View Full Version : Moderate

01-02-2014, 12:49 PM
I suggest moderators be not afraid to moderate on this forum. I would hate to see a select few ruin it for everyone. If no one wants to be the bad guy I will volunteer my time and flame suit to be a moderator. I will gladly clean up crap when I see it.

01-02-2014, 12:55 PM
It is not as easy as that. People need to vent from frustrations that others can empathize. The problem is dragging dirty laundry that is not our laundry to contend with. Not everyone is quick to leave the past alone and move on. My region has made that commitment not to start up trouble from what has transpired. I understand why, but it is wasted emotion and just does more harm than good. Folks should be allowed to vent though. it is a fine balance. The venting would be better served at it's originating point and not brought in here.


Fatboy 18
01-02-2014, 12:56 PM
I was hoping we would not see all the threads about the old site and that we could start fresh. I have no wish to add to those threads and was glad to see some of them closed :)

01-02-2014, 01:16 PM
I am not talking about the venting of VCA I am talking about a select few ruining perfectly good threads. I am not saying to ban members, but if needed remove and clean up posts. I am a moderator on other forums and have no issue doing this when stuff gets out of hand.

01-02-2014, 01:19 PM
Time for the wand to drop.

I can easily understand the need to desire to vent. We are humans, it is what we do. And we need someplace where we can put our feeling down and let it go. The point is letting it go. You said your piece, and you have a group that understands. Now I can see in jest making a second post or two. But at some point we all need to close the door and move on. And all of us know this.

I'm not a type to mod anyone unless you are SERIOUSLY annoying or a bot. Then you will find the ban hammer, as it be told. I think for the most part all mods are under the same thinking. We don't want to get involved. I've been on the Alley since 03. I've also been on Wackbag (NWS at all). I know what a free for all is and can be.

I think it is very easy to say that we all want to let this be your place, not a outlet for a national whipping post. Sort of a safe place to wear the same lampshade from New Years all year round.

01-02-2014, 01:22 PM
my thoughts are before we drop the wrecking ball or just tap with a tack hammer, we need to determine where the line gets drawn as an Association. My suggestion would be a web committee get put together with a few Presidents, National Board member(s) and the lovely Moderators we have to put togther simple rules to follow for forum activity.


01-02-2014, 01:42 PM
Trolls need to be dealt with. People with differing opinions are one thing, but when you ruin great threads for the sake of being annoying or rude, it's time to go.

01-02-2014, 01:43 PM
Beautiful feature of the website - the IGNORE function.

Maybe this can serve as a measuring stick for the moderators to determine if a user should be moderated? Say a user gets 25 ignore requests - that user is flagged for possible moderation?

01-02-2014, 01:48 PM
This site has a lot of strong personalities on it and is scrutinized more than any other site. The voa does not want to moderate unless it has to. We cant have personal attacks though. That needs to be watched.

Just cause you dont see something happening when you report it, doesnt mean its not be talked about behind the scenes and wont be dealt with.

Fatboy 18
01-02-2014, 01:50 PM
Can the Moderators see who is being ignored?

I'm using the feature on one member and its working very well :D

JonB ~ PartsRack
01-02-2014, 02:06 PM
Id like to be the first one moderated...

Here is my inflammatory post:

I know for a fact one of the VOA core team is gay.....[And may have tinnitus as well.....he reports hearing repeated 'dinging' the past few weeks. May be hearing-impaired as well as gay.]

Viper Girl
01-02-2014, 02:06 PM
We can't see who's ignoring whom...

It's a tight rope line we are walking as moderators here. Because of the heavy handed moderation many have previously delt with, we are making an attempt to have lighter moderation.
The VOA forums have been a really great place to chat... I for one, don't want to see that change. Lots of discussions have been going on behind the scenes.

The best thing you can do is report a post when it's being maliciously jacked or smacked... Which I have unfortuantely seen more and more lately.

01-02-2014, 02:45 PM
the ignore button lets you moderate the forum yourself basically

01-02-2014, 03:04 PM

can someone please let me know what this guy said. i cant read it with him being on ignore


01-02-2014, 03:39 PM
So ignore the problem. Got it.

01-02-2014, 03:47 PM
So ignore the problem. Got it.

Agree it sends the wrong message. I was also a moderator on LS1tech and Corvetteforum ages ago, and when guys were trolling this hard we just tossed them, wasn't really a big deal. I think there is a big difference in banning trolls and controlling the company message through mass bannings and shady moderating.

Viper Girl
01-02-2014, 03:51 PM
We are not ignoring the issue... Plum was trying to be funny... :slap:

There is active conversation happening, PM's have been sent... We are working on it.

01-02-2014, 03:51 PM
It's good that there's concern and we ARE in fact monitoring most all that goes on as best as we can. As others have mentioned, we are reluctant to moderate, preferring to PM those that may become abusive in the hope that, having been advised, they will become aware of their inappropriateness and take it down a notch.

We have closed a thread or two at the request of an author. We have also minimally deleted language within a post in an effort to keep a thread alive. Beyond that and to this point, with a bit of pleading, nearly all have been able to remain civil.

There is the downside of having to deal with disparaging language at times (which frankly reflects far more on the writer's frustration, lack of eloquence and ignorance than the object of their contempt), but we feel that is a small price to pay for relatively unmoderated posting.

01-02-2014, 03:53 PM
Thanks for letting us discuss it Mods.

And lets face it Plum gonna Plum no matter what forum ;)

01-02-2014, 04:02 PM
Thanks for letting us discuss it Mods.

And lets face it Plum gonna Plum no matter what forum ;)


01-02-2014, 04:09 PM

I can't see what you said, I am ignoring you rabble rouser you!


Nine Ball
01-02-2014, 05:05 PM
I suggest moderators be not afraid to moderate on this forum. I would hate to see a select few ruin it for everyone. If no one wants to be the bad guy I will volunteer my time and flame suit to be a moderator. I will gladly clean up crap when I see it.

You have my vote. I like to see moderators who are active on a site, users that we can instantly recognize.

01-02-2014, 07:03 PM
can someone please let me know what this guy said. i cant read it with him being on ignore


Exactly. Well put.

01-02-2014, 10:32 PM
We all know he is talking about PeerBlock.

There is no reason at all that he is allowed to go into technical threads, contribute nothing but trolling the thread starters.

Sorry, there is no excuse for allowing it to happen.

Disagreements occur, but he has a history of doing it. He doesn't get along with Jack B from the VCA days, and he purposely picked out both of Jack's threads to troll.

01-02-2014, 10:44 PM
Agree, these are the most important threads on these forums in many ways. Guys are involved and working together to improve the platform while others that may not have the technical skill set watch and start to figure things out an contribute as well.

There's actual buzz about a Gen V, guys hitting the track and dispelling magazine myths while proving to others that the platform is worth owning.

Then a guy like that gets in there and completely derails what's going on.

We all know he is talking about PeerBlock.

There is no reason at all that he is allowed to go into technical threads, contribute nothing but trolling the thread starters.

Sorry, there is no excuse for allowing it to happen.

Disagreements occur, but he has a history of doing it. He doesn't get along with Jack B from the VCA days, and he purposely picked out both of Jack's threads to troll.

Newport Viper
01-02-2014, 10:56 PM
There is active conversation happening, PM's have been sent... We are working on it.

What? What did I miss? Somethings going on and I wasn't involved!~ Drat!

Viper Pit
01-03-2014, 12:26 AM
Where is that ignore button???

Fatboy 18
01-03-2014, 04:01 AM
Where is that ignore button???Click on the users name, then click on view profile, below their profile you will see a menu with options, Add as friend, Send private message, add to ignore list, etc.

Just click add to ignore list.............Hey where did I go? :D

01-03-2014, 04:36 AM
can you guys just ignore peerblock ? then the problem goes away.

Sybil TF
01-03-2014, 08:54 AM
I suggest moderators be not afraid to moderate on this forum.
I really don't think this is going to be a problem. Trust me.:smilielol: It's early in the game.....

01-03-2014, 08:58 AM
can you guys just ignore peerblock ? then the problem goes away.

Can't you just ban him? Then the problem actually goes away.

Nine Ball
01-03-2014, 09:07 AM
Asking people to ignore a problem, doesn't fix the problem. What about all the potential new members that might be reading these forums, having to see the drama and nonsense? If someone doesn't want to play nice, remove them.

01-03-2014, 09:14 AM
Maybe there can be some type of automated scoring system?

Like maybe when somebody continually gets neg-rep'd so many times by others within a time-frame... then they can't post for said time-frame.
A check in place on this would be "no one particular individual can neg-rep the same other individual more than x-number times.

Then we all play by the same understood rules as it is "software" driven and it takes out the equation of blasting the mods for everything choice they try to make.

could work...just a thought

now pos-rep me finding such a stellar solution - :D

01-04-2014, 02:30 PM

01-04-2014, 02:43 PM
edit: nevermind he has a timeout for a bit.

01-04-2014, 02:51 PM
Peerblock has a 7 day timeout. We are thinking it will give him time to sit down, reflect on what he has done and come back to the VOA with a positive outlook. The other side of it is, others cant push his buttons either. It goes both ways. We dont want any member to be a punching bag. The report button is there as well as the ignore button, please use them.

01-04-2014, 02:55 PM
I'm really against posting rules but sometimes they are necessary, as a last resort. If rules are established they should be tailored to the type of thread being moderated. Tough on technical issues but a little more lax on social issues. They need to be well thought out. The VCA was a primary example of a "slippery slope". From slight moderation to censorship. Didn't work out to well.

Viper Girl
01-04-2014, 04:20 PM
Moderation Policy is being worked out now... We had so many things to do with setting up this club, in such a short time. No one had time to work out the Moderation policy. We are actively working on that now.
I'll throw some of the comments from this thread into the Mod section thread.

I agree technical threads need to be held to a different standard.

8.4L 154
01-04-2014, 05:26 PM
How about an announcement for timeout's/banning's like above for peerblock but in a thread on its own, just a post and locked thread so its not open to discussion but people know if timeout or worse has happened and why, also the culprits are named and shamed as part of their punishment, hopefully not but may need its own sub forum, or just put them in this section.

01-04-2014, 06:24 PM
The Thread of Shame... love it!

Policy Limits
02-15-2014, 08:13 AM
Srtviper from the other forum was one of the worst trolls; definitely don't need that kind of negativity on here. Easy to pick out problems but if you don't offer a "Suggesstion" to solve it, then what good is your observation?

So here's mine: a "Dreamers' section". This way wanna be teens and bust outs, um I mean dreamers and those whom aspire to viper ownership will have a specific place to post. It worked on one of the Lambo forums; just a thought.