View Full Version : Drove a Viper in the SNOW

01-01-2014, 06:45 PM
It wasn't mine, and yeah it was for about 30 yards, but just something I would have never planned on doing.

It is my brother's new one and can't wait to get pics to show you'all.

Fatboy 18
01-01-2014, 06:53 PM
3 Yards Sideways?:D

01-01-2014, 06:53 PM
i got stuck in a storm coming back from florida back in 2004, somewhere in virginia on rt95. had to drive about 10 miles, slow lane and in 4th gear at about 20mph...luckily the hotel manager told me to park it under the canopy that night. it was not a fun drive.

- - - Updated - - -


this was when i got home. NO i did not make it up my driveway the first try...lol

01-01-2014, 07:43 PM
I have driven mine in the snow before. -a few times.

I don't plan on attempting that ever again.

01-01-2014, 07:59 PM
My snowblower is parked in the garage by the viper ,that's as close as it gets to snow!

01-01-2014, 08:43 PM
Seems to be accurate.....


01-01-2014, 08:56 PM
I had to drive 60+ miles in my 08. Roads were horrible but as long as we didn't have to stop the car did well. Passed several vehicles off the highway and a few were 4x4's and one was even flipped over.

01-02-2014, 05:07 AM
Expecting 12 to 16" here in southeastern MA today and tomorrow.. The only snow my car will ever see is it peaking out the garage door when its open. Currently nestled and hibernating on the Lift til spring...

01-02-2014, 08:29 AM
3 Yards Sideways?:D

I meant 30 yards, not that it matters. It was short and not so sweet

01-02-2014, 09:22 AM
saw the pic on VOA facebook page of a guy that picked up his ACR last month, drove it 15 hrs. or so in the snow!

Bugman Jeff
01-02-2014, 10:55 AM
I've done it, mostly just to say that I've done it. 26" of rear tire, zero traction :D

01-02-2014, 11:28 AM
I've misjudged snowfall while out in my former 2001. Had to drive home 40 miles with about an inch on the ground and moderate snowfall. Actually had no problems using 5th and 6th gears at 30-40 mph on highways, but I was actually sore the following day from how tense I was sitting there for an hour. Tight as a damn drum! LOL

Rare Snake
01-09-2014, 01:24 PM

I took this a couple weeks before Xmas. The roads were clear but it was really cold, around -40C with the wind if I remember right. It was a bit of a handful, but the heat inside was awesome! I drove almost 200km round trip to get a new windshield installed that came in later than expected. As nervous as I was, it was a fun trip and people's reactions were pretty funny. Bugman Jeff...same deal...I did it just to do it, but I couldn't do it every day. I was exhausted when I got home. lol

01-09-2014, 02:53 PM
Here is a shot of my 1999 RT-10 taken a few years ago in the snow here in Washington State. The Pilot Sports have a good snow tread, but the low front fascia seems to make a better snowplow than a source of aero downforce. This is a shot before I went out and played in the very level parking area. Be sure to check my later post showing the car in Anchorage. That guy was a lot braver than I am.

http://i823.photobucket.com/albums/zz152/viper9910/PICT0038_zpsf3dfddf6.jpg~original (http://s823.photobucket.com/user/viper9910/media/PICT0038_zpsf3dfddf6.jpg.html)

01-09-2014, 04:47 PM
Just drove my ACR for the first time in snow in the neighborhood so we could find a clear spot to load it on the trailer. I was surprised - didn't slip at all but of course I barely gave it any throttle.2356

01-09-2014, 05:26 PM
Just drove my ACR for the first time in snow in the neighborhood so we could find a clear spot to load it on the trailer. I was surprised - didn't slip at all but of course I barely gave it any throttle.2356

very kewl!!!! that's my dream Viper!

Rare Snake
01-09-2014, 05:42 PM
Here is a shot of my 1999 RT-10 taken a few years ago in the snow here in Washington State. The Pilot Sports have a good snow tread, but the low front fascia seems to make a better snowplow than a source of aero downforce.

http://i823.photobucket.com/albums/zz152/viper9910/PICT0038_zpsf3dfddf6.jpg~original (http://s823.photobucket.com/user/viper9910/media/PICT0038_zpsf3dfddf6.jpg.html)

Did you actually drive it, or just back it out of the garage? :p

MI Viper
01-09-2014, 06:12 PM
You guys up north are ballsy! Our 09 has never seen snow or rain, nor will it. Last Friday night went to a little car show with a friend, (Billy ) who has a 2002 Coupe, and it was freaking cold, like 40 degrees! Look at how the people are dressed! And I got my 1st Viper speeding ticket on the way over Grrrr....

01-09-2014, 06:21 PM
Your picture reminds me of our New Year's Day car show up here. No snow, but it was very foggy and 38 degrees. I think we had one more layer of clothes on than you did. By the way, I bought my car from a guy in Anchorage , Alaska and I have photos he sent me of driving the car across town in the snow and running it up an inclined ramp to load it into the enclosed trailer for shipment down here. Actually I try to avoid driving in the snow up here whenever possible, especially with my track tires on.

01-10-2014, 01:47 AM
I wanted to show you a photo of my car in Anchorage on April of 2007. Ray, the man who sold me the car had to drive it across town and run it up an incline to load it into the enclosed trailer to be hauled down to Washington State. Here is a shot of the car before he somehow drove it up the ramp and into the trailer. My personal driving was limited to squirreling around a level parking area, away from main streets. I still can't imagine driving in Anchorage like he did. Sorry about the bad quality of the shot, but I had to photograph the print.
http://i823.photobucket.com/albums/zz152/viper9910/008_zpsb6ea1470.jpg~original (http://s823.photobucket.com/user/viper9910/media/008_zpsb6ea1470.jpg.html)

Rare Snake
01-10-2014, 10:28 AM
Lol that ramp would've been tricky! I believe that's the furthest North I've ever heard of for a Viper! That's pretty cool (pardon the pun). There are a couple in Northern Manitoba too, which is still 8 hrs north of me. The one thing we sure can't complain about up here is how good the heater works...


01-10-2014, 03:06 PM
I just bought a 99 ACR, on Dec 31st to be exact. Went out to pick her up, as soon as we were ready to drive it back, it started snowing. My first drive in my new Viper was an 1hour- 20 min drive in the snow, during rush hour, on new years eve, through the hilly roads of Western CT. Oh and it has drag radials. Not how I envisioned my first drive haha

My brother snag a picture of me leaving the parking lot
http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j400/ghoststalker27/99%20Dodge%20Viper%20GTS%20ACR/20131231_165403_zps2b924137.jpeg (http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/ghoststalker27/media/99%20Dodge%20Viper%20GTS%20ACR/20131231_165403_zps2b924137.jpeg.html)

01-10-2014, 03:22 PM
Now that is about as memorable a drive as anyone could have. I would guess that you quickly how to drive with a super light foot. Congratulations on your new Viper. Maybe we should have a "snowshoe award" for the wildest snow drive of the year.

Policy Limits
01-10-2014, 03:56 PM
Honestly I struggled with rain once.

God was with Ralph & Dick Winkles when they traveled cross country thru snow storm in TX. ; still can't believe they made it to Leno's garage

01-10-2014, 05:44 PM
That New Years Eve story is the best. I am NOT going to complain again when driving on slushy roads in my 13 Dart! My Grand Marquis, with only 275 lb ft, would go sideways with a dusting of snow and light throttle! I can't even IMAGINE driving my Gen 3 in the snow. Wow!

Back In Black
01-10-2014, 07:27 PM
I don't think this guy is happy with the decision:

http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b622/BackInBlack63/IMG_2271_zps2a4c3f09.jpg (http://s1295.photobucket.com/user/BackInBlack63/media/IMG_2271_zps2a4c3f09.jpg.html)

MI Viper
01-10-2014, 08:50 PM
I don't think this guy is happy with the decision:

http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b622/BackInBlack63/IMG_2271_zps2a4c3f09.jpg (http://s1295.photobucket.com/user/BackInBlack63/media/IMG_2271_zps2a4c3f09.jpg.html)

That sight right there will make a grown man cry:(

01-10-2014, 09:17 PM
My god..... Why, just why.

01-10-2014, 11:12 PM
Gives me chills in 2 ways.

01-11-2014, 01:46 AM
I will say this much...driving my viper in the snow was easier than driving my fathers 85 vette in the rain, not sure why. The viper didn't even slip the littlest amount. Maybe it had more to do with the old tires on the vette...or maybe it was because I was super, super light on the viper throttle and gentle on braking...either way it drove exceptionally well considering the situation. That being said it will never happen again..she's nice and cozy in the garage til spring:)

01-11-2014, 05:44 AM
Sorry about posting again on the same subject, but "White Out" reminded me of another snow episode I had when driving back from Charlotte to Washington State in 2012. It was early October and the weather was great till I got into Sheridan Wyoming. It started to snow on my way north to Montana and it started piling up on the highway. I noticed it building up on the front like your photos show and chunks would fly back over the car. I checked weather and they said it was localized, so I continued on. Just before I got out of the snow line it was starting to pile up in the lower part of the fascia and I was getting concerned. My PS2s did an OK job and I never got out of shape. Eventually it cleared up and I made it to Billings where I got up to 22 degree, but clear weather for my trip home. Sometimes you just have to just press on carefully with these cars.

By the way, has anyone seen the VHS video of the guy who took a blue and white 1997 GTS and drove up the Alcan highway to Prudhoe bay? I am trying to find it in my memorabilia. It is a very crazy story, but it actually happened. The crossing of a snowy pass on street tires was pretty crazy. They showed a few shots of running on dry pavement at 110 mph and hitting frost heaves and clearing ground. I guess it makes my adventure pretty mild by comparison.

01-11-2014, 11:11 AM

Got too impatient and took her out April 11, Surprisingly it was really easy to drive home.

01-14-2014, 04:24 AM
Congrats and just glad it's a happy ending :dude3: now join our region and have a blast this year.

01-17-2014, 09:56 AM
My viper stays in the garage in the winter, I even change insurance to comp only Nov till May, but my daily driver a Porsche 987 sees snow. With the Pilot Sports it is terrible in cold and snow but with a set of Bizzaks it is better on ice and light snow than my 4x4. if the snow is more than about 2 inches I use the Z-71 but in the light stuff the PSM system is amazing. I drove it this morning.
2542 2550

04-14-2014, 12:56 PM
Driving my Viper in the snow is some of my best memories! It did great! I had some snow tires off of another car that were close in O.D. tire size and had the load capabilities to handle the Viper and I picked up some wheels meant for a Dodge Dakota and it worked great!

04-14-2014, 02:24 PM
LOL. First Viper I bought was a Roe supercharged 600whp 98 GTS with runcraps. Feb wife and I flew to Chicago, rented Kia and drive all the way to Ringgold Georgia to look at a couple GTSs. drove back to Pekin Ill. and bought a Red GTS. Drove 12 hrs in front of 12" of snow until we got to inlaws at Calgary, Alberta. Snowed 3" overnight and snowed non stop the three days we waited for better weather. Drove through the Rocky Mtns on snow and ice covered roads 800 miles further to get home. Luckily the drifts and spins were just "practise for drifting competitions" as I happened to be the only car on the road during each exciting moment. Wife nearly died of heart attack, but at least she never screams!

Driving home from a successful sscc event in Las Vegas I encountered 3" os now through passes in Oregon, Wash and BC. Thankfully I was wearing the PS2 shoes on my blown Viper and can report that they deserve an "All season" rating, LOL.

The 800hp Viper is not the best choice for snow and ice covered roads and wearing summer only tires may create an insurance claim problem if you need that insurance you paid for ...

I do have a few Ice Radial equipped modified Dodge R/T TT Stealth's that are the GREATEST for driving in the snow. With 27mpg, AWD and AWS these are amazing cars for snow. Unfortunately, they don't stop quick enough to compare to dry road driving - but they do accelerate like crazy in the snow!