View Full Version : Faint engine ping under load when car is warm. 2014, engine replaced 7k miles ago.

04-22-2016, 09:42 AM
So within the past few hundred miles I've noticed a ping after the car warms up (coolant temp hits 185 degrees).

I run 93 octane from a reputable brand, and it's been over 2 tanks so I don't think it's been bad gas.

It seems pretty unlikely that an EGR valve would be bad this early on, and I'm not throwing any codes.

I dumped Rislone Fuel Treatment in about 1/4 of a tank ago but have yet to see any discernible difference.

My local Dodge dealer isn't really known for servicing Vipers so I'd prefer to try everything I can before handing them my key.

Engine doesn't run hot and I don't burn any oil.

Anyone have any suggestions?

04-22-2016, 09:54 AM
Background info? Why was engine replaced? Modifications?

04-22-2016, 10:07 AM
One thing I noted was you said you could actually hear the ping. It's been my experience that if you can actually audibly hear it, it isn't "slight". Once it gets to the point that you can actually hear something like that, it could be quite serious.

One other thing. I just dropped my car off across the street this morning to get the last of the recalls and safety campaigns completed on my car. It's the seat rail one. I live in a town of 5000 people, and the Dodge dealership hasn't seen a Viper there in years and years, but they have been able to complete all of my recalls (R28/R29) and safety campaigns (node reprogram and door handle replacement) without any trouble at all. In your case, I wouldn't imagine that it would take anything more than simply hooking up your car to the computer and seeing what is going on. The computer software that they use is online, as I understand it, so it isn't like they have to have Viper specific software on site. You might want to just stop into the dealership, if you haven't already, and chat with the service manager, and see how comfortable they are working on your car. It can't hurt.

04-22-2016, 10:11 AM
No modifications to the vehicle.

Engine was replaced by Dodge for the same issue that the other 2013/2014 Gen V's have. It was replaced while the previous owner had it, and Dodge bought it back after it got replaced and it had a noisy skid plate. Note that there were several k miles between when the long block got replaced and it got bought back. Reading between the lines I think the owner was tired of issues and took the buyback chance while he had it. They fixed the squeaky skid plate and I haven't noticed anything amiss in the past few thousand miles beyond this popping up recently.

I don't have the documentation in front of me on the exact reason for the long block being replaced, but when I bought the vehicle the things i read on its service history led me to believe it was a similar issue to others that I read about it.

And just a correction, the new engine has 9k miles on it.

04-22-2016, 11:15 AM
Sure it is a ping and not whine from the tranny. Very hard to discern between the two when the car is moving. Just a thought?

Policy Limits
04-22-2016, 12:33 PM
Sound clip or video might help. Glad my car passed the tests. Hope it gets sorted soon

04-22-2016, 01:38 PM
It'd be pretty hard to get audio as it doesn't occur and idle and my mic isn't good enough to pick up that faint of a noise from inside the car.

Thanks everyone for input. I decided I'm taking it to the shop and they're going to do the two latest recalls at the same time.

There's only 3 certified Viper techs within 100 miles, luckily one of them had an opening Monday.

04-22-2016, 02:00 PM
I don't understand, I thought when dodge replaces the engine, it should be with the current 2016 blocks, so shouldn't these recalls already be done?

04-22-2016, 02:06 PM
It was replaced in March of 2015.

04-22-2016, 02:15 PM
Sounds like it will need replacement again........... soon.

04-22-2016, 08:26 PM
Nothing to add other than good luck and I hope you get it resolved quickly

04-26-2016, 04:21 PM

Dealer pulled the pan and saw engine shavings. They compiled all the evidence and sent it off to SRT for guidance, which the dealer believes will be a new engine.

Note that this is the vehicle's third engine, with the 2nd one being installed in March 2015.

I'll update further as new information becomes available.

04-26-2016, 04:29 PM

Dealer pulled the pan and saw engine shavings. They compiled all the evidence and sent it off to SRT for guidance, which the dealer believes will be a new engine.

Note that this is the vehicle's third engine, with the 2nd one being installed in March 2015.

I'll update further as new information becomes available.

Thanks, please keep us posted. Just WTF is going on with Dodge and the QC of engines?

04-26-2016, 04:45 PM
They pulled the pan for detonation pinging?.? Sounds like it maybe was more like knocking.. Bad oil pump maybe.

04-26-2016, 05:04 PM

Dealer pulled the pan and saw engine shavings. They compiled all the evidence and sent it off to SRT for guidance, which the dealer believes will be a new engine.

Note that this is the vehicle's third engine, with the 2nd one being installed in March 2015.

I'll update further as new information becomes available.

Just as I thought. By the time you can actually hear something wrong with your engine.........it's too late. I'm glad to hear that you took my advice and had the dealership look at it before it completely let go. Now no one can point the finger at you.

Arizona Vipers
04-27-2016, 01:18 AM
You say "I run 93 octane from a reputable brand, and it's been over 2 tanks"
Go to another gas station on an empty tank and fill up and see if the same thing happens. Any gas station could have a bad batch of gas, the underground tanks could have leaks into the earth, the gas could be old, bad batch from the refinery, lot's of variables....
The problem you describe only happened after filling up "2 tanks" from this same gas station?

04-27-2016, 09:40 AM
They pulled the pan for detonation pinging?.? Sounds like it maybe was more like knocking.. Bad oil pump maybe.

I think they actually pulled the pan for R28.

I'm assuming they didn't even plan on addressing the ping, beyond confirming its existence, until after the engine passed the recalls.

04-27-2016, 09:57 AM
I think they actually pulled the pan for R28.

I'm assuming they didn't even plan on addressing the ping, beyond confirming its existence, until after the engine passed the recalls.

Pan doesn't get pulled for R28, oil is changed, and old filter sent for analysis. I think they probably suspected the worst, and pulling the pan saved them time confirming it.

04-27-2016, 11:27 AM

Dealer pulled the pan and saw engine shavings. They compiled all the evidence and sent it off to SRT for guidance, which the dealer believes will be a new engine.

Note that this is the vehicle's third engine, with the 2nd one being installed in March 2015.

I'll update further as new information becomes available.

All I can say is WOW! Just as I started thinking about trying to scoop up a good deal on a 13 or 14, I now think I'm back in the waiting game. I honestly feel for you guys that have to go though this, especially for someone with a car going on the third engine.

05-10-2016, 03:38 PM

It's been 2 weeks now since the dealer had it and the end resolution is...
The noise is normal drivetrain noise.

I'm going off what the dealer told me, but he said they saw engine shavings in the oil filter but after mailing the filter to Dodge, and them cutting the oil filter in half and examining the filament determined it didn't constitute failing R28.

So to recap:
Car starts making a faint pinging noise. I know recalls are due so I take it to dealer.
Dealer changes the oil, says they see oil shavings and send the filter to Chrysler.
Dodge has them drop the pan and take photos.
(Speculation)At this point Dodge focused on the noise as they didn't think the oil constituted a failure.
Dodge focuses on noise and has dealer pull Eengine bearings and examine them for wear, nothing abnormal.
Dodge sends a Viper zone rep out to look at it. Viper rep drives it, as well as another to compare to which happened to be there for R28 as well and says the noise is normal.
15 days and 2 oil changes later the car is determined to be good.

Well except for the driver window motor regulator that they're replacing because it stuck a little for them.
I'm not really sure how I feel about all this. 2 weeks is a long time for diagnosis, so that's my first issue. My second issue is them labeling this pinging, as I call it, normal. They say it's not spark knock or anything like that, so maybe I shouldn't be using the word pinging but that's definitely what I hear, a faint pinging.

I guess we'll see.

05-10-2016, 04:14 PM
I am curious what you think is faint pinging. Maybe you are mistaking the noise for the valve train? My SRT10 is quite noisy unless I use thicker oil. The Viper isn't as noisy though. Even the stock exhaust is pretty loud on a Viper. Id have a hard time hearing a ping.

05-10-2016, 04:20 PM
At least you have everything documented, in case it goes kaboom. I'm with you though, I wouldn't feel comfortable with it.

05-10-2016, 04:41 PM
where do you live? might be worth getting another owner local to ride along with you and see if they notice anything

05-10-2016, 07:11 PM
Can you post a sound clip? These engines make some unique sounds, but pinging is not one of them.

05-10-2016, 09:56 PM
Drive the heck out of it

05-12-2016, 02:51 PM
Can you post a sound clip? These engines make some unique sounds, but pinging is not one of them.

I've tried to use my phone to get the audio and the noise is too faint to be picked up by the mic.

05-12-2016, 03:51 PM
you may have a slight exhaust leak, that will sound like a faint ping

05-12-2016, 04:09 PM
you may have a slight exhaust leak, that will sound like a faint ping

very true. especially after "heavy" work has been performed and many bolts are disturbed (like an engine replacement)
my wife's escalade I thought had a rod knock after the rear main seal was replaced. (150k miles, on a 2009). Turned out the pressure fitting on the flex pipe for exhaust was just loose, during reassembly. .

05-12-2016, 04:17 PM
you may have a slight exhaust leak, that will sound like a faint ping

I'm in StL too. You up for giving it a listen and letting me know your thoughts?
Assuming your city is accurate....