03-23-2016, 09:38 PM
The VOA Ohio Region cordially invites you to it's annual Ultimate Viper Party
Saturday April 23, 2016 in beautiful Dublin, OH
The party will be held at the Columbus Marriot Northwest
5605 Blazer Parkway Dublin, OH 43017 (614) 791-1000
To register for the party please Contact VOA OH Region Treasurer Jenn Kautz at Ohiovoa@comcast.net
$50 Single/$90 Couple.
Room rate is $136/night plus taxes and fees. ALL rooms are KING ONLY and include a breakfast buffet. When you call the hotel make sure you tell them to give you the "Ohio Viper Club" rate. Room must be booked by April 2nd!
Stay tuned as we will be posting some of our auction items that we will be taking your "best bid" on.
Saturday April 23, 2016 in beautiful Dublin, OH
The party will be held at the Columbus Marriot Northwest
5605 Blazer Parkway Dublin, OH 43017 (614) 791-1000
To register for the party please Contact VOA OH Region Treasurer Jenn Kautz at Ohiovoa@comcast.net
$50 Single/$90 Couple.
Room rate is $136/night plus taxes and fees. ALL rooms are KING ONLY and include a breakfast buffet. When you call the hotel make sure you tell them to give you the "Ohio Viper Club" rate. Room must be booked by April 2nd!
Stay tuned as we will be posting some of our auction items that we will be taking your "best bid" on.