View Full Version : For the VP's desk... Holiday parties... Activities... Merchandise...

01-28-2016, 09:10 AM
Here is a copy of what I e-mailed earlier this week. Still looking for someone to help with the Pittsburgh area party.

PA/WVa VOA Memebers-

I just wanted to take a second and reach out to all of you with a few updates. Lots of exciting things are here in the works and I just wanted to send out a message with a quick update.

Post-Holiday Parties:
I am in the process of getting a party set up for the Northwest Pa Area. I am looking over multiple calendars (work, daughters dancing, lacrosse, vacation...) and trying to pin down a few possible dates. It looks like we are looking into mid March for the party. I will reach out to the core members in this area to see what dates work best. Looking for a volunteer to possibly host again! Or we can hit up a local restaurant.

Pittsburgh/Southwest PA/WVa members... I am looking for a volunteer to help me get something set up in your area. I would just need someone to help me coordinate something in your neck of the woods. I know the last few years Bill Blinn handled this and I wanted to see who else was available to help. Call/e-mail me ASAP!

Spring activities~
You asked for it... and I will make it happen... Conner Ave tour!! I was able to nail down a contact at the plant and will be working on getting us a tour. I am shooting to see what they have available in the Spring. I'd like to do something special for the workers at the plant to show our appreciation for all they have done to bring us the Viper over the years.

NVE2: If anyone is going to be attending the NVE2 event, make sure to drop Bryan Savage a message so he can include you on the communications. His e-mail is bryan.savage1@gmail.com

Summer Activities~
As you may or may not know, this is the 20th year celebration for the PA/WVa Viper club. Every late Summer/early Fall I host the Run for the Border day cruise. So since this our "20th year" I thought we would change it up a bit. I am planning a 2 day event where we will start in Buffalo, NY, overnight hotel party in Erie, PA then finish up in the Pittsburgh area. I am looking at some type of track event, possibly drag event, or any other event to get members out. More info to come as i get this planned out.

To quote the movie "Spaceballs"...Merchandising, Merchandising, Merchandising!!

I will be placing an order to get some more of the official "VOA" window stickers. We can order them up from the national office at a bulk discount and I will let everyone know when they are available to purchase.

Official PA/WVa VOA Swag: I am researching some t-shirt/Polo shirt ideas. I know we would like to have a cool t-shirt for those members attending the NVE and I will try to get something together for you guys to all rep the area. If there are any other items you would like to see available, let me know and I will see what can be done. We still have the club jackets available.

So in conclusion... Who in the Pittsburgh area wants to help me get a party going?