View Full Version : Anybody heard from Greg Phillips lately?

01-03-2014, 12:07 AM
Hey guys. Now that the track in Calgary closed I havent seen Greg post on here in ages. Does anybody keep in contact with him? Just curious how hes doing?

All Blue ACR
01-03-2014, 10:42 PM
not a peep sadly

01-08-2014, 01:54 PM
Saw him at the Maserati unveiling of the Ghibli but never had a chance to see what he was up to.

All Blue ACR
01-08-2014, 06:10 PM
For old times sake

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v618/RRJR/2009_0621Day0018_zps2965655a.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/RRJR/media/2009_0621Day0018_zps2965655a.jpg.html)

01-08-2014, 06:26 PM
NO, have not heard from him ever.

All Blue ACR
01-08-2014, 06:43 PM
NO, have not heard from him ever.

your loss

01-08-2014, 09:16 PM
I think i still have his number. Ill try to give him a shout some time and see what hes up to. Holy crap could he drive.

04-28-2015, 05:09 AM
He's alive, and driving, fast. Pretty sure he grabbed the lap record at Castrol this Sunday while I was there, he has it at Race City too, as it closed.

He was like me I'm pretty sure, and not to speak for him, but when the Viperclub forums turned to the big gangsta wheels, wax my car etiquette, and cars n coffee forums, we both moved on. This forum seems much better already. Maybe I'll tell him to give this one a shot?

04-28-2015, 02:38 PM

Thank you for the kind words - it's greatly appreciated.

Things are going well, still rock'n the ACR. I've been renting Castrol in Edmonton since it opened 2 years ago. I have 5 track days at Castrol for the Calgary Exotic Auto Group this year.

I've been racing Chump Car in the US. I won at Thunderhill just a few weeks ago and I set the fastest lap at the Chumpionship at Las Vegas just before Christmas so I haven't slowed down too much. Still old, still fat - but still going well.

There's a reason I left this group a few years ago. As you know I put together the Alberta Viper Event 2 years in a row. My plan was to grow the event and make it something extraordinary. I was on track - it was getting better each year. On my third year I was told the date of the event I was organizing. I wasn't even in the country on that date. I was told I had no choice. I said I did have a choice and stopped organizing it. 'They' said that they'd organize it. They did. Once.
That's the end of the story.

But it's not really the end of the story. I continue to put together the Calgary Exotic Auto Group - and it's doing really well (we had a great track event just yesterday and a 'movie night' last Friday). Every year I also organize the Hummer Club's keystone event. It's in Aztec, New Mexico, Durango, Colorado and Moab, Utah. So my efforts have gone elsewhere. I'm still bitter about how the Viper event I was planning got skidded, but it is what it is. I exercised my choice and moved on.

Anyway, maybe I can check in here from time to time!

If Brad says it OK, it's OK. I'll move this forum up my favourites list.

Thanks guys! We had some fun times at the Alberta Viper Event!


04-28-2015, 02:46 PM
From the last Alberta Viper Event. Remember this? Passing an actual working snow plow on the highway?

Good times! Vipers being DRIVEN!


04-28-2015, 11:44 PM
Great to see you back Greg.

04-30-2015, 11:56 PM
I'm still loving my Viper and still having a lot of fun with it.

05-01-2015, 02:45 AM
How bout this one from your first Viper event?

05-12-2015, 09:50 PM
That was a great time! We had a welcome dinner, a drive, a dyno session, a BBQ, a track night and an awards dinner. I'm not sure how many we had turn out for our first event but it would've been the beginning of something cool! I know it was notably larger on year 2. The third Annual Alberta Viper Event never happened..... I'm not sure what's happened since though.

Our first drive was to the Badlands - you might remember that everyone got a booklet on the history of all the places we visited - made just for us. It included maps, everything. A couple of years later they followed the exact same route that I created for the first event. And they should've! It was awesome!

On the Second Annual Alberta Viper Event we went to the mountains on a shockingly snowy day - but we all made it. It actually turned into a pretty nice day after all.

Actually, this weekend we'll be doing the same route with the Exotic Auto Group that we did at the first Alberta Viper Event - I'm really looking forward to it. I've reworked the booklets and the route to keep everything fresh. I've used the core booklet and the core route for a Ferrari / Maserati Badlands Drive that I put together as well as this weekends Exotics drive. Those well used booklets have been updated, but the core history is still there.

Hoping for good weather!


All Blue ACR
05-21-2015, 08:55 PM
Hey, I'm still around too Greg. no more acreage to convene at but I still have the ACR

05-25-2015, 10:57 AM
If Greg is helping or organizing another event in Alberta I'm in. The first one to the Badlands c/w the Dyno Day, the track day and the meet and greets were the best and events I will never forget.
Jim nice to see you still have the Viper, give me a call when you get a chance.

05-29-2015, 02:44 AM
Man, there's a lot of names from the past in this thread!

Jim, I stumbled across that pic of your old blue Road Runner the other day!

05-29-2015, 02:57 AM
How dare you get them dirty! We are going to have to talk about your waxing etiquette. That actually looks like a hell of a time. A snowman on the ACR wing is not something I ever thought I would see. That's awesome.

From the last Alberta Viper Event. Remember this? Passing an actual working snow plow on the highway?

Good times! Vipers being DRIVEN!


06-02-2015, 07:23 PM
Greg! Glad you still about. Still kickin ass I see. Congrats

I've been kickin the other asses. Race the Base (2nd in modded supercars), SSCC is my favourite since I can spank 45b vettes at the same time! I spanked all the street cars at PG drag strip last year with my Roe GTS and recently (last weekend) I beat all the vettes at Pacific Northwest Street Car Challenge in Spokane Wash. I finished 2nd Fastest street car with my 99 TT GTS after a Deer hit my Roe GTS when I was driving down to SSCC a couple weeks ago.

I thought I was doing all the ass kickin alone ... lol.

06-04-2015, 07:51 PM
Awesome! Fast is good!

I ran a Ford GT at the Texas Mile. 230.7 mph! The Ford guys tell me it's a record for a supercharged street car in the standing mile. I was a hired driver. We're going to try again this Oct., going for 250mph.

I've also been racing Chump Car. I set fastest lap at the Chumpionship in Las Vagas last December. We also won a race at Thunderhill earlier this year. It's been going good. We race at Laguna in July then a 24 hour race at Castrol in Edmonton in August.

Last night I was at the unveiling of the Ferrari, LaFerrari. All Calgary Exotic Auto Group members were welcome to the invite only event. It's way cool. WANT!
I'm putting together another 'hyper car' unveiling in the next week or so for the group. I can't say what it is yet....

We have a track day on June 13, then a BBQ on the 20th. We still have a few spots available in the group if anyone is interested. For the first time ever we're taking folks with little or no track experience - we'll coach.

I rode my Harley to the Arctic a Circle and back about 10 days ago - so I haven't been driving the ACR much. It'll be good to get it to Castrol on the 13th. It deserves to fly!


06-04-2015, 07:53 PM
Haha! I see I mentioned the Vegas fast lap and the Thunderhill win already..... Sorry about that, I'm just so damn proud that we did so well.

Anyway, hopefully we can run up front some more. We need some luck!


06-05-2015, 11:44 AM
I wish you luck Greg, but I think we both know we make our own luck!

If the Deer wouldn't have got my Roe I would have brought home second fastest in the Standing Mile at the www.sscc.us again. Won by a Gen 5 TT at least.

If that Deer hadn't smashed my Sapphire GTS I'd be asking to fill ome of your spots. I'm putting the TT up on blocks, fix the rear end and start upgrading the car for Bonneville (more cage, water/air Ic, better cold air intake, heater mods, custom wheels and tires,, brake downgrade, chute, fire systems, etc.

Someone should start a Western Canada Viper Win thread?

06-11-2015, 12:28 AM
I'll be running the ACR at Castrol this weekend. It should be fun!

06-14-2015, 06:51 PM
Thanks for the ride Greg what an eye opener wow

06-14-2015, 07:29 PM
Ya, that 7 year old Dodge can still dance eh?

06-17-2015, 09:51 PM
Thanks for the ride Greg what an eye opener wow

Is this Ron? Thanks for coming out! I hope you had a great time seeing what we're about. It's all about having fun and learning in a safe way.

We still have a couple of spots left in the group.... hint, hint.

This weekend is a BBQ (at a wicked cool location), then Monday night we're having a private, exclusive viewing of a Ferrari, LaFerrari and a McLaren P1 - among a bunch of other cars from a Dino to an Aventador. Anyway, thanks for coming and seeing what we're about.

Anyway, hopefully we'll see you again soon. We have a track day in August but I can't make that event. I'm racing at Laguna Seca in a week and a half, then the 24 hour Chump Car event at Castrol at the beginning of August - then our normal track day on Sept. 5. Maybe we'll see you then.


06-17-2015, 09:59 PM
BTW, Thanks for the drive darbgnik! The new Viper is an incredible car - fantastic!

That car deserves to go to the track - it's where it belongs.

Thanks man.


06-25-2015, 08:10 PM
I had a good week. I put together an event for a private viewing of a McLaren P1, a LaFerrari, an F40 and an Aventador. Hot damn they're nice. Sweet rides indeed!

08-28-2015, 02:28 AM
Next track day is only a week away! Aaaaaand, my new sets of tires showed up.

Most people look at ya funny when you go through two sets of fronts to every set of rears on a Viper.

08-28-2015, 07:33 PM
Next track day is only a week away! Aaaaaand, my new sets of tires showed up.

Most people look at ya funny when you go through two sets of fronts to every set of rears on a Viper.

Sheet...the weather network shows rain Friday and Saturday. Still a ways away yet, but if she rains I gotta go to the backup car.

08-28-2015, 07:36 PM
You gotta take the ol pussycat out at least once this year man.

08-28-2015, 08:21 PM
You gotta take the ol pussycat out at least once this year man.

Time will tell my friend. But I am really excited about the next event, it was so much fun last time.

09-06-2015, 01:11 PM
Well Greg was out at Castrol yesterday, making everyone look slow again, while he was sick as a dog......

He woke up from sleeping in the pits, came out and passed me, but was nice enough to slow down, slap the back drivers fender of his car out the window, and invite me to follow, lol. Luckily the checkered flag came out before he fell asleep again. ;)

At the previous event, Greg was in Europe or some shit, so I was one of the fast guys, hahaha

All Blue ACR
09-06-2015, 10:52 PM
Man, there's a lot of names from the past in this thread!

Jim, I stumbled across that pic of your old blue Road Runner the other day!

this one?
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v618/RRJR/daydrive008-2.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/RRJR/media/daydrive008-2.jpg.html)

09-06-2015, 10:57 PM
Yup. That one.

10-07-2015, 12:34 AM
Well.... We had our last track day of the year last Saturday. The weather was freezing cold but some fast laps went down. We started the day with a wet track but it dried out fairly quickly. Damn, these are great days - even when it's cold.

It's been a great year as far as fast driving goes. I set fastest lap at the Chumpcar Chumpionship at Las Vegas while leading in my Mustang. One of my teammates crashed with 1 1/2 hours remaining in a 16 hour race - we finished 5th. I set fastest lap at Thunderhill a couple months later on the way to an overall victory. I also set fastest lap at The Ridge and at Laguna Seca. At Laguna we had some mechanical issues and only won our class. I also set fastest lap and won the 24 hour race at Castrol by 6 laps. It's been a great year for driving! Especially for an old fat guy!

My Viper also ran like a top all year - I love this car. It just flat works.
I'm not sure where I'll race my Mustang over the winter but I'm already looking forward to next years track days at Castrol. I'll start booking our 2016 track dates in the next few months.