View Full Version : Trailering to NVE2

04-29-2016, 04:29 PM
First off I'd like to say thanks to all those who put this event together, I was just going through the "Before You Arrive" info and it's clear that a lot of planning went into this - thank you.

I'm pulling the car down on a trailer behind my pickup and plan to park the truck and trailer at the track, upon arrival in town should we drive straight to the track, park the rig then drive the Viper from the track to the hotel or do we need to pull the rig to the hotel first, get our credentials in order to park the tow vehicles at the track?

The NVE2 Schedule on page 4 of 11 indicates that we can park rigs at NOLA on Wednesday at 8:00 am, page 7 of 11 indicates that we can begin parking there on Tuesday. Assuming that we can park rigs at NOLA on Tuesday what time do we need to be there by before they close the gates for the night?

Thanks Again

04-29-2016, 06:18 PM
I didn't see anything regarding Passport dropping off cars either? Then again I read the email in the middle of the night so may have missed it. I presume they will drop at the track? What if they arrive on Monday or Tuesday will there be someone to handle keys etc or will Passport take care of that?

Agree with hemihead it is obvious the amount of work that has gone into this. Huge thank you to all involved :cool:

04-29-2016, 10:56 PM
First off I'd like to say thanks to all those who put this event together, I was just going through the "Before You Arrive" info and it's clear that a lot of planning went into this - thank you.

I'm pulling the car down on a trailer behind my pickup and plan to park the truck and trailer at the track, upon arrival in town should we drive straight to the track, park the rig then drive the Viper from the track to the hotel or do we need to pull the rig to the hotel first, get our credentials in order to park the tow vehicles at the track?

The NVE2 Schedule on page 4 of 11 indicates that we can park rigs at NOLA on Wednesday at 8:00 am, page 7 of 11 indicates that we can begin parking there on Tuesday. Assuming that we can park rigs at NOLA on Tuesday what time do we need to be there by before they close the gates for the night?

Thanks Again

Quick answers:

* Definitely go to the track first. You can unload your car and then drive to the hotel. You'll pull through the tunnel like everyone else and that's where you'll check in to the hotel and the event.

* The schedule covers the event timeline so it doesn't talk too much about the other considerations we made for all of you early arrivers well before or after the event (so yes it can be confusing). Page 7 is indeed correct, we wanted to make you aware that early arrivers you could indeed come sooner and still park their rigs at the track. We've worked it out with the track that they're open until 9pm on Tues and Wed. So you literally have all day.

Kurt Robinson is our track direction and he's done a great job helping get all these details in place. We have some great terms and benefits with the track. Keep in mind when you arrive, we want to have an orderly parking of these trailers/vehicles so that everyone gets to park in the area of best proximity (we want to eliminate the need to push people to the overflow lot). So lets park our rigs close to each other so there's space. We will have people on hand to help guide you for most of the day.

04-29-2016, 11:02 PM
I didn't see anything regarding Passport dropping off cars either? Then again I read the email in the middle of the night so may have missed it. I presume they will drop at the track? What if they arrive on Monday or Tuesday will there be someone to handle keys etc or will Passport take care of that?

Agree with hemihead it is obvious the amount of work that has gone into this. Huge thank you to all involved :cool:

You didn't miss it, I could have probably added a blurb t eliminate doubt! There's actually nothing written specific to drop off because Passport is going to arrange drop-off/pickup based on the specific needs and agreements with the people they're towing. Passport is familiar with the area and has several places much closer (blocks) from the hotel that they'd prefer to use based upon the size of their rig and availability when they arrive (the track is actually 25 mins from the hotel). Your individual driver will coordinate the drop off location and time with each of you directly on a case by case basis. Some of you know the routine, you'll have to be available to them when they arrive, but they'll do a decent job of giving you a heads up on when they'll be there, and can then tell you where, after they arrive.

Good questions.

04-30-2016, 08:20 AM
Thanks Alex, those are the answers I was hoping for. Once again, great job!

04-30-2016, 08:23 AM
Thanks Alex, those are the answers I was hoping for. Once again, great job!

I'll see you there :)

04-30-2016, 10:12 AM
You didn't miss it, I could have probably added a blurb t eliminate doubt! There's actually nothing written specific to drop off because Passport is going to arrange drop-off/pickup based on the specific needs and agreements with the people they're towing. Passport is familiar with the area and has several places much closer (blocks) from the hotel that they'd prefer to use based upon the size of their rig and availability when they arrive (the track is actually 25 mins from the hotel). Your individual driver will coordinate the drop off location and time with each of you directly on a case by case basis. Some of you know the routine, you'll have to be available to them when they arrive, but they'll do a decent job of giving you a heads up on when they'll be there, and can then tell you where, after they arrive.

Good questions.

Thanks Alex

Hopefully it will work out. We are arriving on Monday and our cars are supposed to as well.

04-30-2016, 07:56 PM
You'll be fine, in fact that makes it a lot less hectic. The only thing you'll have to do it pay for your own parking on Mon and tues. So when you get your car, simply head straight to the parking. You can pull a ticket (and you pay for it when you exit).

05-06-2016, 05:06 PM
Our cars just got picked up a couple hours ago and after checking the Tracking GPS are already halfway to Yuma.

Also on board were 2 more Vipers Stryker Green from L.A. and an ACR from Canada that was picked up in Washington.