View Full Version : Gen4 Nitrous Install Almost Done!!!!!

04-14-2016, 03:21 PM
Dropped my car off to have a line lock and new oil cooler lines installed, and also get pricing on what it would be to have the shop install my nitrous setup. Next thing you know, it's already going on. Cannot wait!!!!! Guess I need to get my tune figured out sooner rather than later. LOL!


04-14-2016, 03:22 PM


04-25-2016, 10:15 PM
Rear is all plumbed up for fuel and nitrous finally. Wiring is in progress and should be done by Wed!

04-26-2016, 04:03 PM
So, what am I looking at here?

Is that a fuel cell to mix with the nitrous? As opposed to spraying the nitrous into the A/F mixture at the throttle bodies?

04-26-2016, 04:33 PM
So, what am I looking at here?

Is that a fuel cell to mix with the nitrous? As opposed to spraying the nitrous into the A/F mixture at the throttle bodies?

Stand alone fuel cell. On a wet shot, you're going to spray fuel and nitrous into the intake. Generally, you just tap the fuel rail and use the car's fuel supply for the fuel side. But if you do a stand alone fuel cell, you can spray C16 (instead of the pump gas from the rail) and not have to retard timing. Plus you can monitor fuel pressure a little better that way.

04-26-2016, 07:15 PM
Thank you. So if I may ask a further question.

So more power with less nitrous on a wet system? Overall is it less harsh on the motor? Or just the most complete way of doing a wet system?

It seems like on the GenV I have seen only the plate systems being installed, shooting just the nitrous into the AF mixture. Not sure I have seen a wet system on the Vs yet. Does the Gen III/IV seem to prefer a wet set up? Nitrous is so different to when I was a teenager when it was the go to power adder but set a ticking clock on grenading your motor. It's evolved a lot.

04-26-2016, 08:43 PM
Thank you. So if I may ask a further question.

So more power with less nitrous on a wet system? Overall is it less harsh on the motor? Or just the most complete way of doing a wet system?

It seems like on the GenV I have seen only the plate systems being installed, shooting just the nitrous into the AF mixture. Not sure I have seen a wet system on the Vs yet. Does the Gen III/IV seem to prefer a wet set up? Nitrous is so different to when I was a teenager when it was the go to power adder but set a ticking clock on grenading your motor. It's evolved a lot.

Actually, most of the setups you are seeing on the Gen5's is the same wet kit. They just mount a smaller fuel cell in the engine bay by the driver's side headlight. It's a smaller fuel capacity, but not like you need a ton when on the spray. I just didn't like the idea of having a fuel tank in the front in the even of any type of front end collision. Any of the kits that you see with the plates after the throttle bodies is a wet kit since it requires you to add the fuel at the same time as the nitrous. Dry kits go before the MAF and rely on the car to increase fuel on its own.

The main benefits really isn't that you don't have to retard timing, but it's an added safety measure with the higher octane. You still want to retard timing (usually 2 degrees per 50 shot) when on nitrous, but it can't hurt to have some extra safety to help ensure you don't blow anything up. The blowing up part is when you've got too much nitrous and not enough fuel, so in the event you lose a little pressure on the fuel side, it's higher octane anyhow and you have a better chance of being alright. Doesn't provide any additional power... just safety. The other part is that most of the time the stock fuel system can't support the standard engine requirements AND the extra fuel required for a larger nitrous setup. The fuel cell also ensures you never starve the stock fuel system and run the risk of not enough fuel.

04-27-2016, 02:45 AM
Thanks for the lesson. I appreciate it.

As I said, when I was coming up nitrous was only for high revving tuner cars and even then it was a matter of when, not if, your motor went kablamo!

I was thinking about a small shot on my Gen III. Just a little bump when needed. Not that I race or anything. So "when needed" is more like "when I feel like it, dammit."

Let us know how it does when finished. How happy you are with it, etc. can you remove the fuel cell and bottle if you need cargo room or is that not really feasible?

Thanks again for answering my questions. I appreciate your time.

04-27-2016, 06:47 AM
I have nitrous on my car, but did not know it was for "power". I was told it's just for "laughing"?
At 70 years of age I probably should stick to the funny side. But, It sure is nice when street racing Cobras and Vettes.

04-27-2016, 08:13 AM
I have nitrous on my car, but did not know it was for "power". I was told it's just for "laughing"?
At 70 years of age I probably should stick to the funny side. But, It sure is nice when street racing Cobras and Vettes.

You weren't down on Rainey street last night in Austin, were you? I was down there and saw a same color Viper parked down there...

04-27-2016, 04:15 PM
No, not me. But there a bunch of the SSG, areo, silver pearl stripes. Three or four.

04-27-2016, 05:51 PM
Install a progressive controller. Makes the boost all along the RPM range... and...


04-27-2016, 07:42 PM
Is the Mopar PCM able to handle the Nitrous?

Steve M
04-27-2016, 08:29 PM
Is the Mopar PCM able to handle the Nitrous?

I know guys that have made it work, but it is not ideal. The Gen 5 guys running massive shots have all used HPTuners.

04-28-2016, 01:40 AM
Can I ask you Gen IV guys where you put your switches for heater, purge, and bottle opener if you did it.

04-28-2016, 05:25 AM
Can I ask you Gen IV guys where you put your switches for heater, purge, and bottle opener if you did it.

I converted the cig lighter to switch set. Arm, Pressure, and Purge. I don't need a heater because I mounted the nitrous bottles where the South Texas sun heats them nicely.
To open bottles, I do a "reach around" - LOL


04-28-2016, 10:37 AM
Aren't the Gen 4 pistons the weak link in going the nitrous route?

04-28-2016, 10:54 AM
Aren't the Gen 4 pistons the weak link in going the nitrous route?

Yes... one of the main drawbacks for going with anything beyond just boltons. Mine has forged pistons already installed though, so should be solid now. ;-)

04-28-2016, 10:56 AM
I converted the cig lighter to switch set. Arm, Pressure, and Purge. I don't need a heater because I mounted the nitrous bottles where the South Texas sun heats them nicely.
To open bottles, I do a "reach around" - LOL


Very nice setup... Did you fab that up on your own, or just modify an existing switch/button setup?

I'm still trying to figure out where to put the switches. I'm looking at a cupholder panel from NX that looks pretty clean. Else, I may try doing some type of custom box to sit in the arm rest so it's not sitting out in the open all the time.

04-28-2016, 10:59 AM
Is the Mopar PCM able to handle the Nitrous?

I'm not going to chance it with the Mopar PCM. I'm not sure how much, but I know the tune has advanced timing, which is the opposite direction you want to go when on nitrous. I'm sure there is enough room in there to run a small shot, especially when using C16 for it, but I don't want to chance it. I'll be going the HPT route so I can have a few different tunes for the street and dragstrip.

04-28-2016, 01:54 PM
I did the switches myself. Not easy, but worth it. It does go down and hids the switch.

04-28-2016, 01:58 PM
Take it from an old street racer.
Nitrous is like women.
It's Fun.
It's Dangerous.
But when using moderation, your "engine" will last a long time without losing a "piston".
It's not how much you have, it's how you use it. - SHE SAID THAT!
Moderation is the key.

04-28-2016, 02:46 PM
that us a really slick setup, BillyC. Well done. I like the pop up function. I assume the cupholder is bottle pressure?

And I bet a reach around works just fine.. Especially cause you run a really big bottle, cause everything is bigger in Texas, Right? Even in the winter, the sun warms em up ok? I would think it's like here in Tucson. We can have some cold nights in the winter. But even if the days are in the 40s or 50s, it's sunny so it's not bad. At night though, not too cold to do the job?

When I had my Gen II, I was going to convert it to toggle switches like a race car/fighter jet. One for power, one for lights, one for ignition, etc. The Gen III/IV doesn't have a spot that wants to lend itself to that though as cleanly. IMO, What would look great would be if you could custom fab 3 or 4 toggle switches across that popped up like the cigarette lighter. So they fit flush just like the lighter and popped up when you pushed them. Very James Bond. It wouldn't be impossible, it would just take a good custom fabricator and...$$$. Looking at the shifter bezel piece, I see 2 places I would ask a custom fabricator to put them.

Billy C's switch setup is probably the way to go though. From my own experience with stuff like that you would need some patience. But looking at it I probably have a pretty good idea of how he did it. I'm sure he would share exactly how he did it though. I would say since you are putting all this effort into a good install, go the extra mile and do a good switch setup.

I know...a bunch of advice you didn't ask for. I'll zip it now.

Let us know how everything works out!!! BTW, how much power are you looking at with this? Thanks.

04-29-2016, 10:26 PM
Finally picked up my car this morning and extremely happy with how everything turned out. I do want to relocate the purge line since it has a little movement in it so it doesn't always fall in the right place in the hood vent. Also, it turns out that the Gen5 intake is ever so slightly taller than the stock Gen4... This causes the N2O solenoid to rub on the hood. Need to cut the hardlines a little shorter and hopefully moving it down a little further allows it to safely clear the hood so it doesn't rub.

Next will be getting it tuned and seeing what it puts down!!!!


04-29-2016, 10:27 PM
More pics...


And a purge video to close it out... :-)
