View Full Version : Can someone explain this please..

01-22-2016, 08:54 PM
Why??? God why????

01-22-2016, 09:02 PM
Because awesomeness knows no bounds.

If I had to guess, I would think it is set up for salt flat top speed/mile runs. It looks like something made to minimize drag and turbulence coming off the back. Does it work? Ask an engineer. I don't know. I know putting your tailgate down on your truck reduces gas mileage due to increased drag. So...?

I bet a decent speed bump removes it for him.

01-22-2016, 09:43 PM
Plenty of room to sit on the back of that Viper...:confused:

01-22-2016, 09:53 PM

01-22-2016, 09:55 PM
Because awesomeness knows no bounds.

If I had to guess, I would think it is set up for salt flat top speed/mile runs. It looks like something made to minimize drag and turbulence coming off the back. Does it work? Ask an engineer. I don't know. I know putting your tailgate down on your truck reduces gas mileage due to increased drag. So...?

I bet a decent speed bump removes it for him.

It looks like the car can time travel with that thing...Horrid, absolutely horrid..

01-22-2016, 10:15 PM
Holy hell. Imagine that rear diffuser with that stupid duck bill front bumper.

01-22-2016, 10:34 PM
I can't imagine anyone selling a "1100 hp twin turbo" viper, and not pulling the car out of the garage and taking some pictures, especially of the engine.

Someone ought to recognize this car?!?


Found the photo below from a google search, probably from when it was being sold some previous time.


Sybil TF
01-23-2016, 07:37 AM
Easy fix.Sawzall or new rear..

01-23-2016, 07:50 AM
Hope that's a clone

01-23-2016, 08:25 AM
I imagine that its sledding capability has been significantly enhanced.

01-23-2016, 08:33 AM
I know putting your tailgate down on your truck reduces gas mileage due to increased drag. So...?

maybe back in the olden days, but aerodynamics have improved over the years. Lots of info on-line regarding this....
here's one.

Nevermind me, I mis-read your comment.......back to your regular scheduled programming on this fantastic rear diffusor-awesomeness :D

01-23-2016, 08:53 AM
Hope that's a clone

what he said

01-23-2016, 09:12 AM
So of course I have the story on that car as it was assembled and painted it here a Autoform...now remember...we have been doing "1 of 1" builds for over 20 years. We are more than happy to install other manufactures parts on your Viper dream car and customize and paint it however YOU desire....you can be the designer. We always include the customer in all of the build process..good and bad. The original owner is a close friend of mine and has owned many Vipers and has supported Autoform and the Viper community for many years. The panels originally came from SVS...we where commissioned to strip and paint the entire car including the SVS panels white with blue stripes and to build a GTSR Commemorative Car. We did add a Autoform center hood louver and GTSR style roof scoop as well as a custom colored roll bar and custom one off rear took hook. We renovated the interior in our trim shop to mimic the GT2 look. The fit finish and build quality on this car is near perfection...if you ever see it in person you will know what I mean. I think this link will work...but all of the build pictures are on our Facebook page if you are interested in more...AFR AutoformRacing

01-23-2016, 09:19 AM
FYI...I wanted to sawzall the rear bumper and mold in one our Four Blade diffusers...customer is always right.

01-23-2016, 09:26 AM
Boom. lol.

Bugman Jeff
01-23-2016, 11:20 AM
customize and paint it however YOU desire....

Whenever I see cars like this, I remember this important bit. I don't really like it, and if the owner thinks it's awesome, more power to him. When I was building custom cars for a living, I did some things at customer request that just looked awful. But it's his car and his money, he can do whatever he wants with it.

01-23-2016, 12:55 PM
Whenever I see cars like this, I remember this important bit. I don't really like it, and if the owner thinks it's awesome, more power to him. When I was building custom cars for a living, I did some things at customer request that just looked awful. But it's his car and his money, he can do whatever he wants with it.

So true, I have built custom Vipers now since 1994...I have been able to build many parts and cars that have been my idea...I seem to have done pretty good listening to what others like...adding my personal touch and producing it...but I sometimes get bored...it is fun to help facilitate the build of someones dream car...there really is nothing more satisfying for me personally. I like to use the parts that I produce...but other companies have good products as well and it is fun to put all of them together and make something custom and unique. It really takes thick skin to do work like this...the older I get the easier it is becoming for me though...at 50...I seem to be losing my 30 something attitude....don't get me wrong...my ideas are still the best, but....
This is being built here right now...and it is going to be..."sick"...lol.... I'm sure in 10 years it I will be explaining this one as well.

01-23-2016, 01:22 PM
Slight hijack:

AutoformSteve, I will never forget seeing your fantastic Viper Racecars in April 2001 at Mid-Ohio...what a surprise for me. I knew that Dave Held had a new ride, but I really had no idea what it was til that day Too bad the link below has no longer has pics. You guys have always done great work in my opinion.


01-23-2016, 02:00 PM
Thanks Steve...those where really fun and exciting times...I am proud of all of the cars we built for customers...even if some of them are not appreciated for what they were, today. I learned so much from my involvement with Skip, Viper Days and Racing in the VRL in those days and formed friendships and alliances that are still going strong today.
I still have the same passion for these cars as I did back then (maybe more)...I think the best of AutoformViper is still to come based on current projects in the shop and new low volume run vehicles we have in the works.
I don't want to hijack the thread either...but I feel there are stories that need to be told and passed on about these cars. Styles change...the Viper has and should always be a car that can be personalized to fit the owners personality. I hope the Viper NEVER becomes the type of car that is only restored to original...that is not what the Viper is about. I was there in the beginning...I know what made this car...and it was not conformity.

01-23-2016, 02:32 PM
FYI...I wanted to sawzall the rear bumper and mold in one our Four Blade diffusers...customer is always right.

You couldnt talk him out of the rear diffuser??

01-23-2016, 02:35 PM
This is being built here right now...and it is going to be..."sick"...lol.... I'm sure in 10 years it I will be explaining this one as well.

Nothing wrong with this one..Its hot actually.

01-23-2016, 02:48 PM
Nothing wrong with this one..Its hot actually.

This one is going to be stunning...but trendy...I always design panels that are primarily bolt on...which all of these panels will be. I restored classics for many years and understand the value of keeping the basic structure of a car intact.
I will always maintain the ability to produce stock appearing panels and...don't get me wrong... I have no problem restoring an abused car back to the original factory condition.

Aaand no on the diffuser...trust me...I really tried!

01-23-2016, 05:34 PM
maybe back in the olden days, but aerodynamics have improved over the years. Lots of info on-line regarding this....
here's one.

Nevermind me, I mis-read your comment.......back to your regular scheduled programming on this fantastic rear diffusor-awesomeness :D

I'm not sure tailgate down ever helped. I don't think the front of trucks has changed too drastically, aerodynamically speaking, over the years. Also, they are bigger now. More surface area is more drag. Even a tonnau cover and the rear nets only helped minimally. I had a friend who was a retired ford engineer. He told me their testing showed 1mpg tops. So, if you like the looks or you need its function, go for it. But it will take a while to pay for itself in fuel savings.

So this thing hanging off the back of the viper...I understand wanting to reduce turbulence and have that air coming off smoothly, but I would think that could be done without an extra 2 feet of surface area. So even if the air comes off the car smoothly, it could still cause drag. A lot of people a lot smarter than I am spend a lot of time figuring these things out. So obviously this is just my opinion with what I know. As far is it's looks, I got nothing to say in it's defense.

01-23-2016, 05:35 PM
FYI...I wanted to sawzall the rear bumper and mold in one our Four Blade diffusers...customer is always right.

I've heard it said, the customer is not always right, but they are always the customer. I.E. They can be wrong and you can still go out of your way to make them happy.

01-23-2016, 06:02 PM
Hope that's a clone

I was just thinking that - hope they didn't do that to a real -R

01-23-2016, 06:19 PM
I was just thinking that - hope they didn't do that to a real -R

I have some boundaries...lol...I think I would tell my customer he was making a poor decision if wanting to customize a low volume car like a GT2 Commemorative car...that being said...I know someone that turned one of those cars into a race car...but that was back when they were new.

01-23-2016, 07:41 PM
I was just thinking that - hope they didn't do that to a real -R

Read autoform Steve's response. It was stripped and painted those colors and interior done to match the GT2 cars.

Red Snake
01-23-2016, 08:22 PM
That would actually be a pretty decent car with a new rear bumper cover installed. I dont hate the rest of it.

01-24-2016, 06:32 AM
The reception when I posted this at the Alley a few weeks ago wasn't nearly as pleasant as this has been :smilielol:

Sybil TF
01-24-2016, 07:34 AM
You probably shouldn't talk shit about a current client's car. :slap:Don't really see that in his

01-24-2016, 07:45 AM
Don't really see that in his

So which one of your 16 male & female personalities is behind that? Or do you have a tweener?

01-24-2016, 11:05 AM
You probably shouldn't talk shit about a current client's car. :slap:

I'm sorry if my attempt at humor was misunderstood...I was going for the fact that even though something is current and trendy...all things change...that is the fun of it. I generally do not use the word "sick" when describing things...which shows my age I suppose...my response of "This one is going to be stunning...but trendy..." is how I feel about this project. Project builds like this are a partnership between the project owner and a builder... there needs to be mutual respect...It will be a great looking car...if I didn't think so...I wouldn't touch it.... I still say things are..." Frickin Bitchin"...80s

Sybil TF
01-24-2016, 11:38 AM
I'm sorry if my attempt at humor was misunderstood...I was going for the fact that even though something is current and trendy...all things change...that is the fun of it. I generally do not use the word "sick" when describing things...which shows my age I suppose...my response of "This one is going to be stunning...but trendy..." is how I feel about this project. Project builds like this are a partnership between the project owner and a builder... there needs to be mutual respect...It will be a great looking car...if I didn't think so...I wouldn't touch it.... I still say things are..." Frickin Bitchin"...80sDon't sweat it dude. Your post wasn't taken in a negative way...

Sybil TF
01-24-2016, 12:01 PM
So which one of your 16 male & female personalities is behind that? Or do you have a tweener?No one cares & wrong site. Try to stick to the topic...

01-24-2016, 08:23 PM
Very few things are being allowed in "the land of the free" lately but it's good that although we've not allowed to modify our cars much, it's nice that we can still do out cars a little bit. Hood scoop max height is 4" as that is the height of the highest factory installed street hood scoop.

PS, Steve, I've had nothing but positive comments on that high centered hood In bought from you. Once you cast me those Gen 4 hood vents into it I'm sure there'll be at least 2 people that prefer stock but there should be about 998 people that like the hood even more because of it's improved function and more aggressive look.

Personally, I don't like the looks of the white GTS, but I appreciate the quality of the build as well as the uniqueness. And, if the aero works good, then it's worthy of more compliments

Fatboy 18
01-25-2016, 02:35 AM
That would actually be a pretty decent car with a new rear bumper cover installed. I dont hate the rest of it.

Same here, rest of the car looks great. :)
The ebay advert said the car was a 2000 Creampuff (modded) to Look like a 1998 GT2 :)

04-02-2016, 06:16 PM
So of course I have the story on that car as it was assembled and painted it here a Autoform...now remember...we have been doing "1 of 1" builds for over 20 years. We are more than happy to install other manufactures parts on your Viper dream car and customize and paint it however YOU desire....you can be the designer. We always include the customer in all of the build process..good and bad. The original owner is a close friend of mine and has owned many Vipers and has supported Autoform and the Viper community for many years. The panels originally came from SVS...we where commissioned to strip and paint the entire car including the SVS panels white with blue stripes and to build a GTSR Commemorative Car. We did add a Autoform center hood louver and GTSR style roof scoop as well as a custom colored roll bar and custom one off rear took hook. We renovated the interior in our trim shop to mimic the GT2 look. The fit finish and build quality on this car is near perfection...if you ever see it in person you will know what I mean. I think this link will work...but all of the build pictures are on our Facebook page if you are interested in more...AFR AutoformRacing

Steve, you are beyond right. You have to see this car in person! I actually just stole it. I never thought I would buy a Viper. I can't stand having something that is just like everyone else's. This is not a cookie cutter bore like most out there. I have some pretty bad ass vehicles and this thing grabs attention! Outside of that, it is a truly one of a kind build. Everything on the car is top of the line. You guys did a great job on it! Needless to say, I am happy with my 1100hp 14k mile supercar👍

Oh, and the original owner (Dan) knows how have a car built!

Alice the cat
04-03-2016, 12:43 AM
That would actually be a pretty decent car with a new rear bumper cover installed. I dont hate the rest of it.

I'm with you. Doesn't look too bad from the front.

Fatboy 18
04-03-2016, 03:39 AM
Hey Steve, Any more details on that rear Tow hook set up (by the licence plate)? I currently have the one that bolts to the underside of the chassis, but with your 4 blade diffuser and the car being lowered its not really in a practical position. Is where that tow hook positioned strong enough area? Is it attached to the chassis somehow? Can you remember?

04-03-2016, 04:02 PM
That widebody srt looks amazing

The original photo with the rear diffuser thing hanging off doesn't look good, but if its functional then it serves its purpose I suppose