if quality is what your after then this is the site. This is just the beginning here. The other sites have been around for years. The other sites still have a lot of threads that this place doesn't have because of years of input. Can't change history but we can begin one here. The Viper community is small, when you have one more site/forum/club, then your unfortunately wearing it thin.

01-03-2014, 06:27 PM
Hit the "New Posts" link at the top of the screen. This site is more active than the other two, which I also frequent daily. Each site has a similar link, makes it easy to compare.



Beat me to it.

01-03-2014, 06:36 PM
By the way, like most of us, I am now an "enthusiast" on the once great VCA site. Talk about a misnomer.

Hey Drummer, hows it going! If you get too bored you can always do some target practice with your Ed Brown Centennial. Old VCA mags make pretty good targets.:D

I now wear my "enthusiast" title with distinction over there. Funny how quickly they booted everyone who didn't renew down to "enthusiast". In my 13 years with the VCA I didn't always get my renewal in on time. Sometimes I was 2 or 3 months late. My VCA title never got changed. Apparently they can be timely with title changes but not with disclosing financials or sending out magazines. I was actually waiting and watching to see where things headed as I was considering dual membership. The actions and conduct of some of the officers over there suggest that nothing has changed (other then our titles, and low membership). Seems like 90% of the posters over there are "enthusiasts" now. Must be real easy for them to rule a few remaining sheeple who like the koolaid they're serving.

01-03-2014, 06:45 PM
-29 degrees C here,.. maybe in a few months more chatter on viper..lol

^ Pretty much

01-03-2014, 07:03 PM
Hey Drummer, hows it going! If you get too bored you can always do some target practice with your Ed Brown Centennial. Old VCA mags make pretty good targets.:D

I now wear my "enthusiast" title with distinction over there. Funny how quickly they booted everyone who didn't renew down to "enthusiast". In my 13 years with the VCA I didn't always get my renewal in on time. Sometimes I was 2 or 3 months late. My VCA title never got changed. Apparently they can be timely with title changes but not with disclosing financials or sending out magazines. I was actually waiting and watching to see where things headed as I was considering dual membership. The actions and conduct of some of the officers over there suggest that nothing has changed (other then our titles, and low membership). Seems like 90% of the posters over there are "enthusiasts" now. Must be real easy for them to rule a few remaining sheeple who like the koolaid they're serving.

too funny !! keep it going, please

01-03-2014, 07:08 PM
Give it time, this is a rebuilding year, for the car and club. Our last club was a disaster, so was the first year of the car. People are still slowly finding the site as well as the car. I have high hopes for both.

01-03-2014, 07:21 PM
For a new site, I think it is doing well. It takes time.

01-03-2014, 07:54 PM
This place is a bit quiet considering how many folks have joined. Not much activity.

that's simply because there is no infighting and bickering here.

it is much more civil here, therefore less volume of posts initiated out of anger.

Fatboy 18
01-03-2014, 08:04 PM
Any car club or Motorcycle club is about the members and what they/YOU put into it, Ken (life is good) has been hard at work posting up revised How To guides. I've been adding event dates for our UK members, Randall and the team have been posting about up coming events and talking about VOA merchandise? NineBall and Jack B have been making some great contributions on performance enhancements in the Gen V thread :)
The Vendors are here :) Giving away free stuff in a Draw :)

So what more would you like to see? :) There is a Viper Truck sub section, an Other Ride section, Its also the Holiday season and People are still away.

I think there are many people who have not joined in the fun yet. ;)

01-03-2014, 09:39 PM
By misnomer, I meant I was not the least bit enthusiastic to be on the VCA site.

Yeah, amazing how quickly they dumped everyone back . Too bad whomever was in charge of that didn't handle the magazine.

Dave, I also have a Wilson Centennial I can now take my frustrations out on.

Bugman Jeff
01-04-2014, 02:07 AM
-29 degrees C here,.. maybe in a few months more chatter on viper..lol

That's a big part of it. Seasonal cycles are common on forums centered around outdoor activities. Snowmobile forums slow down in the summer, motorcycle forums in the winter. Like many of us, my car is stored for the winter and my garage is unheated so I'm not working outside. Consequently, I don't have any tech posts to show, and I'm not running into problems the forum can help solve.

01-04-2014, 08:36 AM
Yeah, amazing how quickly they dumped everyone back . Too bad whomever was in charge of that didn't handle the magazine.

It didn't surprise me in the least. Modern computer programming is very advanced compared to the days when I used punch cards and punched paper tape.

If they had left non-VCA folks listed as VCA members, then the outcry would have been that they were fraudulently making their renewal rate look better than it was. I bet that they are tracking their renewal rates just as closely as VOA is, and updating their lists often. That database may be what the forum software uses to determine what attributes apply to a user.

01-04-2014, 09:16 AM
The threads in the Gen V section are a million times better and more active than elsewhere.

01-04-2014, 09:40 AM
All due to weather and holidays. Once it warms up things will take off.

01-04-2014, 10:08 AM
Not for me

Winter = internet
Summer = driving the Viper

Sybil TF
01-04-2014, 10:12 AM
This place is a bit quiet considering how many folks have joined. Not much activity. Seems more on VCA and of course, the Alley. Heck, even the McLaren site.

Is it entertainment you seek?:t15197:Something to tickle your fancy?

01-05-2014, 01:42 PM
Hey Drummer, hows it going! If you get too bored you can always do some target practice with your Ed Brown Centennial. Old VCA mags make pretty good targets.:D

I now wear my "enthusiast" title with distinction over there. Funny how quickly they booted everyone who didn't renew down to "enthusiast". In my 13 years with the VCA I didn't always get my renewal in on time. Sometimes I was 2 or 3 months late. My VCA title never got changed. Apparently they can be timely with title changes but not with disclosing financials or sending out magazines. I was actually waiting and watching to see where things headed as I was considering dual membership. The actions and conduct of some of the officers over there suggest that nothing has changed (other then our titles, and low membership). Seems like 90% of the posters over there are "enthusiasts" now. Must be real easy for them to rule a few remaining sheeple who like the koolaid they're serving.

I agree. Last year I didn't renew until March and kept my Member title the whole time. It's kind of weird, I was a member for 7 years and I feel like it meant nothing. Hoping for a better experience here.

01-05-2014, 02:35 PM
I don't know about traffic differences since this is the only Viper site I use now. But when I was making the switch from VCA it was not exactly easy to find this place. It didn't come up right away in google searches, and the site name sounds like a promotional site for Chrysler. I don't know how easy it is to find now? But that could account for lower traffic. Maybe that's what the plan was though? Keep it to true enthusiasts who had to search for it because they wanted to switch clubs, and let all the nosey Nancy's that will never buy a Viper go to the first google link they see which is the VCA. One last poke to the VCA. lol

Bugman Jeff
01-05-2014, 06:32 PM
I have no idea what how search engines actually work, but I know there are ways to optimize search results or get yourself higher in the rankings. I just googled "Viper Forum", and the VOA came in as the 5th result. The very first result is, of course, the VCA. But what really caught my eye was the descriptor under the link starts off with "Welcome to the official Viper Club of America, home to America's most powerful ..." What ever the case may be, it sounds like the VCA is the legit place to be for all things Viper, and it's implied that they have Chrysler backing, just from that opening sentence.

The VOA's descriptor on the other hand is "Have a question about the club, or simply want to introduce yourself? This is the place!" IMO, it's not a very good hook. Particularly with today's short attention spans, first impressions are important. It doesn't mention the Viper, or that it's a national organization. It feels like just a local club's site. The first line under the link needs to read "The fastest growing Viper organization in the world" or something along those lines.

If I were new to the Viper scene and looking for a club to join, the VCA would reel me in. It probably wouldn't be until months later when I wasn't getting any returns on my investment that I'd give the VOA another look. Even then, I wouldn't join until my VCA membership expired. For folks who don't get out with the local scene, the VOA needs a better hook to combat the implied history and prestige of the VCA.

01-05-2014, 07:04 PM
I'm wondering how long people will continue to post the same exact message title on all 2 or 3 Viper sites?

01-05-2014, 07:19 PM
I'm wondering how long people will continue to post the same exact message title on all 2 or 3 Viper sites?


01-06-2014, 05:01 PM
I think the holidays, cold weather, lack of driving, and working on Vipers may have kept people from posting. I read this site everyday but do not post. It looks like its doing well. I need a VOA t-shirt!