View Full Version : Omega Motorsports #NOFLYZONE - AZ 3/12-3/13

01-26-2016, 07:44 PM
I'm going this time fo sho, so I'm going to organize and make this a group event. This will not be an official VOA/AZ club event, so feel free to have non-viper friends come and run their cars, the more the merrier in my opinion.

The only question is do we go Saturday or Sunday? So I've attached a poll for those who wish to go and I'll make plans around the majority.


01-26-2016, 07:47 PM
Registration opens on the 20th of February, I'll make plans prior to that. Signups will like fill up fast, so be ready on the 20th.


AZ Venom
01-27-2016, 05:37 PM
Todd, much smaller crowd Sundays....was the case in December and at the sring event before that. Upside is more runs in less time, down side is fewer other cool cars to look at. I've run twice, so gonna pass this time in favor of Chuckwalla in Feb. Speed to beat is 161 and change...

01-27-2016, 08:52 PM
Todd, much smaller crowd Sundays....was the case in December and at the sring event before that. Upside is more runs in less time, down side is fewer other cool cars to look at. I've run twice, so gonna pass this time in favor of Chuckwalla in Feb. Speed to beat is 161 and change...

Each day has it's pros/cons, that's why i left it up to the people. I'll see what i can do about beating that 161....

01-29-2016, 10:58 AM
I may have to check the wind speed/direction forecasts ....... Need to hit 162. ;)

It was a fun event last year! Sunday worked out great as there were a lot less cars and you could almost do back to back runs at certain times.

02-09-2016, 10:45 AM
May be interested, keep me informed!