View Full Version : Racing

01-24-2016, 07:09 AM
I know this is a touchy area for the 'seasoned' drivers out there, but keep in mind there are many new first time Viper owners, buying the G5...and on and on, and so on.

I came across this current thread regarding the above Title. Not preaching, just passing it on.

01-24-2016, 08:01 AM
For those of us who would rather not give that site the page hits...

Default Re: Track Insurance

Quote Originally Posted by ViperJeff View Post

Broom..... the good news is...... you can street race and insurance will cover you 100%........ if they buy a good story you brew up
Remember there are those that read anything on the internet with more reverence than the Bible. I know you are kidding, but your statement is:

Not true! And as I stated before the police can confiscate and keep your car! You get to keep the payments. pay the fines and do the jail time though! Plus any civil lawsuit that might result from property damage, bodily injury or death. One of the greatest, often not mentioned, benefits of insurance is the legal defense costs they absorb. These expenses falls on you if they deem there is "no coverage" for the loss, due to racing.

I've seen policies that have exclusions under the bodily injury, property damage liability, uninsured motorist, under insured motorist, accidental death benefits and collision coverage portions saying if the loss were the result of racing there would be no coverage.

So racing is illegal, and racing is risky, and racing may even cancel out your coverage. But what will a conviction do to your premiums?
Typically your rates can rise anywhere from 30 percent to 200 percent, depending on your insurer and your state's laws.

In Louisiana racing on a public street can result in $500-$2000 fine and/or 1-5 years in jail plus any civil lawsuit that might result from property damage, bodily injury or death.

According to the Texas Penal Code, if found of guilty of racing the first time offender will receive a fine of up to $2000, 180 days in jail or both. Additionally, a street racer will automatically have his or her license suspended for up to one year, and he or she must complete 10 hours of community service before it is reinstated. Repeat offenders are dealt with even more harshly. In fact, the punishment can range all the way up to a second degree felony, including the suspension of the driver's license, imprisonment for two to 20 years, a fine of up to $10,000 or both. If found guilty after receiving two second degree felonies for illegally racing, the next offense can lead to life in prison.

Each state has it's own version of these laws and some states charge riders and spectators with crimes and fines!

Next time some other Viper, Corvette, Mustang, Camaro, Hellcat etc. pulls up beside you, ask yourself if the risk is worth it! Remember there are cameras everywhere, virtually every driver you pass anymore has theirs in their hand!!